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ok i cant take it anymore

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worst downswing of my life. 3 weeks and running without a winning day. I mean, even fish win SOMETIMES. check out some of these gems from a 115 hand session trying to bonus clear at party (yes, thats right, all this happened within 115 hands):Party Poker 1/2 Hold'em (6 max, 5 handed) converterPreflop: Hero is MP with [9s], [9c]. UTG calls, Hero raises, Button calls, SB calls, BB calls, UTG calls.Flop: (10 SB) [6s], [9d], [Tc] (5 players)SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets, UTG calls, Hero calls, Button calls.Turn: (13.50 BB) [4s] (4 players)BB bets, UTG calls, Hero calls, Button calls.River: (25.50 BB) [7s] (4 players)BB bets, UTG folds, Hero calls, Button calls.Final Pot: 28.50 BBResults in white below: BB has 9h 6c (two pair, nines and sixes). Hero has 9s 9c (three of a kind, nines). Button has 8d 8c (straight, ten high). Outcome: Button wins 28.50 BB. ------------------------------------------------------------------Party Poker 1/2 Hold'em (6 max, 5 handed) converterPreflop: Hero is Button with [Qs], [6s]. UTG posts a blind of $1. 1 fold, UTG (poster) calls.Flop: (4.50 SB) [6d], [5s], [3s] (3 players)UTG bets, UTG calls.Turn: (6.25 BB) [2h] (3 players)UTG bets, Hero calls.River: (8.25 BB) [3h] (3 players)UTG bets, Hero calls.Final Pot: 10.25 BBResults in white below: BB doesn't show. UTG has Jc 3d (three of a kind, threes). Hero has Qs 6s (two pair, sixes and threes). Outcome: UTG wins 10.25 BB. ---------------------------------------------------Party Poker 1/2 Hold'em (6 max, 6 handed) converterPreflop: Hero is UTG with [Kh], [Ah]. CO posts a blind of $1. Hero raises, BB calls.Flop: (7.50 SB) [2h], [4c], [6s] (3 players)BB checks, Hero bets, BB folds, Hero calls.Turn: (5.75 BB) [Ks] (2 players)Hero checks, Button bets, Button calls.River: (9.75 BB) [3h] (2 players)Hero checks, Button bets, Hero calls.Final Pot: 11.75 BBResults in white below: Hero has Kh Ah (one pair, kings). Button has 3c 3s (three of a kind, threes). Outcome: Button wins 11.75 BB. --------------------------------------------------Party Poker 1/2 Hold'em (6 max, 4 handed) converterPreflop: Hero is Button with [Qs], [Kc]. 1 fold, Hero calls, SB calls.Flop: (9 SB) [5h], [7d], [Ks] (3 players)SB checks, BB bets, Hero calls, SB calls.Turn: (9 BB) [2d] (3 players)SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks.River: (9 BB) [3d] (3 players)SB checks, BB bets, Hero calls, SB folds.Final Pot: 11 BBResults in white below: BB has 2c 2s (three of a kind, twos). Hero has Qs Kc (one pair, kings). Outcome: BB wins 11 BB. ---------------------------------------------------The list goes on like this. and meanwhile, on a 2-4 table, the straw that broke the camels back:Party Poker 2/4 Hold'em (6 max, 8 handed) converterPreflop: Hero is Button with [Js], [Jc]. 1 fold, BB calls, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls.Flop: (8.50 SB) [Qc], [4c], [Jh] (4 players)BB checks, UTG+1 checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets, BB folds, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls.Turn: (5.75 BB) [3h] (3 players)UTG+1 checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls.River: (8.75 BB) [Td] (3 players)Final Pot: 8.75 BBResults in white below: UTG+1 doesn't show. MP1 has 9s Kc (straight, king high). Hero has Js Jc (three of a kind, jacks). Outcome: MP1 wins 8.75 BB. this has been happening for three fucking weeks. FUCK.

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:x  That really sucks man.  Hopefully this ends soon for ya.
it better. im on my 4th mouse. i dont know how many more i can afford. The funniest part was the chat after the 88 gutshot hand. They guy says 'thanks guys' as if our play was ridiculous. I just wrote 'LOL' and he says 'i had to call with the possibility of a 7'. im gonna go cry now.
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its a good thing you weren't playing no limit with these.. oh wait.. you would've won a lot with the 99 in nl if i'm correct. yeah you probably wouldve.If you play it fast then the person with 96 probably would've pushed along and 88 is out of hand. Oh well. continue limit since you apparently like it so much :club:

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its a good thing you weren't playing no limit with these.. oh wait.. you would've won a lot with the 99 in nl if i'm correct. yeah you probably wouldve.If you play it fast then the person with 96 probably would've pushed along and 88 is out of hand.  Oh well. continue limit since you apparently like it so much :club:
so much for a lack of results-oriented bias.aseem
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its a good thing you weren't playing no limit with these.. oh wait.. you would've won a lot with the 99 in nl if i'm correct. yeah you probably wouldve.If you play it fast then the person with 96 probably would've pushed along and 88 is out of hand.  Oh well. continue limit since you apparently like it so much :club:
man, that was such an ignorant post, i can't get over it.i don't even know where to begin, and i don't want to take the effort to explain how ignorant your thinking is.aseem
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my solution for such runs:deep breaths, deep bowls, and deep glasses of scotch. then spend a night totally wasted singletabling microlimits and raising every street all the way through. see how fast you can blow ten bucks. then take no fewer than three days off cards and come back.do this if there's even a possibility that you're tilting. i have held to this ever since i had my month-long bad run at 10/20, which quartered my roll and made me return to 3/6.and of course, best of luck.EDIT: and bascome, quit being a child.

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alright fine my bad dude. just take a couple days off then come back. hard to believe 3 weeks w/o a winning day though. I don't understand the variance of limit and never will

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its a good thing you weren't playing no limit with these.. oh wait.. you would've won a lot with the 99 in nl if i'm correct. yeah you probably wouldve.If you play it fast then the person with 96 probably would've pushed along and 88 is out of hand.  Oh well. continue limit since you apparently like it so much :club:
so much for a lack of results-oriented bias.aseem
so much for a lack of complete morons on this forum too.but what can ya say aseem....nl is the cadillac of poker...limit's the broken down chevy nova on cinderblocks to most of the donks here.
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its kinda annoying to have people on here who rip people all the time just to try and fit in like bascomeb. The forum has really gone down hill lately and its to the point you cant post something without getting flamed. People seem to think that NL is the only game out there and its laughable. If u ask dn or EL or anybody else how they built thier stack they will all say it was through limit.

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its kinda annoying to have people on here who rip people all the time just to try and fit in like bascomeb. The forum has really gone down hill lately and its to the point you cant post something without getting flamed. People seem to think that NL is the only game out there and its laughable. If u ask dn or EL or anybody else how they built thier stack they will all say it was through limit.
who the hell are you to judge people? i'm free to rip on any poster for any reason! it's gone down hill because of self righteous people like you:)j/k...i agree...stupid morons :club:
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its kinda annoying to have people on here who rip people all the time just to try and fit in like bascomeb. The forum has really gone down hill lately and its to the point you cant post something without getting flamed. People seem to think that NL is the only game out there and its laughable. If u ask dn or EL or anybody else how they built thier stack they will all say it was through limit.
who the hell are you to judge people? i'm free to rip on any poster for any reason! it's gone down hill because of self righteous people like you:)j/k...i agree...stupid morons :club:
haha uve been here long enough to know what i mean
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boo hoo, I got sucked out on, people play badly against me. Give my man some tissues. It happens, embrace it. Make money off of it. Hire a shrink and cry to him.

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its a good thing you weren't playing no limit with these.. oh wait.. you would've won a lot with the 99 in nl if i'm correct. yeah you probably wouldve.If you play it fast then the person with 96 probably would've pushed along and 88 is out of hand.  Oh well. continue limit since you apparently like it so much :club:
man, that was such an ignorant post, i can't get over it.i don't even know where to begin, and i don't want to take the effort to explain how ignorant your thinking is.aseem
Begin and end here....he's 16 or 17. Need I say more??
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To get some confidence back I suggest you go down in limits for a few days, or if you are sick of your losing streak, try a new game. I played limit hold'em and got sick of the suckouts, bad beats, and not being able to push people out of a hand. I moved onto Pot Limit Omaha and love it. Just learn the game at the lowest stakes possible and move up. Have had over $40 wins over two hours at .25/.50 PLO. Very profitable if you know how to play.

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I feel the pain. I've went into double digits as far as consecutive losing streaks go. Just be happy this is happening at a lower limit and you haven't been broken yet. In this same span of 3 weeks, I'm stuck around 300 Big Bets and it's hands similar to yours. My bankroll's taken quite a hit, but I know I'll build it right back up in no time. I've encountered set over set just about every session. I lost to running quads a couple times after flopping top set. Gotten Aces cracked headup against KJ, QJ and etc countless times. These are the types of hands that break your bank. All you can do is put your money in when you have the best of it and are in front and lose the minimum when you don't. I guess you just have to accept that this is poker and shit happens.I probably haven't been playing my A game throughout though, but for the most part I'm still playing ok. I did have a 100 big bet loss 1 session that was about as bad as it gets. You know sometimes you just get deault hand after hand after hand, I mean what can you do? Not play them? The best you can do is get out of the hand cheap when your beat. What I did do to try and refocus was I got myself more mentally focused and into a positive mindset for my sessions and since then I've had my first somewhat big winning session since the losing streak scooping 70 big bets, so hopefully this will get things rolling again. All you can do is stick with it and play the cards right. Have confidence in your abilities and you'll be fine. Just remember everyone goes through it, every player goes through a bad run, it's how you bounce back from it that defines you as a player.

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All my sympathies man. Sometimes there's nothing to do for it. Just had almost the identical hand to the JJ vs K9 you posted. But with the donkey betting every street and calling my raise, then immediately leaving the table with 28.5 BB after the hand. If there's anything worse than the suckout... it's the guy squirrelling with your $$.

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You've got to realize your post is a joke. I know you play a lot of poker from the posts you've contributed to this forum, but this thread is ridiculous.You cannot complain about bad variance, ESPECIALLY, at short handed limit. The beauty of that game, especially at the 1/2 level is the crazy action. Naturally, you need to expect to take a big swing. I read each of those hands, and I can guarentee everyone has had that many hands lose in a row that play short handed limit. Im sure you even have more that you haven't posted, but its ALL PART OF POKER.There's really nothing I can add to this thread, b/c every good poker player knows you have to be able to take the swings. You can't expect anything from making the right play, I posted this awesome article a while back, a good quote was, now go back to when you were a child and the teacher rewarded you a cookie for reciting the alphabet in front of the class, now replace that cookie with a solid smack to the face, that's poker.Move past it blaze and keep playing solid. You as well as anyone else knows it may not show up in your bankroll today or tomorrow, but getting your money in with the best of it, it will.GL at the tables.

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