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got my piece of ferguson

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Just wanted to toot my own horn. I played in the FTP "Pieces of Pros" tourney yesterday. Outlasted 465 players to take home $12,500. I also get 10% of whatever Jesus takes home in the main event. Woohoo go Chris!Thanks to everyone cheering me on at the final table. I don't know if any of you are on here but it helped to have all those folks in my corner.

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I also get 10% of whatever Jesus takes home in the main event.[/quoteDid you have to knock him out to get this?Congrats on the $12500 too!
No, it's a promotion they have been doing with these Saturday tourney's for a while. Each event is for a different pro. There is a $50,000 guaranteed prize pool (which they didn't cover with entries...thank you added money) and then everyone who makes the final table gets 1% and the winner gets 10% of that weeks pro's take in the main event.Next week is Howard Lederer and the following week is Phil Ivey.
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Holy shit, 10% in the main event. That's awesome. As long he makes the money you're going to get more than another $1k, that will be nice.I'm sure you're hoping he does better than that.

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Very nice job man!  I took 3rd last week for $5625 and 1% of Layne Flack, and took 9th a month ago for $1000 and 1% of Clonie Gowen.
Clonie Gowen? I thought they just trotted her out for tv poker because she was hot. Does she have a good record of cashes at the WSOP?
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- I watched your final table, and played some omaha with you later in the night, just wanted to say congratulations, you played great and deserved to win, maybe you could take 10% of Lederer or Ivey too, now wouldn't that be an awesome main event for you (not that it already isn't) - A sidenote, this is one of the smartest promotions any poker sight has ever done, along with their Bracelet races, and nightly tourneys in which you can win money from whatever the pros win the next day Full Tilt is doing a terrific job of making the online players even more interested in the WSOP

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Thanks Wolfpacker and everyone else. Of course I'm hoping Chris can go deep again this year. The chances of a repeat championship are really slim...but if he did take it down. $750,000 for me doing absolutely nothing. A 6600:1 chance (and I think he has a bit of an ovelay against the field) is much better than the lottery.

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DAMNIT YEFFY!!!!I CANT BELIEVE YOU WON THE TOURNEY!! congratsu crippled my stack with your lame ass open ended straight draw, lol :evil: im still crying over me near final table finish. i ended up with a measly 12th place, no piece of ferguson and a wopping 550 dollars :cry: and **** that GUMMO guy for givin me a bad beat to end my tourney, i know, boo hoo, poor me, stop feeling sorry for yourself bramanyways, enough of my bitching, congrats, and i only hope to see you there next week working for a piece of Howard Lederer

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DAMNIT YEFFY!!!!I CANT BELIEVE YOU WON THE TOURNEY!!  congratsu crippled my stack with your lame ass open ended straight draw, lol  :evil:  im still crying over me near final table finish.  i ended  up with a measly 12th place, no piece of ferguson and a wopping 550 dollars  :cry:  and censored that GUMMO guy for givin me a bad beat to end my tourney, i know, boo hoo, poor me, stop feeling sorry for yourself bramanyways, enough of my censored, congrats, and i only hope to see you there next week working for a piece of Howard Lederer
Sorry about that one Bram. I put you on either big cards or an overpair. I flopped a pair and an open ender. I went for the check raise hoping you would just lay it down since we were getting close to the end. I figured you could only call with an overpair and if you did that I would have 14 outs against you. As it turned out you had the only hand I didn't want to see 99 taking two of my straight outs and giving you a gutshot to my draw for a 2nd pair. With any other hand I have 14 and we are 1:1 but yeah I was in worse shape with 8 outs and a 2.2:1 dog. I did get lucky, but that was my only lucky draw out the whole tourney. The beat against gummo was sick it turned my stomach a bit. But remember I did double you up with 10 10 vs. your JJ to give you a nice push :club: I was covered by 3:1 when we got down to 4 and battled hard. SheDevil and I played heads up for like 45 minutes with the lead changing 4 times! It was intense.Again sorry for the beat Bram you played outstanding. I have to miss Howard's next week, but I'll see you for the Ivey one.
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Just wanted to toot my own horn. I played in the FTP "Pieces of Pros" tourney yesterday. Outlasted 465 players to take home $12,500. I also get 10% of whatever Jesus takes home in the main event. Woohoo go Chris!Thanks to everyone cheering me on at the final table. I don't know if any of you are on here but it helped to have all those folks in my corner.
that sir is the bomb.. I can't think of anyone that full tilt was selling pieces of that I'd rather have the Fergeson ( where they selling pieces of Ivey?). I wonder if full tilt pays it out, of if the pro has to cough up 10 percent of his winnings? with jesus, I guess it doesn't matter one way or the other, since he is Mr Full Tilt...
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DAMNIT YEFFY!!!!I CANT BELIEVE YOU WON THE TOURNEY!! congratsu crippled my stack with your lame ass open ended straight draw, lol :evil: im still crying over me near final table finish. i ended up with a measly 12th place, no piece of ferguson and a wopping 550 dollars :cry: and censored that GUMMO guy for givin me a bad beat to end my tourney, i know, boo hoo, poor me, stop feeling sorry for yourself bramanyways, enough of my censored, congrats, and i only hope to see you there next week working for a piece of Howard Lederer
Sorry about that one Bram. I put you on either big cards or an overpair. I flopped a pair and an open ender. I went for the check raise hoping you would just lay it down since we were getting close to the end. I figured you could only call with an overpair and if you did that I would have 14 outs against you. As it turned out you had the only hand I didn't want to see 99 taking two of my straight outs and giving you a gutshot to my draw for a 2nd pair. With any other hand I have 14 and we are 1:1 but yeah I was in worse shape with 8 outs and a 2.2:1 dog. I did get lucky, but that was my only lucky draw out the whole tourney. The beat against gummo was sick it turned my stomach a bit. But remember I did double you up with 10 10 vs. your JJ to give you a nice push :club: I was covered by 3:1 when we got down to 4 and battled hard. SheDevil and I played heads up for like 45 minutes with the lead changing 4 times! It was intense.Again sorry for the beat Bram you played outstanding. I have to miss Howard's next week, but I'll see you for the Ivey one.
its quite allright yeffy, i enjoyed playing with you, and i would hardly call that play a bad beat, it was more of a close run off......that GUMMO guy killed me tho, and im just glad he didnt win the whole thing, but i felt like a played pretty well, and thats whats important, good to see you here on FCP
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Just wondering for all who were at the final table, was there some idiot named eyedea who was an observer talking shit? He was there last week claiming how he busted Phil Ivey back in AC. He was also at the other one I did well in a month ago.

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Just wondering for all who were at the final table, was there some idiot named eyedea who was an observer talking censored? He was there last week claiming how he busted Phil Ivey back in AC. He was also at the other one I did well in a month ago.
There were a lot of people yapping I didn't pay close attention to what was being said. Once it got heads up people were fighting about who should win, why they are better than us, how bad we were, how good we were etc. etc. I tuned most of it out but did appreciate the snippets of support that I caught. When we were four handed and I was in 3rd some girl was addamently proclaining that I would win, guess she was right...ty pooh something (don't remember the exact name).To the other poster the buy-in was $100 but I won a $14 sattelite...decent parlay I would say.
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