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Full Tilt Giving Me Some Grief...

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Poorly played, Anthony. Ask to speak to Suzanne's supervisor, bother them on the forums, but don't blow up like this. It's not going to get you anywhere. Even if she did think you were just annoying, now she (rightfully) thinks you're a douchebag. She didn't disrespect you, she just didn't give you a good answer.
Yeah. Another example of: "Don't hit the 'send' button on an eMail whenyou're pissed."
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I think that everyone in this thread understands your frustration and where you are coming from. But the reality is that the advise you were given is not surprising and was not really particularly rude or unsatisfactory. You didn't listen to their e-mail (about sending them an email on the money transfer) and you flew off the handle when you didn't get your way.Someone not doing what you ask is not the same as being disrespected.At this point, your best bet if to send them the requisite email regarding the transfer of money, apologize for your rude and hasty email, request that they reconsider their decision, and then prepare for life onyour old account.
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This isn't stars vs. tilt IMO.Put these two correspondences side to side and it's more a "treat others as you wish to be treated/if your are nice to customer service, they will want to do their utmost to help you". It's sorta human nature.

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