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To anyone who can help; I'm planning a bachelor party for a buddy of mine and am looking at rooms in vegas. There will be 5 people attending and I was just wondering if anyone had any insight on booking suites. I am on the fence for spending the extra money to get a suite or just pay for the regular rooms. I figure it should be at least $125 a night avg times 2 rooms so $250-300 a night for regular rooms. I was considering maybe just bumping up and spending the money on a suite, maybe $500 a night, if at all possible. If anyone has any information if these suites are even worth the extra money, which hotels to try to book, and just overall advice on planning this trip. I have been to Vegas 3 times in the past year, but am traveling with 4 vegas virgins so I need all the help I can get. We are doing the usual (Rhino), but have no other plans and am open to ideas. We will probably attempt to go to a club one night and if anyone has a recommendation on something reasonable and somewhere that I am not getting grinded on by Jersey Shore. Also any good restuarants? Any help is greatly appreciated.Summary:-Suite worth it or not?-Which hotel to look into?-Bachelor Party event recommendations?

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They're basically giving rooms away for nothing right now.If you have a Total Rewards card, use that with Harrah's, I bet you could get a suite for better than 500/nt. I can get basic rooms right now at most of the hotels for nothing.

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I recommend getting the suite for one night if you are planning on some private entertainment. If not, skip it, what else are you going to do in it. I also recommmend finding, not sure what to call it, an independent consierge. Basically a guy with connections to get you deals on everything. A buddy did this for another buddy's bachlor party and he set up golf for us one day, dinner the next and in room entertainment with transportation everywhere and extra perks for way less than it would have cost us on our own. Unfortunatley I lost the guys card, but he was written up in Maxim magazine proabaly 3 or 4 years ago. I'll see if anyone still has his number and PM it to you if possible. He didn't get us rooms, but I'm sure he could have.

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I did my bachelor party in Vegas.You do not need to splurge on a room. Unless you get a mega suite, you won't be doing much partying in your room. Best thing we did was book a table at a club (We did Lure at the Wynn). Moths to a flame.

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...private entertainment...independent consierge...
These are two good pieces of advice. I think they're just called VIP hosts or something. For one bachelor party we used these guys and they were able to provide lots of different options at all different budgets (even though their website looks pretty shady): www.vipnite.comRegarding the "private entertainment", this was probably the most memorable/hilarious thing about another bachelor party I was at. We actually used the guy who was in Maxim too and he didn't disappoint. Unfortunately I don't have his info either. But yeah, if you don't go this route then a suite isn't really necessary.There's a few decent lists of other shit to do in Vegas on this page: www.vegas.com/attractions/Re: restaurants, there's tons. There will probably be an awesome steakhouse in your hotel. Do that one night.
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We booked a Tower suite at TI for 3 nights over Memorial Day last year. Just call the number on their website and talk to someone about the options. We got a reduced rate after they started a promo when we had already booked.

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I recommend getting the suite for one night if you are planning on some private entertainment. If not, skip it, what else are you going to do in it. I also recommmend finding, not sure what to call it, an independent consierge. Basically a guy with connections to get you deals on everything. A buddy did this for another buddy's bachlor party and he set up golf for us one day, dinner the next and in room entertainment with transportation everywhere and extra perks for way less than it would have cost us on our own. Unfortunatley I lost the guys card, but he was written up in Maxim magazine proabaly 3 or 4 years ago. I'll see if anyone still has his number and PM it to you if possible. He didn't get us rooms, but I'm sure he could have.
I found my guys info.http://www.lvbachelorparty.com/We used Chris Cornell. No idea if he is still there yet or not.I got a cell number as well. PM me if you want that as well.
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