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Please Please Please come to the casino where I work. A few weeks ago, we had a player get up from his seat and bitch-slap another player. He wasn't even sent home for the night.I want to see you work a miracle.
this makes me love your state and want to move there even more.
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Well, I obviously do not want to get banned from any casinos/ chains of casinos that host important events and I do not want to go to jail.What are some good ideas to get kicked out. I don;t want it to be the same routine everytime! I probably will start in Atlantic City when Im there for borgata series!
zach6668 is your guy for this.
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Go to the blackjack tables and count every card as it comes out of the shoe. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc.Every now and then bet large amounts.Count really loud
"the true count is +5 and there are only like two decks left i think i'll split those then tens please" and look at the dealer with the dumbest grin ever.
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Go to the blackjack tables and count every card as it comes out of the shoe. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc.Every now and then bet large amounts.Count really loud
this would be truly funny, but make sure you're count makes absolutely no sense, i would hate to see you get perma-banned and listed in every casino as a card counter.(although it's not illegal to count cards , as long as you don't use any devices, you'll have a super hard time getting into any casino ever)
IMOThis is it.........If you stink – get out! An Atlantic City casino kicked out a 440 lb man from their poker room after receiving complaints he smelled really really bad. The 54-year old said the odor was from playing poker for 17 straight hours. Apparantly he asked the casino for a free room to freshen up in, and that request was denied. What are your thoughts – was the casino in the wrong for kicking him out? The 440-pound New York City man said he was playing poker in an Atlantic City casino for 17 hours Tuesday and didn't have time to clean up. He understands why grossed-out gamblers complained about his body odor, but said he didn't deserve stinky treatment from the casino that asked him to leave.Dave Coskey, a spokesman for the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, said it is company policy not to comment on matters involving customers.Wax said he told casino officials: "There's no question I stink. I'm not denying it. I do have an odor. I've been playing for 17 hours."Don't wash or shower for a week, when you need a shower you have to shower in your own pee. Don't use deodorant for a week either.
i once had a guy so foul sit next to me, i would've swore he soiled himself and was sitting in the same clothes. When i asked the floor for some "help", they wouldn't even move my seat cause it was too full and nobody else wanted to be next to him either.
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"the true count is +5 and there are only like two decks left i think i'll split those then tens please" and look at the dealer with the dumbest grin ever.
A few months ago, a friend came to town and we were playing blackjack at a local casino. A guy at third base got pissed at me and said something under his breath. I don't remember the hand, but I play basic strategy, so it couldn't have been anything too bad -- I probably hit a 12 vs a 3 or something. Anyway, I wasn't going to stand for this, so I told my friend something like, "Oh yea? Well wait till he sees this", and backed my bet down to $5. My friend did the same.A few hands later, the guy at 3rd base had his final $40 or so bet. My friend was dealt two face cards. "Split 'em!", I said. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Split 'em, I demand it!" I said more forcefully. A few cards later, my friend had four face cards split across the table. On the second one, he got an ace. "Double Down!", I screamed, now doubled over in laughter. He hesitated, but I insisted, so he tried to double down. The dealer said, "you can't do that, you have 21". "He has 11, and he's doubling down!", I said. She refused again, so I called for the floor.The floor came over, and I made the case that he can play it as 11, and can double down on any two cards. Finally, the floor agreed to it, saying, "The count must be really high for you to double down on that". The dealer gave my friend another card, announcing, "Doubling on 21".I don't even remember the outcome of the hand, except that the jerk on 3rd base lost his bet, and walked away mumbling to himself.
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A few months ago, a friend came to town and we were playing blackjack at a local casino. A guy at third base got pissed at me and said something under his breath. I don't remember the hand, but I play basic strategy, so it couldn't have been anything too bad -- I probably hit a 12 vs a 3 or something. Anyway, I wasn't going to stand for this, so I told my friend something like, "Oh yea? Well wait till he sees this", and backed my bet down to $5. My friend did the same.A few hands later, the guy at 3rd base had his final $40 or so bet. My friend was dealt two face cards. "Split 'em!", I said. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Split 'em, I demand it!" I said more forcefully. A few cards later, my friend had four face cards split across the table. On the second one, he got an ace. "Double Down!", I screamed, now doubled over in laughter. He hesitated, but I insisted, so he tried to double down. The dealer said, "you can't do that, you have 21". "He has 11, and he's doubling down!", I said. She refused again, so I called for the floor.The floor came over, and I made the case that he can play it as 11, and can double down on any two cards. Finally, the floor agreed to it, saying, "The count must be really high for you to double down on that". The dealer gave my friend another card, announcing, "Doubling on 21".I don't even remember the outcome of the hand, except that the jerk on 3rd base lost his bet, and walked away mumbling to himself.
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A couple years ago, I was playing in one of the Heartland Poker Tour events up in Leelanau, MI....when we got close to the bubble, I was moved to a table where the guy to my right was one of the fattest , smelliest people I ever had the displeasure of sitting next to. Not only was his odor so foul, but he was also one of those types who would take too long to make every decision, and talk way too much. I called the floor on him because the smell was literally making me sick. They obv didn't do anything....anyway, I ended up bubbling because I was on such mega-tilt from the atrocious smell, and the fat dude went on to win the event. FML
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Posted by somebody on This Thread on 2+2 (I found it relevant to this thread):This story is set at a 4/8 table at the Bellagio around 2005, which is important because (a) the Bellagio is one of the most cramped rooms in the world, (B) they often stick the 4/8 games in the casino-side alcove, which is even more cramped than the rest of the room, and © it's the middle of the poker boom, so the room is absolutely filled.I took my seat at the table next to a horrendously obese man. How he got into his seat is somewhat of a mystery - his back is pushing back against the wall to Bobby's room and his gut extends to the edge of the table and then some. He was in seats 4, 5, and 6 simultaneously, but only one of which was actually assigned to him. I had the misfortune of being assigned seat 6, which was basically seat 6.5.Being within millimeters of a morbidly obese man had its advantages - he inhaled every time a card was dealt, but held his breath until he had bet if he had a good hand. I knew every time a check-raise was coming because he'd sit there holding his breath. Alas, the $8 or $16 this saved was barely enough to compensate for the obvious drawback of being at the most crowded seat at the most crowded table in the most crowded section of the most crowded casino ever.At some point, my friend (at another table) came over and whispered into my ear, "The guy next to you is so fat he has his pants unzipped." I wait for an opportune moment to confirm, but yes, indeed, as he holds his breath in, his gut retracts enough from the edge of the table to confirm that there is one fewer layer of clothing between us (humanity) and this guy's dick than there should be.Disgusting as that sounds, it is but a prelude of what was about to happen. For even as his pants were unbuttoned and unzipped to make room for the ever-expanding gut, there was still not enough room in those pants to contain his manhood."I'm going to pull down my pants a little," he declared.Chaos ensued. The table had to be pulled back about 3 inches just so the tsunami of blubber didn't capsize the table; with a groan, fatty manages to stand up. With his legs apart (straddling his chair) he is unable to pull down his pants, so he elects to turn to the side.At first, I thought I got the short end of the stick when he turned away from me, and I practically jumped into my neighbor's seat to distance myself from the enormous ass which was now pointed directly at my face. Then I heard the screams of horror from the other side of the mountain and realized that I only had the second worst seat in the house.Everyone at the table (and the next table, and passers-by, and no doubt surveillance) was laughing except for Seat 4 and me. With a mighty heave, the pants were yanked down about an inch, exposing a little bit of underwear and a little bit of the goods underneath. With a second heave, another inch. And then a third. Three inches of naked, obese, sweaty ass crack was about 5 inches from my face, and I couldn't look away out of sheer horror.Finally, the guy sat back down, and things returned pretty quickly to normal, since his enormous gut flopped back on the edge of the table and hid everything from view.

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idk what ur intentions were with the gobboyboy picture but it really pisses me off how so many people make fun of his weight. Its just flat out ridiculous and everybody I have talked to says he is the nicest guy ever.
pretty much exactly what I was gonna post, gobbo is an awesome guy
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A few months ago, a friend came to town and we were playing blackjack at a local casino. A guy at third base got pissed at me and said something under his breath. I don't remember the hand, but I play basic strategy, so it couldn't have been anything too bad -- I probably hit a 12 vs a 3 or something. Anyway, I wasn't going to stand for this, so I told my friend something like, "Oh yea? Well wait till he sees this", and backed my bet down to $5. My friend did the same.A few hands later, the guy at 3rd base had his final $40 or so bet. My friend was dealt two face cards. "Split 'em!", I said. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Split 'em, I demand it!" I said more forcefully. A few cards later, my friend had four face cards split across the table. On the second one, he got an ace. "Double Down!", I screamed, now doubled over in laughter. He hesitated, but I insisted, so he tried to double down. The dealer said, "you can't do that, you have 21". "He has 11, and he's doubling down!", I said. She refused again, so I called for the floor.The floor came over, and I made the case that he can play it as 11, and can double down on any two cards. Finally, the floor agreed to it, saying, "The count must be really high for you to double down on that". The dealer gave my friend another card, announcing, "Doubling on 21".I don't even remember the outcome of the hand, except that the jerk on 3rd base lost his bet, and walked away mumbling to himself.
great story. i hate people who get mad at the other players at a blackjack table. in my experience they usually don't even play basic strategy that well themselves.
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great story. i hate people who get mad at the other players at a blackjack table. in my experience they usually don't even play basic strategy that well themselves.
you would hate me then , learn how to play the game pleaseedit: i guess i dont get really mad, just can be frustrating. I just switch tables if people are playing silly
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you would hate me then , learn how to play the game pleaseedit: i guess i dont get really mad, just can be frustrating. I just switch tables if people are playing silly
why? it will help you as often as it will hurt you.
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idk what ur intentions were with the gobboyboy picture but it really pisses me off how so many people make fun of his weight. Its just flat out ridiculous and everybody I have talked to says he is the nicest guy ever.
niceness edit: this is so ridiculously out of line and retarded
I totally agree and I hope all the young poker players will also think about that every time they make comments about a woman poker player's appearance. The amount of abuse that somebody like Kathy Liebert takes online because she's an average middle aged woman and not a beauty queen is just stupid.
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The guy who mega-tilted me that I was referring to earlier was this guy:players2975.jpgAnd agree with Fricke and Liebert comments, based on what I have heard about them....

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