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Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (9 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comButton ($3.92)SB ($12.21)BB ($34.55)UTG ($9.05)UTG+1 ($10.42)MP1 ($5.60)MP2 ($5.05)Hero (MP3) ($24.89)CO ($5.54)Preflop: Hero is MP3 with 9 :5c, Q :club:4 folds, Hero bets $0.75, 2 folds, SB calls $0.65, 1 foldFlop: ($1.75) 4 :3h, 8 :D, Q :jh(2 players)SB bets $1, Hero calls $1Turn: ($3.75) 5 :ts(2 players)SB bets $2, Hero raises to $6, SB calls $4River: ($15.75) 10 :D(2 players)SB checks, Hero bets $4, SB calls $4Total pot: $23.75 | Rake: $1.18Results:

SB had A :D, Q :D (one pair, Queens).Hero had 9 :qh, Q :4h (one pair, Queens).Outcome: SB won $22.57

This table had been really conservative pre-flop passive post-flop which is why I raised in the hi-jack. Should I know I'm beat on the flop or the turn here?

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This table had been really conservative pre-flop passive post-flop which is why I raised in the hi-jack. Should I know I'm beat on the flop or the turn here?
Pfr is fine.You're donk bet into on the flop for about half. Usually in the micros this means some form of weak top pair or mid pair hand, so calling the flop is fine since you're ahead of some hands. Keep in mind this flop has 0 draws so we can narrow his range quite a bit.On the turn what exactly were you raising for? As a bluff? For value? I'm just curious because I'm not sure why you are putting more in with a hand so finely on the margin.I would also call the turn imo.On the river I think you can go ahead and check behind. I guess if your stone read was you were good on the turn and that is why you were raising you could get away with this smallish value bet, but I think you're just losing money on this river between the times you are beat and between the times you hate yourself when you get reshoved on since you bet 1/4th the pot.As the board laid out I probably would have just taken a line of calling down the villain.Remove your results please
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Pfr is fine.You're donk bet into on the flop for about half. Usually in the micros this means some form of weak top pair or mid pair hand, so calling the flop is fine since you're ahead of some hands. Keep in mind this flop has 0 draws so we can narrow his range quite a bit.On the turn what exactly were you raising for? As a bluff? For value? I'm just curious because I'm not sure why you are putting more in with a hand so finely on the margin.I would also call the turn imo.On the river I think you can go ahead and check behind. I guess if your stone read was you were good on the turn and that is why you were raising you could get away with this smallish value bet, but I think you're just losing money on this river between the times you are beat and between the times you hate yourself when you get reshoved on since you bet 1/4th the pot.As the board laid out I probably would have just taken a line of calling down the villain.Remove your results please
This is perfect. Didn't even see the results were there first time I read the hand but everything TempNuts says here is spot on.
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Flop is raise or call...either's OK, IMO. I call the turn since a raise over-represents your hand; most likely you'll be called by better hands. Villain would have to be pretty bad to call with like 89 or whatever. With that said, I like your river bet as played. There's little point raising the turn if we're just going to check behind on the river. If we do raise this turn then presumably we figure that villain will call with worse than TPNK - and presumably he'll call a small river value bet, too. It's inconsistent to raise the turn, get called and conclude that you must be behind, then check the fairly safe river.I'm going to guess tho that you didn't have much information on the opponent, like his calling or donkbetting range, so you probably just made a mistake of overvaluing a weak top pair hand

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Pfr is fine.You're donk bet into on the flop for about half. Usually in the micros this means some form of weak top pair or mid pair hand, so calling the flop is fine since you're ahead of some hands. Keep in mind this flop has 0 draws so we can narrow his range quite a bit.On the turn what exactly were you raising for? As a bluff? For value? I'm just curious because I'm not sure why you are putting more in with a hand so finely on the margin.I would also call the turn imo.On the river I think you can go ahead and check behind. I guess if your stone read was you were good on the turn and that is why you were raising you could get away with this smallish value bet, but I think you're just losing money on this river between the times you are beat and between the times you hate yourself when you get reshoved on since you bet 1/4th the pot.As the board laid out I probably would have just taken a line of calling down the villain.Remove your results please
On the turn I was trying to find out where I was in the hand with the additional option of getting a free showdown (that I didn't take) if he checked. The free showdown play worked, but for whatever reason I decided that he they just didn't feel all that strong (albeit I wasn't either) so I put in a value bet hoping to get less than top pairs to call. Many of the hands at this table since I had sat down had been either bet then fold on the flop or it would go to the river with someone getting paid off by a weak pair.
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On the turn I was trying to find out where I was in the hand with the additional option of getting a free showdown (that I didn't take) if he checked. The free showdown play worked, but for whatever reason I decided that he they just didn't feel all that strong (albeit I wasn't either) so I put in a value bet hoping to get less than top pairs to call. Many of the hands at this table since I had sat down had been either bet then fold on the flop or it would go to the river with someone getting paid off by a weak pair.
I haven't looked at the results, but I'm assuming you got owned because of how this was played. The raise on the turn is pretty random and bad imo. If you wanted to raise to get a free showdown on the river, why did you ditch that plan? Why would you think he's weak? He bet OOP into you on the flop and then he called a reraise on the turn on a very dry board. He's got at least a Q here.I prefer to raise on this flop in case he has 9s or a lone 8x. If he calls, then it'll go check/check on the turn. If he checks on the river, value bet, and if he bets consider calling if you think he could be betting with a worse hand or some missed draw (no real draws on the flop).
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Which brings us back to TNs original question, was the turn raise for value or a bluff?
It was neither, it was a raise for the sake of raising because raising felt better than calling and he knows that aggressive is right so he just picked a spot and raised.Not picking on you OP, but I actually asked "what were you raising here for" because i knew there was no good answer. But that is kind of the point. Never bet or raise for the sake of betting or raising or just plain feeling like you're active. You should always know what you're trying to accomplish with a bet before you make it.
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Villain called our preflop raise from the small blind.This represents a good hand.Which generally means he likely has big cards or a pair.We have a margial hand with Top Pair-Weak Kicker.So when Villain funky-bets us on the flop. it's difficult to determine if we are ahead.But it does, however, make it very simple to play.If Villain played with big cards and hit the Queen, his kicker beats ours and we are behind.If this is the case, he is never going to fold his Top Pair.And we want to keep the pot as small as possible to minimize our losses.So passively calling along is the best play.If Villain is playing with a smaller pair, then he is behind and drawing very thin.If this is the case, his flop bet was likely a probe bet to find out if he was ahead.If he gets raised, he will recognize he is behind and toss it.If he doesn't get raised, he may believe his smaller pair is still ahead and will play on.In either case, showing aggression in this hand is a bad idea for us.If we are behind, we lose more money.If we are ahead, we lose our fish.So calling along certainly seems to be the best way to proceed in all circumstances.Note: if the board were draw heavy, or if we put Villain on overcards, then there would certainly be reasons to step up the aggression:- Protect our hand- Gain value from someone chasingBut neither of these conditions exist in this hand.Which means that we can feel safe by playing this hand patiently and passive.

On the turn I was trying to find out where I was in the hand
This is an error that a lot of people seem to make.The idea behind it is so that you can save money if you are behind.But there are a couple of flaws to it in this situation:- Does raising the turn to save money on the river really save much money overall?- Are you really folding your Top Pair if the information you get back says you are probably behind?The answer to both of these questions here is probably no.Which means the raise is bad.--CM
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I'm always raising this flop b/c of the donkbet. I never really respect it and you should expect to take the pot down a large percentage of the time (though I do play 6max, there might be a little difference). But yeah, what everyone else said...the turn raise is pretty bad and you should just try to get a cheap showdown imo

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This table had been really conservative pre-flop passive post-flop which is why I raised in the hi-jack.
This is where I have a problem.If we are going to accept this Read and allow the Hi-Jack raise as a result, then we have to apply the Read to the rest of the Hand. Post-Flop this Passive opponent suddenly got Active. Yeah, it was only Half Pot sized bets, but when a Passive Player suddenly stops Check/Calling and starts Betting/Calling, don't we have to put him on a little something? Are we really putting him on total Air or something like Middle Pair? If he called the initial PF Bet, even a Passive player has to get credit for something. You were intending on out-playing him after the Flop - but that was when he woke up. Everyone knows you can't push a Calling Station off of any part of a made hand. That's what makes them Calling Stations. When a Passive Player starts the initiative of putting voluntary money into the pot, we are going to need something more than Top Pair Middle Kicker - perhaps not a lot more than that - to win @ showdown.
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I'm always raising this flop b/c of the donkbet. I never really respect it
Blindly following this logic is certainly a spew.Never just skoff at a play and raise it regardless of circumstances.If a loose player in the big blind were to make this funky flop bet into us, then a raise has merit.Because that opponent could have anything.He could easily have a smaller Queen, in which case a raise from us gains value.But the fact that the bet came from the small blind makes a huge difference.His preflop call typically means significantly more than a call from a big blind defense.The small blind's call demands more respect.And it usually greatly narrows his range.Specifically, the chances of Villain having a smaller Queen are very small.So there is much less value in a raise here.
and you should expect to take the pot down a large percentage of the time
This comment does not mean the raise is good.Because you are only winning the pot right here and now when Villain was behind you.And if Villain is behind, he is drawing very thin.So we don't want to take down the pot just yet!Let him continue to fire at it.And collect all of his extra chips.Point: When your logical read tells you your opponent is either ahead or drawing thin, be patient.There is little reason to push the action hard.--cm
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Never bet to "find out where you are at" or "for information" ever
Do not raise the turn for no reason and it's fine.
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