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gg Cappy! Guess we'll have to save that all Feralcow final for next time... :)Congrats SnB!Seacucumber and I are trying to work out a time we can play, but since I keep taking planes to weird locations in weird timezones, and will end up on an internetless Dutch island soon, it may be that we won't be able to play until early next week. Sorry for the delay - we'll try to get this match going as soon as possible!(I'll be back home on Monday, so if I happen to win the semi there won't be a problem with playing the final soon after that.)

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gg Cappy. 2-1 SnB3rd match got lopsided early when I flopped aces up with AJ vs his A8 on a AQJ33 board
gg Cappy :club: , wtg SnB missed the match but wasn't feeling well enough to watching it last night. Sure it was a goody. Well SnB your my pick to take it all don't blow it kid, :ts
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lol bump, I had to go through "my last 10 posts" to figure out where this was, it wasn't in the top 5 pages of genpo.

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I'm just waiting and practicing. If anyone didn't know, the open-farrell is backStage #1436860136: Holdem (1 on 1) No Limit $1 - 2009-05-22 01:36:42 (ET)Table: ORIOLE AVE (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealerSeat 6 - SOUTHSTL ($98.80 in chips)Seat 4 - ROCK_N_ROLL ($79.40 in chips)SOUTHSTL - Posts small blind $0.50ROCK_N_ROLL - Posts big blind $1*** POCKET CARDS ***Dealt to SOUTHSTL [Qh Kh] SOUTHSTL - Raises $2.50 to $3ROCK_N_ROLL - Calls $2*** FLOP *** [4d Ad 7d]ROCK_N_ROLL - Folds*** SHOW DOWN ***SOUTHSTL - Does not showSOUTHSTL Collects $5.70 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total Pot($6) | Rake ($0.30)Board [4d Ad 7d]Seat 4: ROCK_N_ROLL (big blind) Folded on the FLOPSeat 6: SOUTHSTL (dealer) (small blind) collected Total ($5.70) HI:($5.70) [Does not show]

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We're doing it like the WSOP where you have to wait forever to play the final table.
omg, forever waiting time lol,hey strippersNblow I will play a HU match with you for practice lol if you want to set it up for tonight?
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you should both play me now then play each other later PLUS EEEEVEEEEE
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Sorry for the delay everyone! I just returned from my travels to internet-less places, so I'll PM seacucumber and we'll set up the match as soon as possible.
wb, glI read back through a few days ago, sorry for the drunken bumps.
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OK, it took a bit of planning to overcome the 9 hour time difference, but we have succeeded! Semi-final #2, Seacucumber-Mr. Sparco, this Saturday at 2pm ET (3rd match at 3pm if needed). Tourney numbers:167276178167276179167276180(I'm very proud of the consecutive tourney numbers, by the way... :club: )

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OK, it took a bit of planning to overcome the 9 hour time difference, but we have succeeded! Semi-final #2, Seacucumber-Mr. Sparco, this Saturday at 2pm ET (3rd match at 3pm if needed). Tourney numbers:167276178167276179167276180(I'm very proud of the consecutive tourney numbers, by the way... :club: )
gl guys!!
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A little further finetuning was required because of family meetings that turned into family lunches that turned into family dinners, but here is the definite schedule of our matches today:13:30 16771395214:00 16727617814:30 167714251 (if needed)15:00 167805790 (if needed but we're not in time for match #3)GL!

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GG Mr. Sparco and GL in the finals! Final hand from Match #3:PokerStars Game #28796231442: Tournament #167714251, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level III (25/50) - 2009/05/30 14:51:29 ETTable '167714251 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the buttonSeat 1: seacucumber1 (1285 in chips) Seat 2: Mr. Sparco (1715 in chips) seacucumber1: posts small blind 25Mr. Sparco: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to seacucumber1 [7h 6d]Mr. Sparco said, "note to self: limp AA"seacucumber1: raises 75 to 125Mr. Sparco: calls 75*** FLOP *** [5h 6s 4s]seacucumber1 said, "would certainly have worked :club:"Mr. Sparco: checks seacucumber1: bets 200Mr. Sparco: raises 1390 to 1590 and is all-inseacucumber1: calls 960 and is all-inUncalled bet (430) returned to Mr. Sparco*** TURN *** [5h 6s 4s] [Jh]*** RIVER *** [5h 6s 4s Jh] [2d]*** SHOW DOWN ***Mr. Sparco: shows [8s Js] (a pair of Jacks)seacucumber1: shows [7h 6d] (a pair of Sixes)Mr. Sparco collected 2570 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2570 | Rake 0 Board [5h 6s 4s Jh 2d]Seat 1: seacucumber1 (button) (small blind) showed [7h 6d] and lost with a pair of SixesSeat 2: Mr. Sparco (big blind) showed [8s Js] and won (2570) with a pair of Jacks

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