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Happy Birthday Gallo

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Feliz Cumpleanos....or something like that!!!

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Happy Birthday, Gallo!!! :D:icon_clap::icon_clap::D:3h:D
To my old friend Gallo, Happy Birthday there kiddo, may we share many laughs to come lmoa :5c:ts:D:icon_clap::icon_clap::icon_clap::qh:qh:D:club::4h
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I've been laid up in bed for the past 4 days and am back at work now. sigh.

I won't make you wait for your thread....at your age, you just never know lolHappy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tytytyty!!!Oh and thanx for the pics, I won't tell cubsfan44. *wink* *wink*
happy day of birth, gallo. you too, ballsasteel.
I don't know if I'm drunk enough to post in this thread yet but...Happy Birthday man...
lol I'll be celebrating on Friday!!
Feliz Cumpleanos....or something like that!!!
You're just missing the "ñ". :club:
Haha, Gallo is OLD.
But, I don't act it you Grumpy Old Man!! You're still older than me, imo. :ts:D :D
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Happy Birthday, Gallo!!! :icon_clap::icon_clap::icon_clap::D:3h:D
Awwww, miss you!! Don't be a stranger!! :qh :qh :D:icon_clap:
Happy Bday Gallo!
ty suh!!!
OK I am really confused. Gallo is 36? I always thought he was like 19.
You're only as old as you feel!! I used to be crazier when I was 19. Yes, hard to imagine.
No he only acts 19
ONLY 36?!Must be what he told immigration...
DIAGF!!!! :icon_clap: :icon_clap: :icon_clap: :icon_clap: :icon_clap:
To my old friend Gallo, Happy Birthday there kiddo, may we share many laughs to come lmoa :5c:ts:D:icon_clap::icon_clap::icon_clap::icon_clap::icon_clap::D:club::4h
zxldgm.jpgdisclaimer--BG did not supply any balloons for this post, nor were any balloons stolen from BG as far as he knows!
thank you very much!!
Buttseks? :icon_clap: :icon_clap: :icon_clap: :icon_clap:
OMG Hey Rivergirl!! Whats up? How ya been?
You're just jealous!!
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Happy Borthday!!
Can everyone stop quoting the hairy ass please, k thx.
Why, does it remind you of a one night stand?
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