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Time for some predictions:1 - Manchester United2 - Chelsea3 - Arsenal4 - Spurs5 - LiverpoolThis is how the league table will look at the end of the season. Please flame me for number four.
Spurs to come fourth! Clashcityrocker, what do you think?
There are my original predictions. Maybe swap Arsenal and Spurs now, and move Liverpool down to about eighth.
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Time for some predictions:1 - Manchester United2 - Chelsea3 - Arsenal4 - Spurs5 - LiverpoolThis is how the league table will look at the end of the season.  Please flame me for number four.
Spurs to come fourth! Clashcityrocker, what do you think?
There are my original predictions. Maybe swap Arsenal and Spurs now, and move Liverpool down to about eighth.
hell, maybe send aresenal down to 6th or 7th too. Middlesborough and Man City look like they might be fairly strong this season, and don't count out BOlton or Charlton making a strong run this season too. Outside of the top 2, I think this season might see some shuffling towards the top of the table, and that is a good thing
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Arsenal lose Henry and they look ordinary, don't they. And I agree, Liverpool will stink up the league again this year. Middlesborough? Nah. Man City. Maybe. It will be between us and them for fourth unless a surprise team makes a good showing. (Counting Bolton and Charlton as surprise teams)

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Hey EVERTON.,.... HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAH5-1 to dynomo Bucharest? hahahahah who knew they were even a squad?   Doing England proud in the UEFA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAMeanwhile, back in the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE...
I knew you'd say something about this :lol: I'd be worrying about my own team's problems before you worry about a team who is understaffed's problems. You still won't come close to winning the league this year, and might not even make the champions league again unless you win it again
My team's problems are never that dire, that I can't take a cheap shot at everton.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Look ordianry without henry? Which arsenal have you been watching. SHould have had 8 against Birmingham
Birmingham are shit. And "should have" never won anybody anything. Arsenal are going downhill rapidly. End of story.
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Do you know what would be sweet for you? If Bergkamp wasn't 35 and Henry wasn't making noises about leaving. Man that would be sweet.
Hahahhaha YOu know, I'd take both of them right now at Liverpool, in a heart beat.
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Do you know what would be sweet for you? If Bergkamp wasn't 35 and Henry wasn't making noises about leaving. Man that would be sweet.
Hahahhaha YOu know, I'd take both of them right now at Liverpool, in a heart beat.
yeah, they're not bad players...
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Ahhh, another season and another bout of bickering and ridiculous suggestions. I tell you what, i was at a funeral today... My friend Grant died in a car accident last wednesday when a lorry plowed head on into his renault Clio.... So 10am this morning and im sitting listening to the priest while he quotes the bible and reads tributes from friends and family.... We say a prayer and sing a hymn in his honour, theres also some british indie music played to add a lighter tone to the proceedings and then the ceremony is over but for one thing...... Grant was a massive football fan and like me was a huge liverpool supporter.... The priest asks us to rise and ready ourselves to leave the church but makes one final statement "As some of u may or may not know Grant was a huge Liverpool fan so its been suggested by friends and family alike that we take his body away with one final song" And yes Like the truest of Reds as we walk from the church the Sound of You'll Never Walk Alone Eminates from the four walls of the church. He went out like a true friend a true Red.

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Ahhh, another season and another bout of bickering and ridiculous suggestions. I tell you what, i was at a funeral today... My friend Grant died in a car accident last wednesday when a lorry plowed head on into his renault Clio.... So 10am this morning and im sitting listening to the priest while he quotes the bible and reads tributes from friends and family.... We say a prayer and sing a hymn in his honour, theres also some british indie music played to add a lighter tone to the proceedings and then the ceremony is over but for one thing...... Grant was a massive football fan and like me was a huge liverpool supporter.... The priest asks us to rise and ready ourselves to leave the church but makes one final statement "As some of u may or may not know Grant was a huge Liverpool fan so its been suggested by friends and family alike that we take his body away with one final song" And yes Like the truest of Reds as we walk from the church the Sound of You'll Never Walk Alone Eminates from the four walls of the church. He went out like a true friend a true Red.
Man, you've had a bad time of late, ju and da.A tribute to a fallen Red.When you walk through a storm, hold your head up hgh,and don't be afraid of the dark, at the end of a storm is a golden sky...and the sweet silver song of a lark.Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain tho' your dreams be tossed and blown, alk on, walk on with hope in your heart...and you'll never walk alone, you'll never, ever walk alone.walk on, walk on with hope in your heartAND YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE, YOU"LL NEVER, EVER WALK ALONE.rest in peace, Grant.
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Great tribute BigD, much appreciated... He was a true red and to honour him in such a way was great and brought a smile to my face so thanks your a top man! And yes your not wrong id say ive had a more than difficult time of late i wont bore you with the details, most of which u know but 2005 with the exception of that most glorious of nights in Istanbul has been one to forget.... Bring on 2006!!!Im sure you caught all of yesterdays action, some cracking games none more so than watching Chelsea destroy a more than adequate Bolton team. i out of maybe jealousy or just sheer hatred am by no means a fan of chelsea and the way they go about the financial side of their club makes me sick, however they really look like running away with the league and to be honest if the carry on in such a fashion i cant see them dropping many if any points this season. That pretty much goes for europe aswell, theres not a side who have impressed me more than Chelsea. Makes me ill to say that but im sure you will agree in the most part.Man utd id say for second spot, they impressed me again yesterday Park Ji sung and wayne rooney for the most part looked impressive and you can never get away from the fact Van Nistelrooy is always lurking there somewhere and most likely to grab a goal every 2 games or better, with the addition of van der Saar they have a new Schmeichel for sure and id say most of the rest of their team are a class act also and really beginning to play well as a team and not just individually.Id say from 3rd to 6th and of course european football its anyones guess im liking tottenham at the moment they are starting to get a bit of consistancy about them and if it lasts then top 6 for sure but will it be top 4? Charlton always seem to get in there early and fade away towards the end of the long hard season, but with other teams distracted with european football they may just sneak 6th or better.Then of course you have arsenal who are looking dire and missing Henry in a big way, with Campbell and cole along with Gilberto and van persie now being on the side lines its not looking good for arsenal short term, im sure once they get most of their team back and in particular Henry they'll be sure to finish top 6.And of Course The European Champs, 1-0 victory yesterday from a well worked Cisse free kick but we look so poor without Gerrard and even with him we r finding it hard to score and languishing in the bottom half of the table, all be it with 2 games in hand over the likes of Chelsea and Utd. in saying that Weve only lost one game to an awesome Chelsea side so nothing to get too worried about at present but the next 5-6 games are going to be huge for us and could well determine a proper look at what position we will be pushing for id say thats ur top 6 but a little too early to say, with the exception of Chelsea and Utd the rest is up for grabs!!Im sure you all will have plenty to say about that so lets here it.

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How can a team that went a whole season without losing a league game 2 years ago lose to west brom
I feel for you, I really do. :club::D Seriously though, it's just a blip. You'll probably end up in the top three.
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How can a team that went a whole season without losing a league game 2 years ago lose to west brom
I feel for you, I really do. :club::D Seriously though, it's just a blip. You'll probably end up in the top three.
I agree its just a blip, but when you have 5 world class playing including your most consistent goal scorer on the sidelines confidence in the camp is going to be low and everything is going to seem like an up hill struggle.When they get Henry and others back confidence will begin to seep back into the side and they can be back challenging the likes of man utd and chelsea again, of that i have no doubts.Also Kanu taking revenge on his former club with an excellent goal was difficult to defend against so no complaints there and did you see the form Chris Kirkland was in, id say he is the reason u lost and being a Liverpool fan i cant wait for his loan spell to end because im not the biggest fan of Jose Reina at the moment.... Surely a place as the number 2 or 3 keeper for England at the world cup.Nice to see Andy Cole bag 2 goals for City yesterday, still looks hungry at 34 - Andy Cole for England lol.
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How can a team that went a whole season without losing a league game 2 years ago lose to west brom
I feel for you, I really do. :lol::lol: Seriously though, it's just a blip. You'll probably end up in the top three.
I agree its just a blip, but when you have 5 world class playing including your most consistent goal scorer on the sidelines confidence in the camp is going to be low and everything is going to seem like an up hill struggle.When they get Henry and others back confidence will begin to seep back into the side and they can be back challenging the likes of man utd and chelsea again, of that i have no doubts.Also Kanu taking revenge on his former club with an excellent goal was difficult to defend against so no complaints there and did you see the form Chris Kirkland was in, id say he is the reason u lost and being a Liverpool fan i cant wait for his loan spell to end because im not the biggest fan of Jose Reina at the moment.... Surely a place as the number 2 or 3 keeper for England at the world cup.Nice to see Andy Cole bag 2 goals for City yesterday, still looks hungry at 34 - Andy Cole for England lol.
Chim- Chiminey, Chim Chiminey, Chim Chim, charooo. Who needs Henry, when We've got KANU.
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Tuesday and Wednesdays Champions league games id say went down very well for all 4 English clubs, Utd maybe deserved more than a point but then we can all blame that on Wayne Rooney.I have to say tho i sat and watched every Game from the 2 days for a couple of hours last night and honestly thought it was the best standard of football ive ever seen in the champions league bassically ever.Madrid looked great as did Chelsea and Lyon may just suprise a few people i think.Some Cracking goals scored in all games, but who's was the best?????And lets thank our lucky stars For Monsieur Cisse!!!!

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Thierry Henry=Greatest striker of his generation
You know what...... I thoroughly Agree, he has it all and lets not forget he started his Career off as a winger which if u ask me just adds ten times more to his game over the likes of Van Nistelrooy and Shevchanko etc.The guy is equally good as both a striker and provider.... And My favourite goal of the past couple of days just so happens to be the one he scored... HOW DO U DO THAT!!!!!!
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