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Summer Olympics 08

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28 July 2008 China orders sweeping purge of Tibet’s “splittist” monasteriesThe Chinese government has drawn up plans for a purge of Tibetan monasteries deemed to be subversive in the Kandze region of Tibet (Chinese province: Sichuan) according to an official document(1) posted on a Chinese government website. The posting has been translated by Free Tibet Campaign and verified for accuracy by Tsering Topgyal, an academic at the London School of Economics.The measures were posted in Tibetan only on the government’s Tibet information website on July 18 and were based on an earlier article that appeared in the official Tibet Daily newspaper.According to the translated document, monks or nuns “charged with quite serious [medium] crimes will undergo serious re-education and will remain in custody until he/she co-operates by telling the truth, confessing their guilt and submitting a shuyig [self-criticising letter]. He/she must sincerely and voluntarily tell the truth.”Severe punishment is prescribed for monasteries considered to have led protests in March and April. At monasteries where between 10% and 30% of monks took part in protests “all religious activities at the monastery will be halted. Movements of monks will be closely monitored.”Following protests throughout Tibet earlier this year the Chinese government has intensified its crackdown on monasteries and nunneries. Tibet’s head of propaganda, Lie Que, was quoted by the official Tibet Daily newspaper on June 2 as saying: "We must clean out the monasteries and strengthen the administrative committees".(2)The measures are highly significant as they are to be implemented by the Kandze Tibetan Autonomous Prefectural Government. Kandze is a prefecture in a largely Tibetan populated area of Sichuan province that has seen large protests by Tibetans in March and April. According to eyewitnesses, Chinese security forces opened fire on Tibetan protesters at Tongkor town in Kandze prefecture on April 3, killing at least eight Tibetans. The incident was widely reported.Stephanie Brigden, Director of Free Tibet Campaign, said:“In 2006, Manfred Nowak, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture concluded that ‘torture remains widespread in China’. Free Tibet Campaign is concerned these measures provide the conditions in which inhumane treatment or torture could take place.“In a broader context the measures represent a charter for further repression. They also provide the most damning proof yet that China has launched its harshest crackdown on religion in Tibet in decades.“World leaders attending the Games must use their visit as an opportunity to do more than simply watch the athletics. They must raise publicly their concerns at the ongoing and deepening repression in Tibet. And as China uses the Games to emerge on to the world’s top table, world leaders must impress on China’s leaders that such a position imposes fundamental obligations on China to respect human rights.”Brigden has also written to British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, calling on the British government to “publicly and unequivocally condemn the measures” contained in the document.EndsNotes to Editor:(1) The translation of the document detailing the measures can be seen in full below.(2) Lie Que’s comments were reported in an article in The Sunday Times of July 13Information about measures being taken against monks, nuns, religious leaders and monasteries for demanding religious freedom.The following information is a translation of a posting on the Chinese government website www.tibet.cn on July 18. Although the website is normally trilingual (Chinese, Tibetan and English), this posting was only found on the Tibetan version (http://zw.tibet.cn/news/.) The posting is based on an article which appeared originally in the official Tibet Daily newspaper and details the measures, agreed at a meeting of the Kandze Tibetan Autonomous Prefectural Government, which are to be taken against monasteries, monks and nuns for taking part in “turbulent activities” in Kandze Autonomous Prefecture in the Kham region of Tibet (Chinese province: Sichuan). “Turbulent activities” is a reference to the demonstrations and protests which have taken place throughout Tibet since March. The division into three parts has been done by Free Tibet Campaign.The settlement of " Serious decisions" to be taken against monasteries and monks/nuns for undertaking turbulent activities - settled at the third conference of the Executive Committee of concerned region.Prefectural head: Li ChangpingKandze Autonomous PrefectureDate: 28/06/2008PART ONE [measures to be taken against individual monks and nuns]In order to protect social stability, enforce socialist law and ensure the fundamental interests of the people, the following measures are to be taken against monasteries, monks and nuns who voice or distribute splittist slogans and fliers, fly “snow lion” [Tibetan national] flags, and who take part in illegal demonstration to incite splittism.1. A monk/nun charged with a minor crime will – upon confessing his/her mistake, displaying a good attitude and signing a confession letter – become the responsibility of his/her family head, who will, when he/she has been taken home, undertake his/her re-education and take care of him/her.2. A monk/nun charged with quite serious [medium] crimes will undergo serious re-education and will remain in custody until he/she co-operates by telling the truth, confessing their guilt and submitting a shuyig [self-criticising letter]. He/she must sincerely and voluntarily tell the truth.3. A monk/nun with serious crime and attitude problem will be subjected to serious re-education. He/she will be warned and his/her religious rights will removed. He/she will be dismissed from his/her monastery.4. Masterminds behind activities of splittism and disturbances, members of any of such underground organisation, anyone who led such disruptive activities will be severely punished accordingly to the law. In addition their religious rights will be removed completely by dismissing them from their monasteries. Removal of their religious rights will remain in effect even after dismissing them from the monasteries whereby they will not be allowed join any other monastery and if any monastery is found to have accepted such a monk/nun, the head of that monastery’s Democratic Management Committee will be considered a supporter and protector of splittists and disruptive elements.PART TWO [measures to be taken against monasteries]The following serious measures will be taken against monasteries which have been involved in turbulent activities.5. Monasteries that had more than 10%-30% monks taking part in disturbances will be subjected to restrictions and searches. According to the constitution, suspected monks/nuns will be arrested and illegal belongings will be confiscated. All religious activities at the monastery will be halted. Movements of monks will be closely monitored.6. [Government-appointed] Monastic Management Committee members of monasteries whose monks have taken part in turbulent activities, will be responsible for rectifying and reforming monks and nuns through serious re-education. If the matter is clearly apparent or if there are no suitable persons in the monastery, the local government will send specially appointed personnel to carry out the aforementioned activities. During the period of rectification and reformation, the monastery's financial management will be closed and religious activities halted.7. A monk/nun who is found to be uncooperative with the work teams during the period of rectification and reformation (not registering, not surrendering photos, leaving the monastery without official permission, not reforming despite repeated re-education) will be completely dismissed from the monastery. After removing his/her religious rights, he/she will be sent home. His/her hut at the monastery will be destroyed.A monk/nun who hasn’t registered at the religious affairs office or who has come from outside [other regions] and whose rights are not clear or those who had been away from the monastery for a very long time, will be subject to dismissal from the monastery and their huts will be destroyed.8. Monks/nuns from monasteries involved in turbulent activities will be required to re-register. The huts of those monks/nuns who show remorse will be provided with number plates [to identify them]. Monks and nuns who took part in turbulent activities and show no remorse will be dismissed from the monastery and a limitation will be set on the number of monks/nuns at the monastery according to the number of monks/nuns who took part in turbulent activities and those who were dismissed.9. Those monks/nuns who are still determined to talk about splittism, who clearly intend to undertake further turbulent activities, who fail to respond properly to re-education and to new restrictions will be dismissed from the monastery.PART 3 [religious leaders and monastic management committees]10. Monks/nuns whose suspected involvement in turbulent activities has not been confirmed must be thoroughly investigated by reincarnates [lamas], geshes [the equivalent of PhDs in Buddhist Philosophy, the highest ranking teachers] and Monastic Management Committees. If Monastic Management Committee members, reincarnates and geshes fail in their duty to properly investigate such cases, they will be given strict-re-education and will be examined for faults.11. Monastic Management Committee Members, reincarnates, geshes whose stand is not clear or who are suspected of being double-faced will be warned and will be investigated in front of an assembly of monks/nuns. Such persons will be asked to provide written confessions. The accounts of the investigations of such persons and their confessions will be exposed on regional news and television.12. Monastic Management Committee members, monks, reincarnates, and geshes involved in providing or revealing information or collaborating with foreign splittist groups, and facilitating and inciting turbulent activities, will be subjected to severe punishment. Their civil, political, governance, religious association rights will be removed. They will be not allowed to organise any religious activities. In case of reincarnates [lamas], their titles will be stripped, their power over monastic financial management will be terminated and an audit will be conducted to investigate their corruption and misuse of the monastic finance. This will be shown on the regional news and televisions.
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Yeah, but they put on one hell of an opening ceremony.
well when you spend $423 Million on a new stadium instead of taking care of one of the worlds most desperate population....you better pull off one hell of a show
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well when you spend $423 Million on a new stadium instead of taking care of one of the worlds most desperate population....you better pull off one hell of a show
I don't know about anyone else, but my jaw is firmly fixed to the floor.
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well when you spend $423 Million on a new stadium instead of taking care of one of the worlds most desperate population....you better pull off one hell of a show
Sounds like the NFL to me. Except our stadiums cost in the billions. China has nothing on the US for oppressing the desperate population.
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Sounds like the NFL to me. Except our stadiums cost in the billions. China has nothing on the US for oppressing the desperate population.
You know about as much about China as you do about how much it costs to build stadiums.ZING....?
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But seriously......Was that not the most impressive live performance ever put on... anywhere? Guy LaLiberte has to be eating his heart out.
i wanted to watch itbut i was at worki did see the clip of Bush asleep in his seatnow i love him, but that was funny...and who wouldnt fal asleep after 3 hrs of watchin pl walk!?i saw the end tho...vn....im sad i missed all the music tho and that dance and karate routine or w/e (i saw clips)
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When our swimmer not only won the gold but set a new world record.... those fags messed up our National Anthem and then just turned it off before it was finished.Honest mistake? I think not.Screw China.

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When our swimmer not only won the gold but set a new world record.... those fags messed up our National Anthem and then just turned it off before it was finished.Honest mistake? I think not.Screw China.
I agree. And to add to it, on Fox News they said the American victims who were attacked and the attacker then killed himself was targeted because they were American. "Of course he was targeted for being American, we stand out there, we are white and taller than everyone else"I didn't realise no Irish, British, Australian Canadian German Austrian etc etc were attending the Games.Declare war in my opinion.And lol at doing the swearing trick on "screw" and "fag"
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I wasn't caught up in Olympic Fever at all this summer. It was barely on my radar and I had no intention of watching more than a few particular events. But then those 2008 drummers came on the screen and I became hooked again. I guess it's like a lot of addictions. If you completely abstain, you do OK. But if you have "just a little," you can't stop yourself from wanting more and more.I fell for that little boy who was buried in the earthquake who went back to rescue 2 of his classmates after freeing himself. When asked why he did that, he said that he was hall monitor and that was his job. Ahhhhhhh .... So cute. When they interviewer was done interviewing Yao Ming (who was carrying the little boy), the little boy spoke right up and said in English "Thank you very much." Ahhhhhh... So cut.I want a body like that 41 year old swimmer, Dara Torres. I am 53. Do you think I have a chance?

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When our swimmer not only won the gold but set a new world record.... those fags messed up our National Anthem and then just turned it off before it was finished.Honest mistake? I think not.Screw China.
Yeah, they were totally trying to insult our country while the President sat in the stands. Or it was an accidental technical error...which it was.
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I want a body like that 41 year old swimmer, Dara Torres. I am 53. Do you think I have a chance?
If you have enough money to quit your job and hire a whole team of personal trainers and nutrionists, and enough time to sacrifice seeing your friends and family then yeah go for it.
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When our swimmer not only won the gold but set a new world record.... those fags messed up our National Anthem and then just turned it off before it was finished.Honest mistake? I think not.Screw China.
when was this?
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oh yeah...anyone jsut see that USA mens relay we fucked france for in last second!?weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it !They aint talking smack now !French pussys
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I love it !They aint talking smack now !French pussys
oh i know....Cocacola or Mcdonalds (the big sponsors obv) should make a commercial with his comments then that clip us the last 7 seconds of that race......would be GOLD!!!
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