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Ask Me Anything About My 1st Hooker Experience.

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My first divorce cost me about $250,000. So if you divide that by the number of times we did it during the marriage, it comes out to about... um, $125,000/shot? I think you got a bargain.
lol hilarious........hope ur kidding :club:
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Oh, relax. It's just sex. Why do people get so judgmental?I say we should all go out and get hookers out of civil disobedience. It's a stupid law that needs to be brought down! What would Thoreau

next time, find out how much it costs to have her toss your salad, post shower of course. Also, you can ask for strange things and see if she has a price scale for them, pushing her boundaries can be

You know what? I am willing to concede that my last post is inaccurate in that most dictionaries now (sadly) take the position that it is their job to describe language. But your post leads me to be

yes. But the language of a people has to adjust for how the majority uses the word. For instance... sick... bad... colored... etc etc.
The prescriptivist vs descriptivist debate is very far from settled, your declaration notwithstanding.
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The prescriptivist vs descriptivist debate is very far from settled, your declaration notwithstanding.
Oh, it's settled. The prescriptivists just need to pull their heads out of the sand long enough to read the memo.
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Oh, it's settled. The prescriptivists just need to pull their heads out of the sand long enough to read the memo.
You know what? I am willing to concede that my last post is inaccurate in that most dictionaries now (sadly) take the position that it is their job to describe language. But your post leads me to believe that you think that this position has merit, and that surprises me based on what little I know about you.Let me ask you this: are you comfortable with the words literally and figuratively being synonymous? Because that position strikes me as borderline indefensible. What about “should have (should’ve) and “should of”?
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You know what? I am willing to concede that my last post is inaccurate in that most dictionaries now (sadly) take the position that it is their job to describe language. But your post leads me to believe that you think that this position has merit, and that surprises me based on what little I know about you.Let me ask you this: are you comfortable with the words literally and figuratively being synonymous? Because that position strikes me as borderline indefensible. What about “should have (should’ve) and “should of”?
no hablo espanol
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alright, seriously, i have had just about enough of this bragging shit. so you can go for hours and get it up any time you want. you think that means anything to women?in my experience they're happy its over quick.
A 5-hour fukkfest might not be what every girl is looking for but that's (see bold) probably not a good thing
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  • 5 years later...

You know what? I am willing to concede that my last post is inaccurate in that most dictionaries now (sadly) take the position that it is their job to describe language. But your post leads me to believe that you think that this position has merit, and that surprises me based on what little I know about you.Let me ask you this: are you comfortable with the words literally and figuratively being synonymous? Because that position strikes me as borderline indefensible. What about "should have (should've) and "should of"?



I doubt this guy has been on this forum in the past 5 years, and literally no one but me gives a shit about this, but it tilts me I didn't answer this 5 years ago, because this is one of my favorite subjects....sooooooo


Yes, I think that this position has merit. More than that, I think it's absolutely the most useful and sensible way for a dictionary to approach the language. I don't think it's useful for a dictionary to be a static tome of how people "should" use word, handed down by cultural elite in oxford, or where ever. I think the function of a dictionary should be to describe how English speakers or what ever language speakers) actually use that language. I think if many people use penultimate to mean "even more ****ing ultimate than ultimate" instead of next to last, then it should be one of the definitions of the word.. I think people who cling to a particular usage of a word and look down on any new usage of a that word, to be fighting a totally futile fight against how language and it's evolution actually work.


If people are using should of and should've as synonyms, that should be noted. It might make orthodox usage fans ( such as your self) skin crawl, but I don't really care what prescriptive pedants like or don't like. I think language is more fluid and magical and ever changing than people such as your self want it to be.


I disagree with the very notion that there is a "right' or "correct" way of speaking English, as if this way was passed on from God to the creators of the OED. There are merely orthodox or unorthodox forms of standardized English. grant you there is utility in people learning an orthodox, standardized form of a language's grammar and usage. It facilitates communication, after all, and that's the ultimate goal of language. So I think learning the orthodox form can be useful, and is necessary if you're planning a career in certain fields, like academia, media and the like. I also concede that people will make value judgements about a person and their intelligence based on their mastery of that orthodox forum of language. I try not to do that. I myself generally speak and write in a orthodox form of English, but that's an aesthetic choice based on my background and education level. I am under no delusions that it is the objectively correct way to speak English, only the subjectively orthodox way.


Irregardless, I think that this video sums up my position on the function of a dictionary..



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