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Off Topic But Important: "take Mine"

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There is a real food crisis worldwide and it's not going to get better any time soon. This is an opportunity for us to lead the way and show the world that there are still Americans willing to help.The normal supply of rice is down do to drought, pests, and the freezing of exports. This results in prices going through the roof on the futures markets. International aid organizations are getting less and less rice for their dollars, and people are dying.We can help feed these people with a "Take Mine" approach. Just don't buy rice during the month of May - let those that need it have it.If enough people around the world stopped buying rice for a month then demand would drop, inventory would swell, and prices would decline. Aid organizations would then be able to buy more rice at a cheaper price and give it to those that really need it.If you think this is a good idea, then spread the word.

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Is it ok if I continue to buy rice, but promise to get at least one Asian hooker during that month?Balances out the economy, imo.
[ ] funny
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There is a real food crisis worldwide and it's not going to get better any time soon. This is an opportunity for us to lead the way and show the world that there are still Americans willing to help.The normal supply of rice is down do to drought, pests, and the freezing of exports. This results in prices going through the roof on the futures markets. International aid organizations are getting less and less rice for their dollars, and people are dying.We can help feed these people with a "Take Mine" approach. Just don't buy rice during the month of May - let those that need it have it.If enough people around the world stopped buying rice for a month then demand would drop, inventory would swell, and prices would decline. Aid organizations would then be able to buy more rice at a cheaper price and give it to those that really need it.If you think this is a good idea, then spread the word.
Do you mind if I copy this and forward it to all of my email contacts?
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There is a real food crisis worldwide and it's not going to get better any time soon. This is an opportunity for us to lead the way and show the world that there are still Americans willing to help.The normal supply of rice is down do to drought, pests, and the freezing of exports. This results in prices going through the roof on the futures markets. International aid organizations are getting less and less rice for their dollars, and people are dying.We can help feed these people with a "Take Mine" approach. Just don't buy rice during the month of May - let those that need it have it.If enough people around the world stopped buying rice for a month then demand would drop, inventory would swell, and prices would decline. Aid organizations would then be able to buy more rice at a cheaper price and give it to those that really need it.If you think this is a good idea, then spread the word.
This is a great idea, but the approach that I'm taking is that I going to begin hording rice... the local Chinese food market sells brown rice in 50 lb bags and I'm going to buy one per day from now until the end of May.
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Is this the same thing as not buying gas for one day to drive the prices down?Well, that didn't work.
I know the "no gas for a day" thing didn't work, but that is probably because people still used the same amount of gas that week......they just bought it the day before or the deay after. With "take mine" it sounds like the plan is to not buy and not eat rice for the month....have potato or pasta instead with meals, I can do that. The whole purpose of the thing is wrecked if you just stockpile rice.
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your post is broccolilol beatingjokestodeathaments!dreamclown etc.
Hi.Oh, I saw this joke coming before the flop came down. Tritz helped me.Good Luck.
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Hi.Oh, I saw this joke coming before the flop came down. Tritz helped me.Good Luck.
I'm rich.Woot!I can't do this anymore. you win.
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