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Happy Birthday Psu!

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happy birthday!!!Maybe we should have a private tourney to mark the occassion!!!!!EDIT i guess i should've specified it's psufans2 birthday!!!!!sorry john

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Thanks but it's not my birthday.Oh wait, you meant that other PSU
it's psufans birthday, i think bob should ship him a jersey as a present
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Thanks but it's not my birthday.Oh wait, you meant that other PSU
^^^ What he said ^^^Thanks for your warm birthday wishes anyway, rivergirl. You will always be number one1 in my books :club:1Measured over the set of people who sent me2 birthday wishes on a day other than my birthday2Although the actual intended recipient of the birthday wishes was someone else, the actual content of the happy birthday message3 can be directed at me as well3See title of this thread for the birthday message: Happy Birthday Psu!
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I'd wish for Paterno to leave after this year. The team runs plays like its 1980 and the players act like they played for Miami in the 90's.That is all.PS Happy Birthday to everyone (when its actually their birthday that is...)

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  • 3 months later...
so i dont think i saw this on my birthday and dont ask how i found it now but<3 THANKS GUYS LOLOL(kinger hate u)
lolAttention WHORE!!I was gonna wish you a happy birthday, then I saw the date.
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why do you all you psu people live in MD? PSU senior still in centre country right hurr. :club:
ummm i dont live in maryland lol
lolAttention WHORE!!I was gonna wish you a happy birthday, then I saw the date.
lol i know what can i say but srsly i really didnt see it on my bday lol so i now feel bad i didnt thank people
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