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10 Horses For Full Tilt 5.50 At 1:05

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Sounds like a blast. Noted for the next home-game.Talk about drinking game... Here's a chuckle before the tourney:
lol ice done those before, tequila suicides. did one with steve-o at the bar in fredericton when he was there to do a show and it got cancelled
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NP, just win plz.
I don't think that is gonna happen. What a luckbox.Full Tilt (9 handed) Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)Preflop: Hero is UTG with jd.gif, jc.gif. SB posts a blind of 15. Hero raises, 6 folds, SB (poster) calls, 1 fold.Flop: 3s.gif, 9c.gif, 7s.gif(2 players)SB bets, Hero raises, SB raises 1740 (All-In), Hero calls 1170 (All-In).Turn: 8c.gif(2 players, 2 all-in)River: qs.gif(2 players, 2 all-in)Final Pot: Results in white below: SB has 9s Js (flush, queen high). Hero has Jd Jc (one pair, jacks). Outcome: SB wins .
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I don't think that is gonna happen. What a luckbox.Full Tilt (9 handed) Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)Preflop: Hero is UTG with jd.gif, jc.gif. SB posts a blind of 15. Hero raises, 6 folds, SB (poster) calls, 1 fold.Flop: 3s.gif, 9c.gif, 7s.gif(2 players)SB bets, Hero raises, SB raises 1740 (All-In), Hero calls 1170 (All-In).Turn: 8c.gif(2 players, 2 all-in)River: qs.gif(2 players, 2 all-in)Final Pot: Results in white below: SB has 9s Js (flush, queen high). Hero has Jd Jc (one pair, jacks). Outcome: SB wins .
Gross, GG.
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.5? lolIf I wasn't so broke, I'd take that in a second but....I am :club:
lolo after getting the facts on the total number of horses and how many left, i rescind the bet. i thought it hadnt started yet and it was like afield of like 1000
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Out....I push after a flop of AdKd7c with Kh7d....get called by Qd6d....and he gets runner runner 6's for trips...so gross.Thanks again for the stake and GL to anyone still in
gee gee
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Got payethstFull Tilt Poker Game #5640117448: $5 + $0.50 Tournament (42828741), Table 32 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:49:11 ET - 2008/03/15Seat 1: Garbarrassing (2,785)Seat 2: Pot (1,745)Seat 3: Sgtkrunch (6,335)Seat 4: SharkBB (5,795)Seat 6: NUTZ2DACHIN (1,355)Seat 7: 99percentliquid (2,120)Seat 8: Sir_Bear (1,295)Seat 9: Hyperlite19 (935)SharkBB posts the small blind of 30NUTZ2DACHIN posts the big blind of 60The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Pot [2h 2s]99percentliquid foldsSir_Bear foldsHyperlite19 foldsGarbarrassing foldsPot has 15 seconds left to actPot raises to 180Sgtkrunch foldsSharkBB calls 150NUTZ2DACHIN folds*** FLOP *** [As 2d 3d]SharkBB has 15 seconds left to actclingfree sits downclingfree adds 2,055SharkBB bets 180Pot calls 180*** TURN *** [As 2d 3d] [Kh]SharkBB checksPot bets 300SharkBB calls 300*** RIVER *** [As 2d 3d Kh] [7c]SharkBB checksPot bets 600SharkBB calls 600*** SHOW DOWN ***Pot shows [2h 2s] three of a kind, TwosSharkBB mucksPot wins the pot (2,580) with three of a kind, Twos*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2,580 | Rake 0Board: [As 2d 3d Kh 7c]Seat 1: Garbarrassing didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Pot showed [2h 2s] and won (2,580) with three of a kind, TwosSeat 3: Sgtkrunch (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: SharkBB (small blind) mucked [8d Ah] - a pair of AcesSeat 6: NUTZ2DACHIN (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 7: 99percentliquid didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: Sir_Bear didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: Hyperlite19 didn't bet (folded)

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tytytyI'm a whiny little bitch
agree. ill pm it to anyone, hes short/skinny/white as hell and looks like he wears his shorts a foot too high. im drinking. i just like egging on SBD, we're actually e-lovers
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agree. ill pm it to anyone, hes short/skinny/white as hell and looks like he wears his shorts a foot too high. im drinking. i just like egging on SBD, we're actually e-lovers
lol too true, in my defense I did just get out of the ocean after boogie boarding
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why can't i suck at poker and make to really bad calls?....Full Tilt Poker Game #5640098838: $5 + $0.50 Tournament (42828741), Table 25 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:47:19 ET - 2008/03/15Seat 1: BgsaPnaples (3,372)Seat 2: Bob El-Head (2,995)Seat 3: Knollie919 (1,735)Seat 4: riverbrad (1,075)Seat 5: GreenCouch (985)Seat 6: Chino1958 (1,225)Seat 7: Team Suomi (2,110)Seat 8: BestinSTL (3,043)Seat 9: zetrop (6,500)Bob El-Head posts the small blind of 30Knollie919 posts the big blind of 60The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Knollie919 [Th Jc]riverbrad foldsGreenCouch foldsChino1958 foldsTeam Suomi foldsBestinSTL has 15 seconds left to actBestinSTL raises to 140zetrop calls 140BgsaPnaples foldsBob El-Head calls 110Knollie919 calls 80*** FLOP *** [6c Qh 8d]Bob El-Head checksKnollie919 checksBestinSTL has 15 seconds left to actBestinSTL bets 375zetrop calls 375Bob El-Head foldsKnollie919 folds*** TURN *** [6c Qh 8d] [Ks]BestinSTL bets 2,528, and is all inzetrop calls 2,528BestinSTL shows [Ts 9h]zetrop shows [Jh Qc]*** RIVER *** [6c Qh 8d Ks] [Ah]BestinSTL shows Ace King highzetrop shows a pair of Queenszetrop wins the pot (6,366) with a pair of QueensBestinSTL stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 6,366 | Rake 0Board: [6c Qh 8d Ks Ah]Seat 1: BgsaPnaples (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Bob El-Head (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 3: Knollie919 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 4: riverbrad didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: GreenCouch didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: Chino1958 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: Team Suomi didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: BestinSTL showed [Ts 9h] and lost with Ace King highSeat 9: zetrop showed [Jh Qc] and won (6,366) with a pair of Queens

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