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2008 Los Angeles Dodgers Official Thread

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From Rotoworld:Clayton Kershaw was pulled from his start for Double-A Jacksonville after just one inning on Thursday, suggesting that he's on his way to the majors.MLB.com believes he could start Saturday, with Brad Penny being pushed back. They'd certainly be rushing the 20-year-old, but it's possible that it could work out, as long as they're willing to live with him as a five-inning starter.
I haven't checked any of my Dodgers sites yet this morning, so you better not be teasing me Jeff. :club:
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Meh, the Ken Gurnick/mlb.com article speculates that Kershaw would come up to pitch Tuesday, not Saturday. I much prefer the Saturday scenario considering he only threw an inning, and it allows you to push Penny back. On Tuesday, the Dodger are @ Chicago, which is not really a good park for a guy to make his debut. I'd much prefer Dodger Stadium or Petco, or even Dodget Stadium North up here in SF.Also, the Cubs stats vs LHP:.295/.387/.461, a 130 OPS+, best in the league. The Cubs are 10-5 in games started by LHP.Another thing to note that Jon Weisman pointed out, was that the Chan Ho/Kuo combo hasn't pitched since they beat the Angels last Saturday, which makes you wonder why they would rush Kershaw up. If Penny or Lowe goes on the DL, or are pulled from the rotation, then I'd be happy to see Kershaw, but until then I don't see the point.Plus, really the only thing 'unusual' about last night wasn't that he was pulled after an inning, but that he wasn't told beforehand that was the plan. The short stint goes right along with the 25 ip per month limit they have put on him.That being said, I would really, really like to see him pitch ASAP in a MLB park. That's just me being selfish though.

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The latest re: Kershaw is that he would be called up if the Dodgers are forced to use Kuo and Chan Ho this weekend due to Lowe/Penny sucking. That makes sense. Considering how well Lowe/Penny have been pitching, and how often the Cardinals kick the crap out of us, I'd say it's at least 50/50 that Kershaw pitches Tuesday. Maybe if Lowe gets shelled tonight they'll call him up and get him here in time to pitch over the weekend, because I'd rather not have him make his MLB debut in Chicago...although it would be cool to see.

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Released Loaiza, sent Brazoban to Vegas, and called up Clayton 'The Minotaur' Kershaw...Hopefully he starts Sunday, gives me something to look forward to other then spending a few k on buy ins and having my poker heart broken.Also, gfy Andruw Jones. Please have surgery and gtfo of the lineup. He struck out (obv) to end the game last night after a rain delay with the tying run on 3rd. Not that they had a lot of options left on the bench, but at this point I'd rather pinch hit Bennett or Maza then Andruw.

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Kershaw's line:6IP 5H 2ER 7KI am impressed. He had a 32 pitch first inning but settled down nicely after that. Too bad the Cards just hit a sac fly to ruin Kershiser's chances at a W. GO BLUE

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Kershaw's line:6IP 5H 2ER 7KI am impressed. He had a 32 pitch first inning but settled down nicely after that. Too bad the Cards just hit a sac fly to ruin Kershiser's chances at a W. GO BLUE
That 2nd ER should have been unearned IMO.Yeah, I'm pretty bitter with him not getting the chance at the W. Loney letting that fly ball hit him in the head, Dewitt throwing high to home, Wade walking the lead off hitter in the 7th, Hu looking like a moron trying to keep the ball in front of him on Izturis' steal attempt...Not to mention Beimel letting Izturis get such good jumps off him.I think I've pretty much ranted against every player on the team today other then Kershaw and Martin. Loney looks awful at the plate, Pierre has started every game in May...I'm in a bitter Dodgers mood, I fully expect the Cardinals to win this late and sweep us. This team looks marginal at best w/out Raffy in there, sigh. Vin mentioned earlier that Furcal isn't even coming on the road trip either, sadkfjksld;jfl;ksadjfkl;adsjfkl;asdjf.Clayton did look very good though once he settled down, and I was pleasantly surprised they let him throw 100+ pitches.
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I'm looking forward to this kid of yours facing off against Lincecum and Cain. :club:
Although I'd like to see him vs Lincecum, I'd rather he pitched vs Cain because then he'd be almost guaranteed a win. Not that Cain isn't filthy (and younger then Lincecum actually, not many people realize that), but the Giants give him no support in his starts. Heh as I type this I see Tyler Walker come in and give up Cain's lead.Thankfully the Dodgers didn't get swept, and Saito looked very good in his 2 ip.
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Although I'd like to see him vs Lincecum, I'd rather he pitched vs Cain because then he'd be almost guaranteed a win. Not that Cain isn't filthy (and younger then Lincecum actually, not many people realize that), but the Giants give him no support in his starts. Heh as I type this I see Tyler Walker come in and give up Cain's lead.Thankfully the Dodgers didn't get swept, and Saito looked very good in his 2 ip.
Sigh, sad but true. I really hope that the Giants get some good positional players like Rowand to give support for Cain. It's pretty sad.
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The Dodgers make every pitcher look like Brandon Webb
Too bad they will play for a team that will get swept in the first round of the playoffs every year :club:
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The Dodgers make every pitcher look like Brandon Webb
For sure, they've been doing that for years. Pretty much every pitcher that makes their ML debut at Dodger Stadium looks like a future star.**** James Loney.Also, that's like the 4th or 5th game Kuroda has easily pitched well enough for a win. Jonathan Broxton looks pretty marginal lately, much like the team.All 3 Cubs games are on ESPN, and then they are on Sunday night vs the Mets. Poor, poor America, being forced to watch them that often...I mean, I'm a sicko and actually pay for that particular punishment, but the American general viewing public doesn't deserve such harsh treatment. Shame on you ESPN.
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He's been awful this year, pretty alarming. Poor Bills, he's pitching extremely well right now.Considering how bad the Dodgers are in support of Kuroda, Santana and the Mets are a pretty good bet tonight.
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tbh the Dodgers got SFpwnt imo ldo

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Are you a Giants fan?? :club:
Mets obv
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tbh the Dodgers got SFpwnt imo ldo
;alsdjkfakl;sdjfkl;asfjl;kasdjfkl;asdjfkl;asjAt least Kuo continued his Mets dominance...sad that his mop up relief work was the highlight for the Dodgers.
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I cracked up hard at this. LOL pat :club:
Obviously the correct reply should have been, 'he does when Oliver Perez is pitching'. :)Not sure what is more rare, the Dodgers collectively hitting 3 hrs in one game, or Lowe pitching well. It probably should only count as half a win though considering how bad the Rockies are playing/how injured they are.
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How is Brad Penny doing this year? Have not heard much. I like to keep track of former Marlins just so I can smack myself in the head thinking about what our team could look like if we had serious fans and a big payroll (Beckett, Penny, AJ Burnett, Willis, Miguel Cabrera...et cetera et cetera....damn it all)

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How is Brad Penny doing this year? Have not heard much. I like to keep track of former Marlins just so I can smack myself in the head thinking about what our team could look like if we had serious fans and a big payroll (Beckett, Penny, AJ Burnett, Willis, Miguel Cabrera...et cetera et cetera....damn it all)
If Brad Penny was a stock, I would have sold him last year at the All Star break. He seemed like he was starting to finally understand how to pitch, not just throw, but he has def regressed this year. He doesn't seem to have as good strike out stuff (as is evident by the numbers), so he ends up unable to put hitters away, which makes innings last longer then they should. His last few starts he has been a bit better then he had been, but he still is on my 'is a ****ing loser' list (aptly named because every time I see one of the players on the list, I have to urge to tell them how much of a loser they are).That current list is:PennyLowe (one start doesn't get you off the list)KentPierre (the list franchise player)Hu-ever is playing SS that night (see what I did there?)JonesSweeney (seriously, wtf Ned? How is he still on the roster?)BroxtonProctorCollettiRepko (still on list for hurting Raffy last year)Stan Conte, trainer (can we at least have a time table on when Raffy will be back?)
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