Dratj 0 Posted September 5, 2009 Share Posted September 5, 2009 I wanted to go today really bad, but the combination of being crazy tired, and ridiculously sore, I think I'll try to do it tomorrow. I think those deadlifts killed me. I've never really done them before.I ended up going. Ran 5k, did about 13 min. on the bike and some bench at 225. Hopefully do some more weights tomorrow. deadlifts kill me too. I haven't done them in a while. I'm scared to throw out my lower back or something, the fear is prob unfounded but I go every 2 weeks for chiro to treat it so scared to **** it up. Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted September 5, 2009 Share Posted September 5, 2009 A little bit of both. It offers a very candid view of his life and he delivers it with unsophisticated prose. I rather enjoyed reading it. some of the content:tidbits about how he basically fought all the time in school growing up. Advice on how to cut weight, get ready for competitions and the reality of being a no name pro (i.e. it's gonna suck)friends of his write interesting anecdotes about himThere's a few pics inserted in the middle of him in fights. How he was so poor that he had no cable, lived in a shithole and watch Good Will Hunting for 2 yrs straight and talked to himself a lot. Some basics of fighting that anyone that's ever taken a few months of martial arts would know. the etiquette of grappling-ie. take a shower, clip your nails, shave your five o clock shadow, change your tshirt if you're sweaty, tape up wounds instead of using bandaids and don't fart on your opponent. getting injured in low tier fights and getting crappy medical carecool, thanks buddy Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted September 5, 2009 Share Posted September 5, 2009 I prefer working from side control against a more skilled opponent because the attacks are endless (and I feel like I have much more control/stabler base) as opposed to the mount, however against a weaker opponent I'll take the mount all day ala Roger Gracie. If you're ever down here in the SD area, we should roll.i prefer side control to mount, as i'm super light right now and am almost always rolling against guys who i give up a lot of weight tothe knee on belly i think of as a sort of advanced side control that really makes them make a mistake and forces their hand faster then in side control, i have a hard time catching an americana or kimura against a guy i give up 50 or 60 lbs to from side control, but from knee on belly i am catching them all the time as they roll insideplus you can always slide back to side control from knee on belly if you wantif i'm down there i'll give you a call for a roll for sure Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted September 6, 2009 Share Posted September 6, 2009 cool, thanks buddyno problem. i prefer side control to mount, as i'm super light right now and am almost always rolling against guys who i give up a lot of weight tothe knee on belly i think of as a sort of advanced side control that really makes them make a mistake and forces their hand faster then in side control, i have a hard time catching an americana or kimura against a guy i give up 50 or 60 lbs to from side control, but from knee on belly i am catching them all the time as they roll insideplus you can always slide back to side control from knee on belly if you wantif i'm down there i'll give you a call for a roll for sureInteresting. How much do you weigh gooch? How much of an advantage is weight when grappling? Link to post Share on other sites
socalpoker_j 1 Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 How much of an advantage is weight when grappling?Depends. A really skillful guy that weighs not so much against a big ogre with basic skill... I think you know where I'm going. In my experience, with all things set equal (skill, experience, etc). the heavier player has the advantage. However, most heavy guys give up a ton in quickness and fluidity of movement. In BJJ tourneys, guys like Roger Gracie and Xande (heavy players) are dominant in the Absolute Division (no weight restrictions). Link to post Share on other sites
chrispycream 0 Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 Does anybody here know anything about gainers? I am thinking about using them instead of regular protein powder because I have trouble finding enough to eat and could definitely use the caloric excess (5'9 155lbs). Thoughts? I think I am just concerned about the health aspects... Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 For a month I have been exercising every day. I've finally got in a good swimming, running, situp, and weights routine. I lost 3 lbs and feel great, but I thought I would have lost a little more.I checked out jillianmichaels.com. It's the chicks website for The Biggest Loser. She has a meal schedule and workout schedule on there if you sign up. It is free for 7 days and then $4 per week, I'm going to try it out for awhile.The meal plan is just ridiculous, so I'm going to skip that and just watch what I eat. The workout routines look pretty good, so I'm going to do that along with my usual swimming and running. All the workouts can be done at home. The website also has a message board for members that also looks real useful. Not trying to spam or anything, just thought it would be fun to try a new thing. I really don't want to get a personal trainer, or go to a gym so I thought that this would be a better solution. Right now I weigh 231, and would like to be under 200. Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 Does anybody here know anything about gainers? I am thinking about using them instead of regular protein powder because I have trouble finding enough to eat and could definitely use the caloric excess (5'9 155lbs). Thoughts? I think I am just concerned about the health aspects...just add more protein from protein powders that are diverse in the various types of protein. the gainers a re excessive you need to get at least 1.5 grams of protein a day per pound of of body weight. you need at least 232 grams of a day protein to add muscle. I suggest; http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/opt/naturalprocomplex.html take it in between meals and before bed to fill out your daily protein requirements. and do this workout; http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Sta...g_Strength_Wiki you will also need about 3300+ calories a day currently to gain weightgl, :)and don't forget to add 1.5 grams of protein x your body weight as you gain weight! and also incease your calories as you gain toohere are some excellent caculators to get you started on the right track; http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/macronutcal.htm & http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calculators.htmon a side note from a previous post; Kurt, is that back up enough? Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 I recently bought Micell Edge casein protien mixture. I do shakes in the morning after working out as a first meal but I really have no idea how much protien I should be taking. I take it with skim milk. I guess I should look it up.Friday night I drank about 10 beers for the first time in while and though I was reallyyyyy dragging I ran the 5k in the morning.Sunday- rode the bike about 15 miles around town, lot of hills so a pretty good workout. Did upper body as well. I was going to run this morning but it's pouring down and I have things to do so maybe tonight. Link to post Share on other sites
Asimo 1 Posted September 7, 2009 Share Posted September 7, 2009 Decided to workout with my sister's boyfriend this week. He used to play soccer in college so his workout is a little different.First, we did a 5 min warm up on the stationary bike. Then stretched for 5-7 mins. Then we hit the treadmill for 30 mins. I did my best 2.5 miles since I started working out.Here's my breakdown for my cardio today (all done with a 1% incline):10 mins @ 6mph (1 mile)2 mins @ 3mph3 mins@ 5.5mph (1.38 miles)3 mins @ 3mph10:42 @ 6mph. (2.5 miles)So, that's 2.5 miles in 28:42. Bested my last 2.5 miles by 2 minutes!Then we worked on upper body today:Bicep Curls (machine with both arms at the same time):10 reps X 50lbs 8 reps x 60lbs6 reps x 70lbsShoulder Dips (machine with both arms at the same time):10 reps x 90lbs8 reps x 100lbs6 reps x 110lbsAbs curls (machine):10 reps x 100lbs8 reps x 110lbs6 reps x 120lbsBench Press:10 reps x 100lbs (hard)6 reps x 100lbs (could not finish 8 reps)4 reps x 100lbs (could not finish 6 reps) Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 Interesting. How much do you weigh gooch? How much of an advantage is weight when grappling?i'm light right now, 155when i'm in good shape for rolling i'm up at about 170, been slowly getting strength back and was my schedule gets more slack come fall so i can really start to work out more than i have been, 15 lbs of muscle makes a huge difference for thati roll with guys as big as 235 and can usually wear them out for a sub, however giving up that much weight closes some options for you like mount and guard is a lot harder to play (my preference) as their body weight will wear you down so you have to work butterfly to take the weight offyes big guys are usually slower but there is something to be said for guys with crushing strength who can sit side control and sufforcate you until you make a mistakebest combo is obviously strength and speed with guys like marcelo garcia Link to post Share on other sites
troyomac 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 Doing Isagenix, haven't been to the gym since the end of May, hopefully I'll feel up to going back within the next couple weeks. Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 I recently bought Micell Edge casein protien mixture. I do shakes in the morning after working out as a first meal but I really have no idea how much protien I should be taking. I take it with skim milk. I guess I should look it up.i think you weight is about 165 so you need aprox. 250 grams of protein a day to gain muscle. here is a prtoein calculator; http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calpro.htmand cassein is excellent before bed. Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXoOcP20hjU&feature=fvw Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 Depends. A really skillful guy that weighs not so much against a big ogre with basic skill... I think you know where I'm going. In my experience, with all things set equal (skill, experience, etc). the heavier player has the advantage. However, most heavy guys give up a ton in quickness and fluidity of movement. In BJJ tourneys, guys like Roger Gracie and Xande (heavy players) are dominant in the Absolute Division (no weight restrictions).Cool, thx. How much do those guys weigh?For a month I have been exercising every day. I've finally got in a good swimming, running, situp, and weights routine. I lost 3 lbs and feel great, but I thought I would have lost a little more.I checked out jillianmichaels.com. It's the chicks website for The Biggest Loser. She has a meal schedule and workout schedule on there if you sign up. It is free for 7 days and then $4 per week, I'm going to try it out for awhile.The meal plan is just ridiculous, so I'm going to skip that and just watch what I eat. The workout routines look pretty good, so I'm going to do that along with my usual swimming and running. All the workouts can be done at home. The website also has a message board for members that also looks real useful. Not trying to spam or anything, just thought it would be fun to try a new thing. I really don't want to get a personal trainer, or go to a gym so I thought that this would be a better solution. Right now I weigh 231, and would like to be under 200.How tall are you? I've been fighting hard to stay under 200. Been a bit above it of late.i'm light right now, 155when i'm in good shape for rolling i'm up at about 170, been slowly getting strength back and was my schedule gets more slack come fall so i can really start to work out more than i have been, 15 lbs of muscle makes a huge difference for thati roll with guys as big as 235 and can usually wear them out for a sub, however giving up that much weight closes some options for you like mount and guard is a lot harder to play (my preference) as their body weight will wear you down so you have to work butterfly to take the weight offyes big guys are usually slower but there is something to be said for guys with crushing strength who can sit side control and sufforcate you until you make a mistakebest combo is obviously strength and speed with guys like marcelo garcia He seems pretty quick. He looks like he weighs about 210 to 220ish? hard to say by looking at the video.i think you weight is about 165 so you need aprox. 250 grams of protein a day to gain muscle. here is a prtoein calculator; http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calpro.htmand cassein is excellent before bed.sigh, I've been slacking in the protein powder intake department for the past few months. Time to get back on it I think. Link to post Share on other sites
dapokerbum 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 Finally got back to the gym on Sunday. Did Back / Chest and felt pretty good. Then Monday, I went back and did legs. Feeling very good now that I have got back to the gym after a week off. Started talking with my friends that I did the sprint Triathlon with and they want to try a half marathon next May. I am thinking of doing this but I am not sure if I have enough time to train for it. I am probably going to start training for it in October and decide in December if I am going to be able to do the half marathon by May. My goal would be to average 10 min miles which would be 2h 10 min of running. Seems very daunting right now, but we'll see how I feel after some training.Anyway, good to be back in the thread. Nice to see you again as well AVS! Link to post Share on other sites
SBriand 4 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 Did my 5K training thing Saturday and Monday.30 minutes each time with a 5 min warmup and cool down.Saturday: 1.85 miles Monday: 1.93 milesDo it again tomorrow at the 90 sec walk/60 sec run/jog phase and then Friday at the 60 sec walk 60 sec run/jog. Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 so, back to working out tonight. Ate and drank like a fiend this weekend. Weighed in at 203 this morning. Gotta cut back down to 200 or 199 by friday, just so i feel better. 200 is a pyschological barrier. Link to post Share on other sites
SBriand 4 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 Is it wrong to run/train everyday in what I am doing. I feel like going tonight, sure that could change any hour now, but would it be bad to do it or should I stay on an every other day schedule? Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 Is it wrong to run/train everyday in what I am doing. I feel like going tonight, sure that could change any hour now, but would it be bad to do it or should I stay on an every other day schedule?Im not sure but running 5k everyday is prob ok. I would probably at least take one day off on the weekends though. latley Ive been running 5k about three times a week. i normally don't work out mon, wed and sundays now. I used to work out everyday for the first four months of this year but it got to be too much. Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted September 8, 2009 Share Posted September 8, 2009 i think you weight is about 165 so you need aprox. 250 grams of protein a day to gain muscle. here is a prtoein calculator; http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calpro.htmand cassein is excellent before bed.Well, I guess i'm going to have to figure out how much protien I am getting then. Ugh.Is it wrong to run/train everyday in what I am doing. I feel like going tonight, sure that could change any hour now, but would it be bad to do it or should I stay on an every other day schedule?I would stick with every other day to keep from burning out. I get a tad too gung ho at times and then my body drags. Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 9, 2009 Share Posted September 9, 2009 Did my 5K training thing Saturday and Monday.30 minutes each time with a 5 min warmup and cool down.Saturday: 1.85 miles Monday: 1.93 milesDo it again tomorrow at the 90 sec walk/60 sec run/jog phase and then Friday at the 60 sec walk 60 sec run/jog.here is a excellent program for others interested in running 5k's; http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 9, 2009 Share Posted September 9, 2009 .Anyway, good to be back in the thread. Nice to see you again as well AVS!howdy partner! so hows is your program going? Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 9, 2009 Share Posted September 9, 2009 Is it wrong to run/train everyday in what I am doing. I feel like going tonight, sure that could change any hour now, but would it be bad to do it or should I stay on an every other day schedule?the program here suggest running three times a week, check it out; http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtmlfrom linked site; 'Each session should take about 20 or 30 minutes, three times a week. That just happens to be the same amount of moderate exercise recommended by numerous studies for optimum fitness. This program will get you fit. (Runners who do more than this amount are doing it for more than fitness, and before long you might find yourself doing the same as well).'& 'Be sure to space out these three days throughout the week to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts.' Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 9, 2009 Share Posted September 9, 2009 I would stick with every other day to keep from burning out. I get a tad too gung ho at times and then my body drags.and if your body is dragging so are your gains. Link to post Share on other sites
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