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Where Is Vatche?

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Ok, So I'm not much of a forum guy. I mean I try to stay abreast(love that word) of current events, but my a.d.d calls for instant chatting. This is why I had so much fun in FCP chat. So many great people in there and meaningless but great conversations til all hours of the night. I left before it got shut down, but now I'm back and I've run into a lot of those old faces. I've seen Gil, Troyomac, 4lom(yoda), Janfor, cfinnn, pillypill, jester, symbolic, wktsway, even Bob and a few others, I even chat with some of them. But where the hell is Vatche, someone was missing and not until I ran across his name today did I realize who it was. So I pose this question to you the members of FCP. WHERE IS VATCHE?

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Wow....no kidding. Where did he go? I remember the good 'ol tourney daze of FCP poker and that awesome chat room feature. Those were the best times.It's also strange to see some of the old bumps and then to look at the profiles of the posters when those threads were created.Many of those people are long gone....

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It's also strange to see some of the old bumps and then to look at the profiles of the posters when those threads were created.Many of those people are long gone....
Totally agree. We've lost a lot of good soldiers in the last couple of years.
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If this is for me, it hurts BG. I'm Pocket3s, how could you not remember me? If I remember correctly, I introduced to the great game PLO.
You know I would never forget my PLO teacher.Even if he forgot me :club:
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He used to message me on aim every few weeks, but I haven't heard from him lately. I hope he and zsta weren't hit by the same bus!
First off zsta got hit by a bus?? Did he die??? I too miss the days of talking on the old FCP with everyone. that shit was fun...
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  • 1 month later...

im alive pockets! just been kind of busy lately and havent played much poker. :D

Hiding in a bunker until the end of the next season of American Idol. For sanity purposes.
LMAO :club:
Wow....no kidding. Where did he go? I remember the good 'ol tourney daze of FCP poker and that awesome chat room feature. Those were the best times.
LOL 3s, I've been wondering the same thing...Where is V???? :D
hi :D
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im alive pockets! just been kind of busy lately and havent played much poker. :D
Nice! Now GYAIIRC!(Get your ass into IRC!) :club:
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