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Wcoop Event 2 - 5 Card Draw

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I'm purely steaming from the ugliness that was Event 1 so I'mg onna be playing this without a clue. How do you play 5 card draw?

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In. No idea what's going on.
Play begins with each player being dealt five cards, one at a time, all face down. The remaining deck is placed aside, often protected by placing a chip or other marker on it. Players pick up the cards and hold them in their hands, being careful to keep them concealed from the other players, then a round of betting occurs.If more than one player remains after the first round, the "draw" phase begins. Each player specifies how many of his cards he wishes to replace, and discards them. The deck is retrieved, and after a burn card is dealt each player is dealt in turn from the deck the same number of cards he discarded so that each player again has five cards. It is important that each player discards the cards he wishes to replace before he takes any replacements, and that he takes the same number of replacements as he discarded.A second "after the draw" betting round occurs beginning with the player to the dealer's left or else beginning with the player who opened the first round (the latter is common when antes are used instead of blinds). This is followed by a showdown if more than one player remains, in which the player with the best hand wins the pot.
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2 10s and a J
If you guys are good enough then it doesn't matter what your cards are. Play the player, not the cards. That's all I got. Oh, also watch when the other players shuffle their cards and see where they place them, it's a huge tell. swI do like Juggalo's strategy. It could work.
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terrible or expert? (first time he repopped pre i think)PokerStars Game #12057959335: Tournament #70000002, $200+$15 5 Card Draw Pot Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/09/14 - 17:37:47 (ET)Table '70000002 13' 6-max Seat #1 is the buttonSeat 1: zarplata (3895 in chips)Seat 2: dustin2424 (3395 in chips)Seat 3: jdepa01fcp (2945 in chips)Seat 4: midocean1 (3315 in chips)Seat 5: zezao27 (2440 in chips)Seat 6: Big_Dady_Coo (1930 in chips)dustin2424: posts small blind 25jdepa01fcp: posts big blind 50*** DEALING HANDS ***Dealt to jdepa01fcp [Ad Ah 6d Tc Ac]midocean1: raises 125 to 175zezao27: raises 225 to 400Big_Dady_Coo: foldszarplata: foldsdustin2424: foldsjdepa01fcp: calls 350midocean1: foldsjdepa01fcp: discards 2 cards [6d Tc]Dealt to jdepa01fcp [Ad Ah Ac] [Kd 6s]zezao27: stands patjdepa01fcp: checkszezao27: bets 1000jdepa01fcp said, "this is sick"jdepa01fcp: foldszezao27 collected 1000 from potzezao27: doesn't show hand*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1000 | Rake 0Seat 1: zarplata (button) folded before the Draw (didn't bet)Seat 2: dustin2424 (small blind) folded before the DrawSeat 3: jdepa01fcp (big blind) folded after the DrawSeat 4: midocean1 folded before the DrawSeat 5: zezao27 collected (1000)Seat 6: Big_Dady_Coo folded before the Draw (didn't bet)

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Thoughts on standing pat with more trips/two pair types hands so I can set up stand pat bluffs later?
I tried it they call anyways, lol.Out My 2-pairs kept on running into higher 2-pairs pre-draw, etc. etc.Gl All!
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I don't understand the fold, Jon. But I've never really thought about 5cd before.How strong is AAA?Strong enough for another raise pre draw?
utg raises, utg+1 re-raises for the first time all tourney (see:monster), dont really see any value to 4 bet since it will just commit me and the only hands i get action from are pat hands (possibly some worse trips but I think his range is more polarized towards pat hands). Think pf is standard; then when he stands pat, i think have to check fold when he pots the river and I dont improve. Unless it was some elaborate bluff (he has been a straightforward nit), what am I beating?Could be wrong, its my first time playing
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utg raises, utg+1 re-raises for the first time all tourney (see:monster), dont really see any value to 4 bet since it will just commit me and the only hands i get action from are pat hands (possibly some worse trips but I think his range is more polarized towards pat hands). Think pf is standard; then when he stands pat, i think have to check fold when he pots the river and I dont improve. Unless it was some elaborate bluff (he has been a straightforward nit), what am I beating?Could be wrong, its my first time playing
I think you read and played it right.You beat an elaborate bluff and nothing else. I don't think it matters much that your hand is fairly transparent there.
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terrible or expert? (first time he repopped pre i think)PokerStars Game #12057959335: Tournament #70000002, $200+$15 5 Card Draw Pot Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/09/14 - 17:37:47 (ET)Table '70000002 13' 6-max Seat #1 is the buttonSeat 1: zarplata (3895 in chips)Seat 2: dustin2424 (3395 in chips)Seat 3: jdepa01fcp (2945 in chips)Seat 4: midocean1 (3315 in chips)Seat 5: zezao27 (2440 in chips)Seat 6: Big_Dady_Coo (1930 in chips)dustin2424: posts small blind 25jdepa01fcp: posts big blind 50*** DEALING HANDS ***Dealt to jdepa01fcp [Ad Ah 6d Tc Ac]midocean1: raises 125 to 175zezao27: raises 225 to 400Big_Dady_Coo: foldszarplata: foldsdustin2424: foldsjdepa01fcp: calls 350midocean1: foldsjdepa01fcp: discards 2 cards [6d Tc]Dealt to jdepa01fcp [Ad Ah Ac] [Kd 6s]zezao27: stands patjdepa01fcp: checkszezao27: bets 1000jdepa01fcp said, "this is sick"jdepa01fcp: foldszezao27 collected 1000 from potzezao27: doesn't show hand*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1000 | Rake 0Seat 1: zarplata (button) folded before the Draw (didn't bet)Seat 2: dustin2424 (small blind) folded before the DrawSeat 3: jdepa01fcp (big blind) folded after the DrawSeat 4: midocean1 folded before the DrawSeat 5: zezao27 collected (1000)Seat 6: Big_Dady_Coo folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Wow dude, even tight players must be 3 betting 101010/999/jjj/qqq etc. I def call that flop bet fa sho
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