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Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: Bet The Pot)UTG ($23.75)MP ($10.70)CO ($25.20)Button ($24.60)SB ($26.85)Hero ($24.65)Preflop: Hero is BB with [7c], [6c]. 2 folds, CO raises to $0.75, Button calls $0.75, 1 fold, Hero calls $0.50.Flop: ($2.35) [2h], [6s], [7h] (3 players)Hero checks, CO bets $1.25, Button calls $1.25, Hero raises to $7.35, CO folds, Button calls $6.10.Turn: ($18.30) [3h] (2 players)Hero bets $10, Button calls $10.River: ($38.30) [5d] (2 players)Hero bets $6.55 (All-In)CO is not very good and I don't think he's very aggressive either. The board just keeps getting worse and I have no idea what to do. I feel like I need a better line here, someone help

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If you feel that you'd call him if he shoved the turn to your bet, then just get it all-in. Betting $10 is just setting your price to go broke and have an excuse.

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After your flop c/r and bricked turn, you are committed to the pot since you have less than the pot size..Shovel the turnAlso, I would recommend reading Professional NL, which deals with NL cash game principles..I read it for a few hours this weekend and it will clear up situations like this for you and help to stop you from making tough decisions on later streets

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Shoving turn is difficult, only a set or flush is calling you (unless he loves a tptk hand). What about checking and re-evaluating on how he acts. But actually, if he bets or pushes you I guess you have to call.. iono, tough spot. Its either a great read and fold to his flush, or pay him off with your set and river a boat

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After your flop c/r and bricked turn, you are committed to the pot since you have less than the pot size..Shovel the turnAlso, I would recommend reading Professional NL, which deals with NL cash game principles..I read it for a few hours this weekend and it will clear up situations like this for you and help to stop you from making tough decisions on later streets
who's the author of that?
Shoving turn is difficult, only a set or flush is calling you (unless he loves a tptk hand). What about checking and re-evaluating on how he acts. But actually, if he bets or pushes you I guess you have to call.. iono, tough spot. Its either a great read and fold to his flush, or pay him off with your set and river a boat
he might call with an overpair and a heart. villain raised preflop, bet the flop and called a big reraise. That would seem a lot like an overpair to me, so a shove could just be to protect your hand since your two pair could also get counterfeited.
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who's the author of that?he might call with an overpair and a heart. villain raised preflop, bet the flop and called a big reraise. That would seem a lot like an overpair to me, so a shove could just be to protect your hand since your two pair could also get counterfeited.
Lego cat speaks the truth, he is wise beyond his whiskers.
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The main issue in this hand is you raised so much on the flop that you essentially have to get it in on the turn, despite the fact that most draws got there. The main problem here is that Button's range is crushing you unless he is completely awful. Whether it's a terribly slowplayed set or a draw, he's crushing you. As played, you have to make your decision on the turn and if you are going to bet, it has to be a shove.

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