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How does this guy NOT realize he's no good. (edit-fixed hh)Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $39.85Hero: $24.40CO: $10Button: $25.95SB: $34.25BB: $2Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is UTG+1 with A :club: A :) 8 :D 3 :D UTG folds, Hero calls, CO (poster) checks, Button calls, SB calls, BB (poster) checks.Flop: Q :D J :D 6 :) ($1.25, 5 players)SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks, CO checks, Button bets $1.25, 2 folds, Hero raises to $3.5, CO folds, Button raises to $5.75, Hero raises to $15.5, Button raises to $24, Hero raises all-in $24.15, Button calls.Turn: 7 :) ($49.55, 3 players + 1 all-in - Main pot: $49.55)River: T :icon_dance: ($49.55, 3 players + 1 all-in - Main pot: $49.55)Results:Final pot: $49.55Hero showed Ad As 8d 3dButton showed Kd 7d 4d 5d

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Nice fkin turn sir.Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $33.35UTG+1: $18.30CO: $29.05Button: $82.15Hero: $26.10BB: $33.05Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is SB with A :) K :) 9 :D A :DUTG raises to $0.85, 3 folds, Hero raises to $2.8, BB calls, UTG calls.Flop: T :D 3 :) 8 :icon_dance: ($8.4, 3 players)Hero bets $8.4, BB folds, UTG calls.Turn: 5 :club: ($25.2, 2 players)Hero is all-in $14.9, UTG calls.River: 7 :D ($55, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $55)Results:Final pot: $55Hero showed Ah Kh 9s AsUTG showed Qc 5s 5c Ac

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These f'ing hand converters are putting my on tilt. I can't find one that will work. Either PS just changed their format or I am doing something wrong. The starting stacks and bet amounts convert incorrectly. I can't get it to show the results either.

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bdc stacks donks. Donks weren't happy with my play on the flop. Hooray for odds calculators.Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $11.15UTG+1: $32.95CO: $12.90Hero: $28.85SB: $12.20BB: $14.20Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is Button with 8 :D A :D K :club: A :)UTG raises to $0.85, UTG+1 calls, CO folds, Hero calls, SB calls, BB calls.Flop: 3 :) 2 :) 9 :D ($4.25, 5 players)SB bets $2.1, BB folds, UTG raises all-in $10.3, UTG+1 folds, Hero calls, SB raises all-in $11.35, Hero calls.Turn: 3 :icon_dance: ($37.25, 1 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $35.15, Sidepot 1: $2.1)River: 6 :D ($37.25, 1 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $35.15, Sidepot 1: $2.1)Results:Final pot: $37.25Hero showed 8h As Kd AhSB showed 8c 6d 9h 2sUTG showed 4c Qs Qd 4d http://twodimes.net/h/?z=3592369pokenum -o as ah kd 8h - 9h 8c 6d 2s - qs qd 4c 4d -- 3h 2h 9d Omaha Hi: 666 enumerated boards containing 9d 3h 2hcards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EVAs Kd Ah 8h 337 50.60 329 49.40 0 0.00 0.5062s 8c 6d 9h 249 37.39 417 62.61 0 0.00 0.374Qs 4c Qd 4d 80 12.01 586 87.99 0 0.00 0.120

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Worst. Turn. Ever.Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $27.15UTG+1: $52.10CO: $7.45Button: $15.15SB: $4.95Hero: $29.30Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is BB with J :) Q :club: 8 :D Q :icon_dance: UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, CO folds, Button raises to $1, Hero calls.Flop: K :D K :) 8 :D ($2.35, 3 players)Button checks, Hero bets $1.25, Button calls.Turn: Q :) ($4.85, 3 players)Button checks, Hero bets $4.75, Button calls.River: J :D ($14.35, 3 players)Button is all-in $8.15, Hero calls.Results:Final pot: $30.65Button showed Ah Tc Kh KcHero mucks Jc Qd 8s Qc

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F*kin minbuying morons.Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $16.80UTG+1: $68.10CO: $24.50Hero: $24.65SB: $24.65BB: $9.65Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is Button with A :D A :) 9 :) 5 :) UTG calls, UTG+1 folds, CO calls, Hero calls, SB calls, BB raises to $1.5, 2 folds, Hero raises to $5.5, SB folds, BB raises all-in $9.65, Hero calls.Flop: T :D 6 :D 2 :D ($20.05, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $20.05)Turn: 8 :icon_dance: ($20.05, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $20.05)River: Q :club: ($20.05, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $20.05)Results:Final pot: $20.05Hero showed As Ah 9h 5hBB showed Jd Jc 9c Kh65/35 preflop, 85/15 on the flop, 75/25 on the turn, see below VVVVVVVV...fk me.

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Have to admit I barfed in my mouth a bit when I saw the 3 & 8 on this flop. HOW does this guy stuff preflop with that trash. Doesn't he have to know AA is there?THANK GOD for river straightaments and him not having clubs.Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $27.25UTG+1: $23.90CO: $26.05Hero: $25SB: $44.35BB: $4.55Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is Button with 5 :) A :D 2 :D A :club: UTG folds, UTG+1 raises to $0.85, CO folds, Hero calls, SB raises to $3.65, BB folds, UTG+1 calls, Hero raises to $15.7, SB raises all-in $44.35, UTG+1 folds, Hero calls all-in $10.15.Uncalled bets: $18.5 returned to SB.Flop: 8 :) T :D 3 :) ($7.8, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $55.6)Turn: 4 :icon_dance: ($7.8, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $55.6)River: 5 :D ($7.8, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: $55.6)Results:Final pot: $7.8Hero showed 5c As 2s AdSB showed Kh 3h Kc 8d

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Pretty good pot for 0.5/1. This is for you Bud since you said people don't call more than a buy-in with bluff-catchers (on 2+2).PokerStars Pot-Limit Omaha High, $1.00 BB (3 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)BB ($83.60)Hero ($351.85)SB ($336.90)Preflop: Hero is Button with jd.gif, 5h.gif, ah.gif, 8s.gif. Hero raises to $3.5, SB calls $3, BB calls $2.50.Flop: ($10.50) ad.gif, 7d.gif, 2h.gif(3 players)SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $10, SB calls $10, BB folds.Turn: ($30.50) 6h.gif(2 players)SB checks, Hero bets $29.5, SB raises to $118, Hero calls $88.50.River: ($266.50) 3h.gif(2 players)SB checks, Hero bets $220.35 (All-In), SB calls $205.40 (All-In).Final Pot: $677.30Results in white below: Villain has AAxx, no hearts.Outcome: Hero wins $692.25.

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This is for you Bud since you said people don't call more than a buy-in with bluff-catchers (on 2+2).
You didn't seriously think i was making a generalisation about hundred thousands of players and millions of different hands , did you? I was talking about that specific hand and that specific opponent.Oh btw , obv brag post.
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Yeah, I know. Just reminded me of that hand a little bit because it was a river value-bet on a flush board where the primary reason you might not get paid is that the pot was made large on the earlier streets and it's a lot of money to call relative to the stakes being played. It certainly was a brag post, first and foremost.

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PokerStars Pot-Limit Omaha High, $0.50 BB (2 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)Hero ($74.05)BB ($47)Preflop: Hero is Button with qd.gif, td.gif, th.gif, ad.gif. Hero raises to $1.5, BB raises to $4.5, Hero calls $3.Flop: ($9) 5h.gif, 8h.gif, 4s.gif(2 players)BB checks, Hero checks.Turn: ($9) tc.gif(2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $8.55, BB calls $8.55.River: ($26.10) ac.gif(2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $25.6, BB calls $25.60.Final Pot: $77.30Results in white below: BB has Ks As Ah 2h (three of a kind, aces). Outcome: BB wins $77.30. He INSTA called the turn. I knew 100% he didn't have the straight or he would have surely popped me. Believe it or not the river made me sick, but there was no way I was letting this one go. Looking back I am not sure which hands I get called by there on the river that I can beat.

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Yeah, I check that one down for sure. I'm more afraid of some junk 23xx hand that wouldn't raise, but would call with the oesd. Your hand has "some" showdown value, but if you get c/r'd there, it's a bad spot.--edit-- You just changed the format and it shows results. I can't believe he didn't raise you on that river.

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--edit-- You just changed the format and it shows results. I can't believe he didn't raise you on that river.
That was my first thought as well, but we played heads up about 200 hands and he knew I wasn't pushing that much without a good hand. Fortunately I got my money in bad on the turn one time with a set and nut flush draw and hit the flush on him for his stack.
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Just looking at the hand though, I can't see what he puts you on to not raise there. The flopped straight doesn't check in your spot when last to act, with a flush draw out there. If you were the one that hit the 2,3 straight there, I'd be happy to pay that off with a stack. Wow. Just wow. --edit-- especially since he only has like $10 left anyways

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What a fu*king joke. Nice chase you fkin idiot.Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $15.20UTG+1: $22.15Hero: $25.40Button: $0SB: $73.35BB: $35.20Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with 6 :) 7 :D 8 :club: 5 :icon_dance: UTG calls, UTG+1 folds, Hero calls, BB checks.Flop: 6 :D 5 :) 9 :D ($0.85, 4 players)BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $0.85, BB folds, UTG calls.Turn: A :D ($2.55, 3 players)UTG checks, Hero bets $2.55, UTG calls.River: A :) ($7.65, 3 players)UTG bets $7.65, Hero calls.Results:Final pot: $22.95UTG showed 5d Ac 3c 4dHero mucks 6h 7s 8d 5cOnly 95/5 on the flop. Good to see that's going my way.http://twodimes.net/h/?z=3651620pokenum -o 8d 7s 6h 5c - ac 5d 4d 3c -- 6d 5h 9s Omaha Hi: 820 enumerated boards containing 9s 6d 5hcards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV7s 5c 8d 6h 772 94.15 48 5.85 0 0.00 0.941Ac 3c 5d 4d 48 5.85 772 94.15 0 0.00 0.059Oh - and another 70/30 loss at the turn. Time to bring back the old sig maybe.http://twodimes.net/h/?z=3651623pokenum -o 8d 7s 6h 5c - ac 5d 4d 3c -- 6d 5h 9s ad Omaha Hi: 40 enumerated boards containing 9s Ad 6d 5hcards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV7s 5c 8d 6h 29 72.50 11 27.50 0 0.00 0.725Ac 3c 5d 4d 11 27.50 29 72.50 0 0.00 0.275

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But thankfully, for every donkstrike like the one above, sometimes this happens and a guy calls pot bets drawing to one out...Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $0Hero: $23.25CO: $75.80Button: $14.25SB: $34.20BB: $75.30Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is UTG+1 with 9 :D 7 :D 6 :D 7 :D Hero calls, CO folds, Button calls, SB calls, BB checks.Flop: 5 :) 5 :club: 7 :) ($1, 5 players)SB checks, BB bets $0.25, Hero raises to $1.75, 2 folds, BB calls.Turn: 6 :) ($4.5, 3 players)BB checks, Hero bets $4.5, BB calls.River: 9 :icon_dance: ($13.5, 3 players)BB checks, Hero bets $13.5, BB raises to $27, Hero calls all-in $3.25.Uncalled bets: $10.25 returned to BB.Results:Final pot: $57.25BB showed 5c Kc 2d 9dHero showed 9h 7s 6s 7h

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I wasn't gonna play another session tonight. But i got bored. I started Fulltilt and i saw this guy i noticed during daytime session who plays pretty "interesting". Long waiting list , big average pot table. Waited for 15 mins then i sat right across him. He wasn't folding much. And this hand happened :Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.25/$0.505 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $296.05CO: $0Button: $40.40Hero: $49BB: $17Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is SB with 4 :icon_dance: K :icon_dance: T :club: K :heart: UTG calls, Button calls, Hero calls, BB checks.Flop: 2 :D 6 :club: K :D ($2, 5 players)Hero bets $2, BB folds, UTG calls, Button calls.Turn: 4 :icon_dance: ($8, 4 players)Hero bets $8, UTG raises to $16, Button folds, Hero raises all-in $46.5, UTG calls.River: T :heart: ($101, 2 players + 1 all-in - Main pot: $101)Results:Final pot: $101UTG showed 5s 9h 3d 8sHero showed 4h Ks Td KhI wasn't mad or anything. He was already getting berated by the other players at the table. I thought to myself "It is Sunday for God's sake , he is obviously trying to relax , play some cards , have fun. Noone HAVE TO play good." I reloaded quitely and kept playing , trying to see a lot of flops against him while watching his betting patterns etc. Then this happened :Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.25/$0.506 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $46.75UTG+1: $271.25CO: $35.80Button: $98.35Hero: $61.05BB: $20Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is SB with 3 :club: 5 :D 8 :D 4 :club: UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, 2 folds, Hero calls, BB raises to $1.5, UTG+1 calls, Hero calls.Flop: 4 :icon_dance: 8 :club: 8 :icon_dance: ($4.5, 3 players)Hero checks, BB checks, UTG+1 bets $4.5, Hero raises to $18, BB folds, UTG+1 calls.Turn: 9 :) ($40.5, 2 players)Hero bets $40.5, UTG+1 calls.River: K :icon_dance: ($121.5, 2 players)Hero is all-in $1.05, UTG+1 calls.Results:Final pot: $123.6Hero showed 3c 5d 8d 4cUTG+1 mucks Th Jd Qc JcI was like , cool i got my buy-in back before he leaves. Because recreational players like him usually leave after losing a big pot. He didn't. He didn't even seemed to care. He kept playing the way he was , ignoring the berates from other players who lost to him.I wasn't even raising preflop anymore , everyone was too eager to raise for me so i could disguise my hands. And i kept flopping monsters against him :Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.25/$0.506 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $98.45Hero: $120.60CO: $18.25Button: $44.75SB: $212.05BB: $35.80Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is UTG+1 with J :club: Q :club: K :heart: Q :icon_dance: UTG folds, Hero calls, CO folds, Button raises to $1.75, SB calls, BB folds, Hero calls.Flop: K :icon_dance: Q :club: K :) ($5.75, 3 players)SB bets $5.75, Hero calls, Button folds.Turn: 2 :) ($17.25, 2 players)SB bets $14, Hero calls.River: 4 :club: ($45.25, 2 players)SB bets $45.25, Hero raises all-in $99.1, SB calls.Results:Final pot: $243.45Hero showed Jh Qh Kh QsSB mucks 3h Kc Tc 5cAll in all , he is still sitting across me with his 46$ and stats of 82/24/1.48.

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Stop posting things like that please. It's things like that which make me try and take shots at $50, which we know I can't afford. For some reason though, I can't ever seem to run like you are yet still get paid off...lolKeep it up - I'll be home in about an hour on MSN.

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Faaaak. You probably won't like the push, but lets be results oriented so I can vent. He's drawing to 2 outs to win and 2 outs to split - and HITS....bah :(Full Tilt PokerPot Limit Omaha Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $28.85UTG+1: $25.60CO: $45.70Hero: $24.90SB: $74.15BB: $25.75Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is Button with T :) A :D 4 :club: A :DUTG raises to $0.55, UTG+1 calls, CO calls, Hero calls, SB folds, BB calls.Flop: 4 :icon_dance: 4 :D K :) ($2.85, 5 players)BB bets $2.85, 3 folds, Hero calls.Turn: 6 :D ($8.55, 2 players)BB bets $8.55, Hero raises all-in $21.5, BB calls.River: T :) ($51.55, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $51.55)Results:Final pot: $51.55BB showed 4d Jh Ts JdHero showed Tc Ah 4s Assiiiiiiiiiiiiigh...http://twodimes.net/h/?z=3654394pokenum -o jh jd ts 4d - ah as tc 4s -- 4c 4h kh 6s Omaha Hi: 40 enumerated boards containing 6s 4c Kh 4hcards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EVTs Jd 4d Jh 2 5.00 36 90.00 2 5.00 0.075As 4s Tc Ah 36 90.00 2 5.00 2 5.00 0.925

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New month, new mindset. Properly bankrolled (when rakeback comes in). Playing $25 only. 15-20k hands goal for the month. Could only play about 500 hands today - have to work tonight. Gogogogo.Here's day #11001dayhz2.jpg

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Brillant had sirPokerStars Pot-Limit Omaha High, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)MP ($39.30)CO ($26.65)Button ($9.95)Hero ($38.50)BB ($13.90)UTG ($42.40)Preflop: Hero is SB with A :club: , J :D , Q :) , A :) . UTG calls $0.25, MP calls $0.25, 1 fold, Button calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1.5, 1 fold, UTG calls $1.25, MP calls $1.25, Button calls $1.25.Flop: ($6.25) K :) , 9 :D , J :icon_dance:(4 players)Hero bets $5.95, UTG raises to $11.9, MP raises to $37.8, Button folds, Hero calls $31.05 (All-In), UTG folds.Turn: ($92.15) 6 :D(2 players, 1 all-in)River: ($92.15) 2 :D(2 players, 1 all-in)Final Pot: $92.16Results in white below: Hero has As Js Qc Ac (one pair, aces). MP showed [Th Td Qs 3c] and won ($89.15) with a straight, Nine to KingOutcome: MP wins $92.94.

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