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Latest Pokerstars Update

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Hi,Anyone having issues with latest Stars update? Stars lobby opens and I can pull up a tourney, but I have no 'register' tab and none of the dropdown menu tabs are working on main lobby page? Hmmm, probably a goot thing :club:

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They did a server reset this morning. I just got bumped offline and can't log back in. I was super shortstacked in a $4.40.

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in the same $4.40....guess i didn't want to play afterall....now what am i suppose to do, housework.....yeah right!!!

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Looks like everyone got bumped off. Reminds me of the good ole days when Party would freeze and we'd all sit there for an hour or more waiting for the restart.

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Hi,Anyone having issues with latest Stars update?
Yeah I got 2 outed 6 times last night in 4 sng's after the update.
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lol, then they remembered to reset the doom switch
Thet overlooked mine for some reason (SHhhhh, don't tell anyone)had 375 chips, 1st hand back was KK. I pushed, hoping someone would think i was just ready to leave - no callers. Two hands later, AA doubled me up. Now I'm at 5800 at break.At the same time, I was playing extremely aggressive on .50-$1 limit and won $48 in 30 minutes.PS Really, Shhhhhhhh don't tell pokerstars
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