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So a few days ago I meet this dude Buddy at a cash game held at a friend of a friends house. Well we got to talking and supposedly he usually plays in a cash game 3 or 4 nights a week out in the country. So I let him know I am down to play any time and we exchange numbers. Well yesterday afternoon he calls me and says I can meet him at his place and we can ride together. I get to his place and we ride out to the game. Its in the basement of some rich dudes house. But the basement is ultra bad *** with a big screen, pool table and some other cool stuff making it seem more like a sports bar.Anyways its a tournament, but we played s a mix of NL Hold 'em and PL Omaha. The buy-in was $100 with 2000 in starting chips, unlimited rebuys for the first hour. 19 people in. My table was the one with 9 and first hand I get dealt 45 hearts. UTG raises to 3X BB to 150 and like 5 people call including me in MP. The flop comes out GIN A23. UTG leads out, guy to the right of me moves in I call and UTG calls. Im like WTF is this the first hand? UTG shows A10 suited????WTF and dude to my right shows A2. Anyways turn is 2 and Im felted already. So me and UTG re-buy and now my plan is to sit back and wait on some premiums. I only brought $400 with me so Im already half bought it and its been 1 hand. So I fold hand after hand while everyone plays loose and crazy for the next 45 minutes blinding down to 1300. With the blinds at 100/200 with 10 minutes until break I pick up AA in the BB. MP raises to 800 and button calls. I move all in and they both call. Flop is A44 and gg me Im up to around 4k right before break.During break I talk to Buddy whos playing at the other table and see hes doing well with over 8k. BTW there ended up being 32 re buys. So final pot ended up being $5100 top 3 pay.After break, and still with 19 players the action tightens up a bit and I begin stealing like crazy. In 30 minutes my stack has grown to over 6k when the following hand occured. I raise from the hi-jack with AsKs and the chip leader moved in from the small blind. I insta-call figuring him for making a play with a weaker ace. Im close as he shows KcJc. He says he thought I was stealing so he made a move. Anyways the flop comes out Jd 4c 7h turn is a 9c and its even worse when the dealer peels off the Ad of the juicy 2 outer. All of a sudden Im sitting with over 11k in chips, which is 10% of the chips in play with 19 left. All of a sudden it was like this huge hand woke everyone up because within a matter of 30 minutes 8 people went out leaving us with 11. Still chip leader I got involved in another big pot against this older TAG player with about 8500. I was BB and he raised from the Button to 3X the BB to 1800. I look down at AQ and call him. the flop is KQ4 and I check. He puts out 2200 leaving himself about4500 behind. While he was cutting out chips I was intending to fold. I figured no reason to get involved at this point with a guy who could hurt me. But after seeing the amount he bet, I felt he was weak and moved him all in. He insta-folded disgustedly. lolAnyways to speed things along I get down to 4 handed. Somehow old LAGGY man came back and was now chip leader with over 55k and I was second with 25k. The other two have been playing tight trying to squeek in the money when LAG raises again and one short stack moves in. LAG has a hand this time with QQ and gg we're in the money. $2600, 1500, 1000.Anyways I get heads up and pick up KK he moves me all in I call he shows A4 and makes a wheel. Oh well fun night, hope you guys enjoy the read. now time to go score some dank

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So a few days ago I meet this dude Buddy at a cash game held at a friend of a friends house. Well yesterday afternoon he calls me and says I can meet him at his place and we can ride together. we played a mix of NL Hold 'em and PL Omaha. The buy-in was $100 with 2000 in starting chips, unlimited rebuys for the first hour. 19 people in. BTW there ended up being 32 re buys. So final pot ended up being $5100 top 3 pay.Anyways to speed things along I get down to 4 handed. Anyways I get heads up and pick up KK he moves me all in I call he shows A4 and makes a wheel. Oh well fun night, hope you guys enjoy the read. now time to go score some dank
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I raise from the hi-jack with AsKs and the chip leader moved in from the small blind. I insta-call figuring him for making a play with a weaker ace. Im close as he shows KcJc. He says he thought I was stealing so he made a move. Anyways the flop comes out Jd 4c 7h turn is a 9c and its even worse when the dealer peels off the Ad of the juicy 2 outer. All of a sudden Im sitting with over 11k in chips, which is 10% of the chips in play with 19 left.
What made the Ad worse for you ? That makes no sense. And wasn't it a 3 outer, not a 2 outer ? The lack of paragraphs and proper sentence structure made this difficult to read. I was going crosseyed when I had to repeatedly read the above quote to try to make sense of it.Are you sure that you wrote this before you went looking for the dank ?
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What made the Ad worse for you ? That makes no sense. And wasn't it a 3 outer, not a 2 outer ? The lack of paragraphs and proper sentence structure made this difficult to read. I was going crosseyed when I had to repeatedly read the above quote to try to make sense of it.Are you sure that you wrote this before you went looking for the dank ?
Ac make the flush for the other guy
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