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Small-time Rail Call

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Hey Guys,Sitting 4/5 in the 30+3 6-max on Full Tilt.Tourney Number: 19357271User name: 89canuckRailage would be highly appreciated.May be throwing in some stakeaments if I manage to finish in the top 3.Thanks!

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3/3. Stacks are 50k, 28k, and 22k. Chipleader is a huge donkey.
gl man!my email has not been validated so i cannot chat but i am there sending the good vibrations2/2they are pretty close in chips
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Thanks guys! I was down to 3BB and sitting in last place with 7 left, so it feels really good. Check out the steak thread.
damn, what a comeback..i think i hopped i when u were 5 handed or something
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