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Everything posted by LeeDanger

  1. I play all kinds of limits. Live games at the casino I play anything up to $10-$20 since thats the only game thats the highest game that they offere there (They are licensed up to 20-40 but its not in demand). Online I play up to 15-30 (IBETUWIN I have seen you a few times at party but u wont see me there for a while because I got my ass kicked) but mostly play NL right now and play up to $2/$4 NL. As far as tournaments I've played tournaments up to $300 + whatever buyins.
  2. Ya, it was great because I was probably going to make that call, even though it is borderline with the two 2's on board, but how can I realistically put someone on a full house let alone quads.
  3. Someone above mentioned the grind and how tough some sessions can be. I totally agree with what he is saying. After a while it's hard to put in 6 hour days and play your best poker. Trust me I know from experience. Those long sessions can really drain you mentally and physically, you have to be aware of when your game starts to suffer it does because when poker is your only source of income you want to be at the best that you can.
  4. So last night I was playing at a home with some friends of mine... we were playing $.50/$1.00 NL and it's a friendly game that my friends and I play when we need a break from class or getting up at 12. Anyways, the funniest moment that I've ever witnessed happen in my poker playing days occured last night. I was in the small blind with A and 5 . The flop came: :clubs2: :diamonds2: :hearts3: . There were four of us in the pot altogether and the flop got checked around. The turn brought a: :hearts4: The small blind checked, I bet $2, the next person to act called and the small blind als
  5. ya, something along the lines of ............... major tournaments won: total tournament earnings: cash game earnings:However, I'd hate to have stats that had a negative sign on it.
  6. I'd wait for the break and then drag him outside and then sucker punch him and knock him out of the tournament.
  7. I wish I had a trading card of myself, make me look like I know what I'm doing at the poker table.
  8. I wanna see the back of the card with the stats.
  9. Ya my head really hurts now, who knew walls would be so painful :doh:
  10. Smash says pretty much the same thing that I do and then gets credit for it :wall:
  11. I think the idea of a trading card is cool, I used to have some of myself as a hockey player but I think poker cards would be sweet too, you could needle people by asking them to sign it after you take a huge pot from them
  12. I just don't understand someone posting that and then asking for analysis and then when he gets it he puts his own in depth analysis of what he was thinking. With the analysis you gave, what did you want for responses? That's the part I don't understand.
  13. It's all about table image, you want to make people notice that you are willing to lay down a big hand, this does two things, one it may attract more action when you have the moster as more people may see this as an opportunity to bluff you making your pots bigger or it can have another affect to other players in that they will tighten up against you as they may fear that you will ALWAYS have a big hand when you bet/raise/call and that can give you some free cards. Basically, it's a psychological play that is used so that players will play into your hands.
  14. The big problem that I have with casinos at the big tournaments is the various treatments that players receive whether it be an amateur or a pro. I've been at a few tournaments where I know for a fact that I would be kicked out if I had acted like some of the pros that I have seen and it really bothers me how tournament organizers and pit bosses can turn a blind eye to that sort of behaviour one minute and then condemn that same behaviour litterally 5 minutes later (I'm sorry if I already posted a similar message to this, but it really pisses me off!)
  15. I agree with what has been said about the 10-8 hand. Although I understand changing gears and mixing it up with the preflop raise I think the post-flop situation required a little more thought than 10 seconds. You have to remember that you have to put in what was it like $2500 more? That's a lot of money to be committing to a pot with a board like that. I also agree that the statement he made was a tell although I don't know the guy personally so I can't really say for sure.
  16. agreed, I don't understand some people's need for action, especially with a healthy stack, I really don't understand.
  17. I've never even considered folding a hand like that
  18. Also if you bluff too much your image will change, you have to use it selectively and against good players and not call stations.
  19. for the record I like the way the guy with AK played the hand too.
  20. I think the reason why you are finding that you are getting played at when you miss your flop is because of your table image. By the sounds of it you sound like the type of person that only raises with "top ten" hands. This makes you predictable as to the type of hands that you play. You have to remember that 6-handed it is a lot easier to keep track of how your opponent plays so I'm going to assume that you're getting shot on flops like :clubs2: :hearts4: :spades7: or something similar. What I suggest doing is to loosen up your starting hands a little bit because you also have to remember
  21. This hand has really generated some good discussion and I think that most people have good points for justifying both sides. However, I still like a reraise preflop because you are adding fold equity as well. I know some people say they want those hands in that are dominated like a lower pocket pair or a hand like AQ because of the possibility of extracting more money but I'll take an uncontested pot any day.
  22. Wow, I really love that reply, you are right as far as I'm concerned. I am a huge hockey fan and am truly disgusted at what has become of the league. You even incorporated economics into the discussion, fantastic! Maybe we should give the NHL and NHLPA a tutorial in economics.
  23. Well, I played poker for the first time in a couple of weeks today as I was in Florida on vacation :-) (those sunburns hurt) and I recorded a session that I played in and was surprised to see a message informing me that the software that I currently use would be no longer free of use. I understand why the site would do this as it is a great software program and really puts into perspective how much time you play and how much you earn/lose. Now I in a dilemma as the software at the site (pokercharts.com) requires a credit card as far as I can tell. However, I have had past problems with Maste
  24. just out of curiosity football, what was the buy-in for that event?
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