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Everything posted by aadams_22

  1. aadams_22

    The Hideout

    I think there are ways of cracking into the iPhone allowing any provider to use it. Search the net and see what you can find.
  2. this I'm not having too many problems with the ultras on the gamepad, although a stick would be much better. However, I will wait for them to come down in price before I purchase one. The only problem I'm having with the game is Seth. All he does is spam that teleport.
  3. I haven't played the DLC, but I was playing the regular game earlier. As I was playing I was noticing how inferior the graphics are compared to a lot of other games. I really didn't notice until a day or two ago.
  4. I went ahead and purchased it tonight. I'm liking it so far, although Seth is incredibly cheap.
  5. I have had problems with a few consoles, but not all. I went through two PS2's, my PS3's HDMI port no longer works, and my original XBox disc tray will not open unless I hit the top of the console. Just like cars there are video game consoles out there that are just lemons.BTW, Street Fighter IV is the shit.
  6. http://gta.wikia.com/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto_IVthis should also help on anything else that is giving you trouble
  7. If innings as a stat is gone then there will be no way for it to track whether a manager has hit their minimum inning cap for the week.
  8. I'm getting back into Grand Theft Auto 4. I completely forgot how fun this game can be.
  9. aadams_22

    Close Enough

    only Californian's have to foot the bill
  10. aadams_22

    The Hideout

    I wasn't even aware she had hands until you brought that to my attention.
  11. The English pound is worth more than a dollar.That is definitely a lot of money.
  12. I'll have to give this a look. I'm a fan of his stand-up routines. I love the irreverence of his material.Pillow Fights:Man versus woman = fun.Man versus man = gay. Woman versus woman = awesome. Man versus pillow = crazy. Pillow versus pillow = crazy awesome -- that's a real pillow fight right there. You see two pillows fighting, you know something's going down. They're designed for relaxation. If they're fighting, what hope do we have? One time I saw two geese fighting, and I was like, 'This is a pillow fight ahead of time.'
  13. the MMO mode is incredibly fun, but also frustrating at the same timeexpect all three forwards to swarm the puck, and in the process cause the defense to take 3 on 2 and 4 on 2 matchups quite a bitthe thing I find funny is that the forwards will mercilessly berate the D for not stopping the breakaways when the forwards themselves are responsible for the mismatches the PS3 is a good system, but I would wait for the price drop if I were you I'm still debating on which system to purchase this for.
  14. aadams_22

    The Hideout

    all you need is New Kids on the Block and you have the greatest thing since the slinkyTOP
  15. I'm willing to trade you a 6 pack of wiper blades, a tube of Astroglide, and a blueberry muffinso long as you don't ask how those those three items relate to each other
  16. to GuapoI remember you saying that there wasn't enough meat on a bluegill to eat, so I wanted to show you something.Here is a single fillet of Bluegill...when cut right there is a great amount of meat on that fish.and quite tasty too
  17. well, I'd prepare for that travestyyes, he was a Hall of Famer before he started juicing...however he's still seen as nothing more than a cheater
  18. speaking of DLC Bethesda has delayed the next two DLC's for Fallout 3 by one month eachhttp://pc.ign.com/articles/952/952334p1.html
  19. you're right in some respects in that it won't help with hand-eye coordination and the likehowever people with already impeccable hand-eye coordination, which most people in MLB already have or else they wouldn't be in MLB in the first place, will reap the benefits (see Bonds HR total skyrocket at an age when ballplayers start breaking down)*it will turn warning track flyouts into home runs*it will help people who can already read pitchers' moves to the plate get to second base faster*it will help players who can read a defense get around the bases quicker*it has turned mediocre players into s
  20. Last night on XM they were comparing the steroid era with the 1919 Black Sox scandal and trying to decide which was worse.I always thought throwing the World Series is far worse than doping, but with each shred of evidence they presented I may actually start to change my tune. They brought up the list that implicated A-Rod, and said that if Bonds or Clemens' name is on that list then it's pretty much a slam dunk perjury conviction for those two. They also brought up that if the MLBPA lawyers advised players to cycle off because they knew who was next on the testing list then those lawyers co
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