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Everything posted by GWCGWC

  1. My wife has an uncanny ability to make reads on the survivor member that is going to get voted off.Every week she says who it's going to be with 15min to go. The editors try to use deception to make it interesting, but it's just too easy to read.She makes her prediction and then laughs a little when I disagree. It's a little annoying since she's right almost every week.My wife says this makes up for all the movies I have ruined for her when I tell her the outcome, killer or twist at the end. She also gets a kick out of telling me who won a football game I've recorded and haven't watched. P
  2. Ok, those games are so far outside of my bankroll that I wouldn't be able to give you anything that you don't already know.Too aggressive? I have that problem also, but usually it's because I have an overpair on an uncorridinated board and the river brings doom with an ace.Again, my limit and your limit are so completely different the only thing that is the same is the betting structures and the rules. I hope to get there someday.
  3. If you liked Memento, you're certain to like The Following. errr..it may just be "Following" It was written and directed by the same guy who directed memento...I've forgotten his name.
  4. Dudley, Are you playing LE or NL? What limits? Are you playing too aggressivly or not aggressive enough? What do you think the problem is?I am just above even with JJ in 1/2 Limit holdem. I hate this hand. I try to remind myself that while it is ahead preflop most of the time, unless it improves it is a dog at the river. Think of JJ like a middle/high pp, and play them like 99. <---this may help.The hand that has won me the most money is AKos. I think it has more to do with how often it comes and how I play it.
  5. This is the first strat table for me, and me likes.It's a strange combination of playing styles.
  6. I logged onto Stars too late to cheer you on.I was going to tell you that you have no chance since stars RNG is so screwy.Wanted you to win it just the same.
  7. Man, I miss a few days, (2weeks) and everything I know to be true has changed.Govenator is a Moderator. I've seen a couple of other Mods also. And a new administrator that has a sense of humor like Smash. HmmmSurvivor ROCKS!!!I haven't sumitted an audition tape for the show simply because I would be the first onevoted out. This is a given.Survivor night = pizza night
  8. "diamond earrings" and "sean john tracksuits"??? I am now rooting for this kid to go out nextand he is talking crap to the table..."I'm taking over"
  9. I don't see doublesuited anywhere.You shouldn't tease us like this Daniel.good luck
  10. I'd sweat Daniel if I knew his sn.good luck
  11. And I hate Party Poker. Yet, I play at Party Poker every month for the bonus.I mean, I really hate Party, and it has nothing to do with the cards I get or any semi-bad beats.hell, I hate poker in general. I love Poker. I love to win at poker. I love to hate poker. I just can't get it right. I give up.
  12. last tryThank you turd, and now I know.
  13. now i gotta figure out what i did there.fckIt's like watching a toddler take his first stepsyes, yes it is. fuck...weee, i went peepee by myself. hehe
  14. now i gotta figure out what i did there.
  15. FYP.um ok, still on a mission to cuss./****
  16. Teach me how to say fu/ck on here and I'll play tonight.bah, I'll play anyway. My wife has a meeting. yippyyyyyyyyyyy
  17. Congrats to BillyBizzle!!!!!!That's gotta be a little shot to the bankroll. $31 invested, 3K earned = hugeI hope you play in the DN open on Wednesday's.Who is this "team Razor" the rail keeps talking about?
  18. if you can close it,that's a good deal!3k
  19. Kaboom, nice call w/ ak there!!!!!
  20. Looks like your in good shape to make something happen here.I'll sweat the table for awhile.good luck and REPRESENT!!
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