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Everything posted by Governator

  1. This season got intense quick. Hard to take it all in and an hour seem to edit a lot out. Caleb is a team player for sure probably the most trustworthy to the guys alliance. Derrick is playing arguably the best game in the house at the moment, Cody is just quietly in the guys alliance and I don't know what to think of Frankie & Zach at the moment. Both bug the crap out of me and Zach's reaction to Frankie is that of a girl who was just had her heartbroken by a lie. My impression on Christine is that she's become very gullible. I really like this season.
  2. He's the most entertaining but wouldn't surprise me if he's gone after last week's speeches. I think Derek & Cody hold the power at this point.
  3. lol @ Jacosta, that was the strangest reaction I've ever seen. The Frankie thing is a standard fear of those with money. If people knew Frankie's sister was a platinum selling artist they could care less about him winning $500K when money is in their family. I think it's fine to keep it a secret. I think Cody's annoyance level is rising. Zac Efron anyone?
  4. So I like the season so far and I like the 2 HOH twist, mostly because I never cared about the have or have not competitions so this competition is more meaningful. I'm predicting Derek is going to win it. Seems very smart, not a jerk and others in his alliances are likely targets ahead of him.
  5. http://dangerousmind..._inhumane_prick Probably the funniest thing I've seen on the interweb.
  6. Yea it's got to be -ev to release their own original shows to binge watch.
  7. 50 cent - Find me in the club
  8. Her Good performances but way too slow for my tastes. Not to mention creepy as hell to think this could be an actual sad, future relationship one day for lonely basement dwellers.
  9. Because if you can't have fun at work... life would suck
  10. Just saw the first ep... already addicted. I just wanted to yell "I'm going on an adventure!"
  11. “They’re screwing with the wrong people.” lol So by enlarge this was an awesome episode, best of the season though I think it could've been a better 2hr finale instead. There are too many questions left unanswered considering Tyrese/Carol/Judith were completely ignored and what happened to Beth? (though I can live without knowing about this one). I didn't like the size of the community of cannibals... I was hoping for more of a family size group instead we got a dozen (or more). I just have a hard time believing that a bunch of random strangers (I assume) would team up to contain &a
  12. Since we never really had a major melt during this winter you can pretty much see the layers of different snow storms in the side of the bank, like an archaeologist studying the side of a canyon lol.
  13. I'm done with this crap. Where is spring?
  14. Yep a juicy carl-ka-bob ftw. Plus that woman seemed straight out of texas chainsaw.
  15. Definitely, I have a eery feeling its full of cannibals.
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