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Everything posted by Pokerroad

  1. If you still want to stake a 4th im inedit; GL Horses
  2. Ill go with Mcdonalds gambogambo on FTP
  3. That dude in daniels bed looked really hot from that angle
  4. Your about as popular on here as I am
  5. Had to quote it so you didnt change it to a +1 after rereading it
  6. You'll take one down soon enough just stay focused
  7. I wasnt really going for the steak but I appreciate you calling me a theif and I hope you still use the quote
  8. channel your inner shove donkey
  9. Refering to your avatar"You can't say we didn't try"
  10. NH BroMaybe I can be that lucky for both of us
  11. The Public School System has failed you my Friend
  12. I bet you cant wait till hes playing for the Nets in 2010!
  13. I dont think anyone wanted to call this months Featured Member a douche but if you insist...
  14. I forgot to price materials and labor for building said crate
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