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Southern Buddhist

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Everything posted by Southern Buddhist

  1. Cymbeline: points for obscurity, but Posthumus is a dick, like Leontes in Winter's Tale. Plus, they both turn out to be wrong, having suspected women who were wise and true.Interesting test of how well I know my Shakespeare: I had to look up the quote, but I knew it had to be one of the lesser plays because while it's clearly Will, the really transcendent quality is missing.
  2. [needz a hug] -- and not into it, but I did chuckle at that my point -- not like guys aren't equally designed and motivated to sperm it up everywhere, so don't blame the womenMy Final Four:McDonald's -- it's McCrap, but I can't stop wanting it; they must sprinkle everything with crackSonicWhite CastleJack-in-the-BoxCan't pick a winner between the last two; and don't care much about any in the last bracket
  3. Just because the pill fails does not mean the woman secretly or unconsciously planned it. From Planned Parenthood: Most women know the antibiotic drill, and the HIV meds are not an issue for most. But anti-seizure medication is also often handed out as pain medication, including for migraines, not necessarily with any mention of it being anti-seizure in its on-label use; St. Johns wort is taken without any kind of information about interactions (and might be just one of many ingredients in some general wellbeing formula); and although it's pretty common sense to realize if you barf up the p
  4. Must have been rolling problems, or problems caused by the Midwest snowballed across their servers, because Florida was hit later last night -- mine was out for 45 minutes or so.
  5. That was a genuine LOL -- well, for me, anyway.
  6. I go back and forth in my opinion of Wikileaks, but I do think someone needs to acknowledge just how far ahead of the curve FCPers are. You guys got on this months ago and now everyone else is playing catch-up.Also, I saw this on The Daily What. Not a surprise, really, that 4chan would get involved.http://i.imgur.com/C35Ty.png
  7. Nothing wrong with simultaneous reading if that's what works best for you -- no reason to force yourself into a pattern that doesn't work for your brain.
  8. I don't mean to make anyone feel inadequate. First off, I was unemployed. That right there is the main thing. If a lowly grad student doesn't have time to read, then the leader of the free world certainly shouldn't have had that much free time on his hands.I estimate that my reading speed is approximately 100 pages an hour for light reading and about 60 pages an hour for denser material. [Literary theory or philosophy are molasses -- about 30 pages an hour.] I don't know if that qualifies as speed reading or not, but I don't have any technique for it. I know I read faster than my husband
  9. What BaseJester said, only for the whole post. First point, that Christianity sprang up sui generis: tell me about the history of Christmas. Or the early debate over whether Jesus was fully human or fully divine. Or the history of the creation of the Catholic Church and the much later Protestant Reformation.Then, well, let's see: If Christianity isn't related to Judaism, then why do you reach back to what Moses did as evidence of how Christianity is sudden and perfect? Moses = not a Christian. Which people? Jews? Romans? Everyone? First-century Middle Easterners? Who the heck are yo
  10. You're probably joking, but I actually read it that way initially. My brain always seems to opt for the least likely possible meaning.
  11. Good -- I had to edit waaay down to show them just the original post and its lolcat mate, but they got it and laughed. I also showed them some kinetic typography (all over YouTube by that name -- the clip from Sweeney Todd is probably the best) and a few other things. However, virtually all of them chose to do as their re-mediation project turning a book or movie into a Facebook news feed. I didn't care, because I was doing a massive paper on silent film title cards for Professor Badass, and that paper, lemme tell you, rocked.Question for all: is my iTunes screwed up? I downloaded First Fo
  12. Riiight ... straight back to the "office", with reporters in tow (most party offices aren't even open or staffed most of the time). And I guess all the correctly-spelled signs at Stewart's rally were right-wing plants. A quick scan of any local tea party rally in any of the fifty states would debunk the story that misspelled signs are plants (unless the tea party is about 75% Democratic plants).Meh, though ... it's stupid and I want to escape politics. More about Speedz' dates, BabyWang, and Guap's crazy relatives, please!
  13. That's wildly incorrect, and I don't just mean the "it's."
  14. I always did think that was a very poorly-chosen title on her part. Same thing for Bart Ehrman's otherwise excellent textbook The New Testament.
  15. Doesn't change the point -- two seconds on Google will turn up plenty of equally ungrammatical Tea Party signs. For example: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/g...of_protest.htmlAnd if he was a pro-war protester a few years ago, how do you think he votes now?
  16. You've also got to watch out for 3-D porn nowadays...
  17. Not economics, politics -- huge difference.
  18. Especially the backwoods tea party ones holding up "get a clue, moran" signs. I wish I were joking but I'm not -- they believe it too. Of course, in their case, the lottery's usually involved. I love you. I love you, too, especially for the bolded.Names: nothing made up, nothing spelled with a Y that should be an I (my own name is the sole exception, because the Y makes it even cooler), nothing from the top 100 list of names. Those are the rules. Live by them.You can go: old-fashioned that hasn't returned to faddishness yet (Clara, Eleanor, Adeleine); Shakespeare (Miranda, Juliet, Doll Te
  19. I decided that, starting Jan. 1 of this year, I was going to keep a list of books I'd read, just to have a record and an accurate count. The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood Oryx and Crake, Margaret Atwood Snowcrash, Neal Stephenson Curse of the Narrows, Laura MacDonald A Fellow of Infinite Jest, Yoseloff The Other Side of the Night, Butler The Bible, Karen Armstrong The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels God’s Problem, Bart Ehrman Too Many to Mourn, James Mahar Hooked, Kaza Awake, Dyja No Time to Lose, Chödrön Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne Hamlet Without Hamlet, Margreta de Grazia Narrative a
  20. I saw that, and all 300-some-odd comments. Not one of them mentioned the completely unethical practice of charging undergrads full price, using grad students to teach them, paying us a rate not much over poverty level, and pocketing the difference. One poster called the author's $66,000 a year "paltry." I wonder how much her research assistant makes. Actually, I don't wonder, I know -- it's most likely about $15,000.Another thing that not one person mentioned: while all the tenured professors who commented were ranting about ethics and 'paltry' salaries, all the grad students who posted sa
  21. I'll chip in, and I don't even own a TV anymore.Hi, AmScray. 4:30 AM where I am: I'm going to bed, maybe get to sleep around 6:00 or so.
  22. My cat does this periodically, too, falling off the old (non-flat) computer monitor my husband still uses. It's nothing deadly, is it, Speedz?
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