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About usasuke

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Regular
  1. i'll take a stake if you will, please.sasuke403 ( calgary )Thanks!
  2. noooooooo i missed out! gl to all of those who are in
  3. sasuke403 ( CALGARY ) on stars if anyone is willing to stake.TYTY in advance!
  4. Full Tilt Poker Game #2267013383: $400,000 Guarantee (16170033), Table 225 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:58:37 ET - 2007/04/22Seat 1: nolimitdan1st (3,920)Seat 2: katyroller (8,647)Seat 3: Naismith (19,556)Seat 4: usasuke (3,790)Seat 5: PolishGreat (6,400)Seat 6: bigbobm11 (4,588)Seat 7: KelseyLou (9,635)Seat 8: Gambler521 (3,450)Seat 9: Kyle Broflovski (2,516)katyroller posts the small blind of 100Naismith posts the big blind of 200The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to usasuke [Ks As]usasuke raises to 666PolishGreat foldsbigbobm11 foldsKelseyLou foldsGambler521 calls 666Kyle
  5. gj naismith your playing well and running Super hot, hitting everything.
  6. Full Tilt Poker Game #2266738692: $400,000 Guarantee (16170033), Table 225 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:22:04 ET - 2007/04/22Seat 1: plyngpkrforfun (5,365)Seat 2: FZR012 (6,480)Seat 3: Naismith (9,765)Seat 4: usasuke (5,865)Seat 5: PolishGreat (6,950)Seat 6: bigbobm11 (6,000)Seat 7: KelseyLou (2,665)Seat 8: Gambler521 (1,860)Seat 9: Kyle Broflovski (2,195)PolishGreat posts the small blind of 50bigbobm11 posts the big blind of 100The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to usasuke [Ac As]KelseyLou foldsGambler521 raises to 350Kyle Broflovski foldsplyngpkrforfun foldsFZR012 foldsNaism
  7. out, in like 21st =[ the loosest player ( BB ) woke up w/ AA when i had ATc on the button.
  8. 40 left, first is about 4.1kHOPING TO TAKE IT DOWN, NEED SOME FCP LOVE.sasuke403 on stars
  9. me and try__an__hit are also in this, hes 12th im 14th with about 55 left.GLGLG!
  10. nice comeback from 1800 chips troy. to bad your 77 didnt hold against AK but i can honestly say you were a underdog for like 100% of ur races and won almost all of them, which was sweet. YOU RUN GOOT, gl in ur future tournies.
  11. SO LAMEFull Tilt Poker Game #2241023919: $26,000 Guarantee (16486603), Table 13 - 25000/50000 Ante 6000 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:03:06 ET - 2007/04/19Seat 1: bor474 (842,054)Seat 4: JBT449 (308,527)Seat 8: STLSquash (554,919)bor474 antes 6,000JBT449 antes 6,000STLSquash antes 6,000bor474 posts the small blind of 25,000JBT449 posts the big blind of 50,000The button is in seat #8*** HOLE CARDS ***STLSquash raises to 150,000bor474 foldsJBT449 has 15 seconds left to actJBT449 raises to 302,527, and is all inJBT449: gg glSTLSquash calls 152,527JBT449 shows [Qh Th]STLSquash shows [Jc Ad]*** FLOP *** [
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