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Pot Odds RAC

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Everything posted by Pot Odds RAC

  1. I don't know why I continue to engage with such an obvious Troll. But why do you think I put quotes around those three misused terms in my post if not to point out that when you misuse words it makes you look like (even more of) an idiot? I considered using "sic" but decided that was too technical and it would have ruined the flow of my satire. I really think everyone might be wrong, you're not an intentional joke at all, you're just the failed product of a Detroit area public school system. Worst thing I ever seen, indeed.
  2. Has to be. Simply has to be. Nobody can be this unintentionally dense and have a total lack of self-awareness.
  3. You are simply the last person around here who should be calling anyone an "Idiot" The term is "Short Stacked" not "Low Stacked" You continue to use "Raise" incorrectly And the other term is "Gut Shot" not "Gun Shot" ...but you're too dense to understand Satire.
  4. At least you were "Low Stacked" from using a meal break as an excuse to fearfully go South with $200 before the guy "Raised" with his "Gun Shot"
  5. This simply cannot be real. I mean, is there such a thing as being self aware retarded?
  6. Wow. Just Wow.See you at the tables OP. This is a small pool in which we swim.
  7. Allin just needs to kill a few unarmed women to be as honorable as this guy.http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/20/world/asia/pakistan-honor-confession/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
  8. Wow. Do we still get fun threads like this?Big D is correct. OP is dumb as well as deaf.And there are a ton of "Charity" Rooms in Michigan. They are regulated and in most cases pretty well run.
  9. I've always heard good things from people who have used MSU's Vet School.Since you bumped this thread, I might as well update my dog life.Fargo has been gone over a year and I still miss that hound.Fozzie the Pit Mix developed a strange growth inside his lip. Looked like a wad of pink bubble gum. It grew from nothing in a matter of just a few weeks. We had it removed on Thursday. On Friday, with the exception of for the Franken-Scar on his lip, you couldn't even tell he'd had surgery. He was vibrant and energetic. The biopsy confirmed what we suspected: Malignant. A "Grade 2" out of 3.
  10. Gee. An ultra conservative whit male. How daring.I really think he needed to get someone a little more centrist. Would have been nice to attract more of the Fiscal Conservative but Social Liberal crowd. It isn't like the Conservatives were going to vote for Obama.
  11. Prepubescent marriage and sex to keep girls out of school.http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2012/08/05/11-year-old-girl-married-to-40-year-old-man/?hpt=hp_t3
  12. Everything is set up in my studio and completely functional. The board, tape machine, and effects all seem to work. I've been able to get noise through the entire chain and back out again. I am certain there are easier ways for me to accomplish what I am doing. For example, I have no clue of how to use the Patch Bay. But I did lay down some test tracks and play them back. Haven't tried any dubbing, punching, bouncing, nor mixing down. Still plenty to learn.The reel of tape that came with my equipment was bad. It suffers from what the Analog guys call "Sticky Shed". The tape disintegrates as it
  13. Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.
  14. Hey now! I'll have you know I kept my Johnnie Walker Black Ban for almost 3 years. Actually it turned into a general Scotch Ban, and come to think of it I still haven't had any JWBhttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-forum/index.php?showtopic=138371...but Irish Car Bombs......yummy.
  15. So if this had been a Pit Bull!!! do you think it would have been in the Headline? Dog accused of chewing off part of woman's earhttp://www.myfoxdetroit.com/story/18986121/2012/07/09/dog-accused-of-chewing-off-part-of-womans-ear
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/11/world/europe/nireland-dog-death-sentence/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Scotland can release a convicted terrorist responsible for the murder of nearly 300 people, but Ireland feels the need to kill a dog because of how it looks.Yeah, I do agree that "Death Row" and other such terms are a bit silly and borderline demagoguery.
  17. Oh Irony thy name is Alanis.My Hypocrisy Detector just committed suicide.
  18. Yeah, we need to get back to Looney Tunes. Bugs would never have allowed Adult themes and innuendo in his work. That rabbit was a pro.
  19. See, you miss the "Adult" part of the story. I think that The Incredibles had perhaps my favorite story of all. Pretty much an Ayn Rand social commentary. The celebration of mediocrity and fear of excellence."Everyone can be super! And when Everyone's Super... no one will be."
  20. Bryce Howard tho....and yes, RIP Andy.
  21. I'm surprised at how low The Incredibles ranks for you guys.
  22. So Obama cannot run on the platform of not having raised taxes.
  23. Even though outside of Court Obama has been arguing that it isn't a Tax.
  24. Whee... a gun debate without Pot Odds getting involved.What I want to know is, if Superman knew about the Death Camps, could he have stopped the killing? The whole "What if...?" nature of this debate is a little silly. I like my guns and don't care if gun ownership would have helped the Jews. The point is, gun ownership is clearly a symbol of individual freedoms (and responsibility). It is a pretty common act of demagoguery to scream about the Nazi limitation of personal freedoms and ultimately the Holocaust in order to incite people's emotions regarding gun ownership in the US today.
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