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  1. I love the way celebrities discuss their political views. Dan opens up by saying in so many word"If you don't like my political views then tough, don't read and certainaly don't respond"............This is the biggest flaw when celebrities get into politcal discussions....You get hit with a "Dive By" on their opions then run when the time comes to debate them.........DAN. are your views so weak that theny cannot stand debate? Perhaps you are just eating Obama's crap so much that you aren't really looking at both sides.....Of course you are Canadian, and strongly leaning towards socialism, lik
  2. OH!......Ha Ha HA Ha....That was a real knee slapper
  3. Just how many WSOP bracelets do you have?....Furthermore DN has already had 3 cahes in this WSOPand will have a 3rd one.......WTF?
  4. I think with the majority of US loses in online Poker, you will see a declince in WSOP and WPT payouts and you will also see more of the "Big Guns" return to final tables becasue there won't be a lot of cheap satellite winners in the US getting to play in the big tourneys. The "Big Guns" have the bank rolls to pay the 10,000 buy ins. I think a general decline in US interest in Poker is comming unless the poker lobby can change the laws.I find myself watching fewer Poker on TV and since I can't deposit money in online poker with out playing a lot of Mikey Mouse games (which I am not compelled
  5. Dude, why don't you go out to a pasture and graze on some hay?....How about some tree bark?.......Canadians.....Take off......Why not try a good old chill dog, fries and a big gulp?...That's real brain food.......Just kidding.....Give them hell in Borgata
  6. "Surley you can't be serious?"....."I am serious, and don't call me Shirley".......
  7. Why don't you challenge DN to a head to head game?.....Don't call a man out like that unless you are willing to take him down....
  8. That looked like a blast doing laps.....real cool!Dan, It seems you and Raymer are showing up everywhere together. Playing golf now?.....Wow..talk about comming a long way from the mini feud that occured during the WSOP.....Heck...maybe there will be peace in the middle east after all....
  9. A lot of it depends on your budget. I have stayed at Paris a few times, Mandalay Bay, and Aladdin. I like Paris because the food is good, the atmosphere is great and the location is incrediclbe. I have had rooms facing Bellagio and it is cool seeing the water show from a nice cool view. You can easily find good poker from this location because you are centrally located to so many great casion/resorts. The big boys play at Bellagio but for some reason I can get in...Oh, it's because I can't afford high stakes poker....yet...LOL.Mandalay Bay is considered by many one the nicest in Vegas and
  10. Agreed. I was more like an infomercial.....Like the ronco grill
  11. Hey Dan,What have the people in your circles been saying about the new law? Have you talked to any attourneys specializing in this area?...This is going to affect the pros because the touneys will have less participation because the satelite buy ins will go away. Just wondering what your peeps are saying.
  12. Since congress has said poker was bad, the I would suggest some safer:1. Try the stock market because that' not gambling2. Try the state lotto cause that's not gambling
  13. I am a little tired of conress and half the poker world being pissed and Dn because he doesn't like Bush. I just want to play poker and have fun. I just recieved my 200.00 FCP match and was wondering who else has some good deals.If this has been discussed before then lock it up and I'll search, but the way sites can change I was wondering what the most recent "deals" are.
  14. Daniel,I appreciate you taking the time with all of this to point out your positions. For a Non-American citizen you exprees your position much more effective than the "I Hate bush because ......" without anything to back it up. I disagree with you on several issues and agree on a few....but I respect your views. I agree that GWB doesn't have a "Golden oratory".....On cheaper medicine...I am not sure that is a solution where one answer solves it, but If I am not wrong, doesn't Canada subsidise or offset drug prices? Medicine issues lead down to socialized medicine and having service in the
  15. Daniel is from Canada, therefore he must be a socialist and hates all Americans.Since Daniel thought that the interview with the Iranian PM was interesting and he disagrees with Bush on many issues he therefore must now be an the bink of becomming an Muslin and and Islamo-Fascaist ready to strap on bombs and detonate at the WSOP (just make sure Greg Raymor and the other 6 lawsuit members are there).See this is how stuff gets blown out of proportion. I think this is all much ado about something that has become out of control. What is really going on is that Daniels comments has stuck a cord w
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