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Everything posted by Jam-Fly

  1. WilliamHill/Inter Poker [different skins]orAll In Poker [Prima Poker]or Crazy Poker
  2. ya wanna do, whoever lasts longer wins $10 from the other guy
  3. Ya, I'll play if ya want some side action
  4. 1 seat in 3 months, 167 attempts, and $732 spent to get the $320 seat. BEAT THAT!j/k
  5. BBBBEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNSS!!!!!Just wanted to get that off my chest, and now my post coount goes up
  6. theres 15 bad cards for him right ? 9 spades and 6 cards to pair the board. and another 6 in the 8 or 6 which are bad cards. thats 21 bad cards and 23 good cards, (not neccesarily losing or winning cards). i would have called but folding isnt completely unreasonable. theres times in PLO where the nuts str8 on the flop is a statistical underdog against a nuts flush draw and set and other redraw in there aswell.
  7. i havent seen it, anyone have a link to where i can see it ?
  8. Yup, real annoying. Taking like an hour to fold KJ against Sheikys aces, saying, well if you don't have aces im not in that bad shape. even tho she was in terrible shape vs AK, AJ, AA, KK, JJ, QQ, KQ and an underdog against any pair or any ace. Well, i suppose it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTED. (i think)other players that pi$$ me off are Jean Robert Bellande, that weird guy who's name i keep forgetting, Chris Moneymaker sometimes and Dutch Boyd
  9. ill make the same bet, the ME will have more than 7000players. ill bet $20 on it too
  10. This situation came up a few times tonight. I was shortstacked the whole night, moving all in before i got to less than 3 BB. I was called twice, i showed AQ, AJ and once i guy looked at my cards- AK. The table is generally tight and fold to big raises, and raise small amounts.Hand #1) on the BB with about 7big blinds. I had TdJs, button limps, SB folds, I check. button has slightly more than me. He has been fairly tight. flop comes 4c8c9c. Whats shud i do ?Hand #2)6h7d on the BB with about 8big blinds. Middle position player limps(healthy stack, maybe 1.5 or 2 times my stack). SB calls (same
  11. it wont let me transfer money from the cashier a/c to the poker a/c
  12. I'm in. gona win my way to vegas
  13. Any one know the most up to date facts for WSOP intop bracelet winners most cashes most top three finishedany info like that would be appreciated. putting together a website, ill give the URL when its a little more ready
  14. yeah, there are $5 chips, when players go all in there are still chips behind. yeah, $100 or so is meaningless, only an ante, but why would you give the money to a practical stranger ?! Its all relevant. I'm sure none of those players would pay $544 for a cup of coffee, more like $5.44. Except maybe Chip Reese, he paid $2k two months in a row for his water bill (there was a leek)
  15. 1) Yeah, i wudda done the same2) If he has a no deals policy but the perfect deal came along, take it, but be sure you wont regret it3) This has happend to me, both palyers showed an ace, and then one guys shows a 8 on board of JQTT2 (or whatever) and the other replies, good enough. I did not tell the player he had a split. I'm not sure why, partly because i wasnt in the hand and it didnt affect me directly. And it was really his own fault, he should be able to tell what the best 5 card hand is4) I'd take the blinds. Hard luck to the guy that got disconnected but C'est la vie.5) Dont really ge
  16. I think its gotta be H@££INGGOL on pokerstars. Crushes the 10/20 playing 6+ tables at once. I love his style too, sits at a 6 amn table, with max buy in of 2k, busts EVERYONE, and stays there with his 15k+ for anyone that wants to play him
  17. Stuey Ungar was arguably the best player ever, but he broke very often. Not sure where i read or heard it, but some pro said he buys stuff to show for his winnings, so he can live well all the time, thick and thin. I doubt Huck is broke, he plays big buy in tourneys, obviously has the respect and skill, maybe he has a bad habit or whatever, i dont know, and i doubt anyone else does unles you know him personally. He also makes big side bets (perhaps a 'bad' habit, perhaps not). But Im not sure if this thread is about whether he is broke or a good player. I think that he is defo a good player
  18. so whats the deal ? i only got $ 5 left in my stars a/c btw
  19. H@££INGGOL is the most amazing imo. He plays 8+ 10/20 NL Cash games at once and absolutely kills them !
  20. Definately one of my favourite players. The way he sits at the table is cool.I've seen him on PSSII, and he made it the final table of the 1999 WSOP ME I believe, the year Noel Furlong won it. There was him, Seidel, Parkinson, Furlong, a Swiss (i think) guy and a few others
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