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Everything posted by Fphillips

  1. Fphillips

    The Hideout

    Just for shits I went and did a google image search for Chrozzo.......this is what came up..There was plenty of beer too but these were the top three.
  2. That shows ya how my mind works......I thought I had to whack some duche bag to protect society.You're talking about doggies. Haha....Duche.
  3. I have misplaced my ammo box. I just tore through closets and garage bins looking for a box of 9mm. I have a 50cal ammo can that I keep small arms ammo in and I cant find it anywhere.This sucks.
  4. I've read about this weapon today and a few folks like it and a few didn't, the ones that didn't said jmming isues and stove pipeing were chief complaints, but since I doubt I'll be rapid fireing this weapon it shouldn't be a problem.
  5. Fphillips

    The Hideout

    Stop being ugly to my friend.
  6. How do you like it? I bought this because I could get fairly cheap and I need a good carry pistola.It has 2 15 round magazines too
  7. Are you asking that if I personally knew this person wich would be my victim was doing harm to other victims that I should plant his ass?If so then I'd say just turn him over to the authorities. I'm not going back to prison over that dumb shit.If you reffering to something that was ocurring outside of our nations jurisdiction then I'd do what I could do to protect his victims from him.
  8. Just picked up this one to keep in the Jeep.910 Smith and Wesson
  9. Stevie Ray Vaughn live at Montreux 1985.R.I.P
  10. Fphillips

    The Hideout

    I miss that thread.
  11. Naw it aint. I made 10 lbs of deer jerky this year. I got a dehydrater that does it good in no time, the hardest part is getting the right blend of spices. If you aint carefull you wont be able to eat it without breakin into a sweat.
  12. Fphillips

    The Hideout

    Our Little Caesars is damn good for 5$... hell for 5$ bucks you could do worse fo sho.
  13. QFTI'm just a run of the mill guy.
  14. Fphillips

    The Hideout

    Ouch.Well, you could tell all the girls at the bar tonight how you you took on a gang of bikers and even though you were banged up up a little you showed them that it's not ok to put gekos in the same category as other reptiles due to thier superior comunication skills and laughable loveable behaivor.
  15. I thought you handled that misunderstanding back in 2005?
  16. Fphillips

    The Hideout

    Fresh Pecan Pie mmmmmmmmm
  17. Shouldn't you be out stalking Jennifer Aniston.
  18. Tennessee didn't. I lose.
  19. Fphillips

    The Hideout

    Cream pie?insert nasty porographic picture here
  20. Memo.You lost in the NIT finals to me.But just so you know you were a number one seed.I however was a Cinderella Story.
  21. I'm going to go ahead and claim the win in the OT NIT.Thank you.
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