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  8. Security certificate has been expired for 5 days smdh.
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  23. BlunderCheck, Fillmaff1998, NickTheKid, psych202 Dwayne Johnson and Pat McAfee
  24. At that rate, NYC should be underwater in no time. I know the global warming crowd has gotten smarter since An Inconvenient Truth and doesn't do predictions that fail so quickly anymore. But even pushed out to 2100, the math from your NASA link just doesn't add up to this: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/sea-level-rise/
  25. 0.15 inches per year according to NASA https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150192/tracking-30-years-of-sea-level-rise
  26. So far, so good. It's been 15 years since this post, and sea levels haven't risen at all. Good job, everyone!
  27. Chicago99, erikorganic, flyer, JesssyFab, Phil Deiwert, tightass Tim McGraw and Wes Anderson
  28. Hardnut, leshark81, origamikid-2, pass the sugar, wrc and poker life's good Isiah Thomas and Gal Gadot
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