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  8. ben4808, Governator Audrey Hepburn and Lance Bass
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  11. Earlier
  12. At that rate, NYC should be underwater in no time. I know the global warming crowd has gotten smarter since An Inconvenient Truth and doesn't do predictions that fail so quickly anymore. But even pushed out to 2100, the math from your NASA link just doesn't add up to this: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/sea-level-rise/
  13. 0.15 inches per year according to NASA https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150192/tracking-30-years-of-sea-level-rise
  14. So far, so good. It's been 15 years since this post, and sea levels haven't risen at all. Good job, everyone!
  15. Chicago99, erikorganic, flyer, JesssyFab, Phil Deiwert, tightass Tim McGraw and Wes Anderson
  16. Hardnut, leshark81, origamikid-2, pass the sugar, wrc and poker life's good Isiah Thomas and Gal Gadot
  17. It’s good for that several times throughout the year. I think this last one only lasted only a few hours.
  18. Brett Jackman, chargerblue27, cwjones14, desttE, funkywhiteboy78, gazeebo, iNfam0us88, Shizzmoney, TheMatt88, Webbspy, Winter Jerry Seinfeld and Willie Nelson
  19. bigkg, Fade2241, Huskers12, Jessica Alba, KenMarius, watchoutnow6 Jessica Alba and James Monroe
  20. Banda20, BlazeEquipmentManager, doompoker, herastoone, oHiSocietyo, usaf_trevor Ulysses S. Grant and Keenan Allen
  21. alisaundra, stevielarson Melania Trump and Kevin James
  22. Amnestia, Buckeye Hughes, ElleRenee, redhollywood Al Pacino and Tim Duncan
  23. Hey there, I am looking for an online Holdem coach. I am just a recreational player interested in getting better with cash games. Let me know.
  24. ahhflush, day_knee, dolfingirl, loudog89, Mayor_Qu1mby, nrsehoneybee, sleuthis Kelly Clarkson and Barbra Streisand
  25. checkymcfold, hockberg, Naked_Cowboy, soulrever Bill Shakespeare and James Buchanan
  26. Hey Mark, Welcome to the forum! It sounds like you've had quite the experience at the casino. Regarding your questions: In situations like the one you described, it's essential to remain calm and assertive. If you feel there's been a mistake or unfair ruling, don't hesitate to speak up and ask for clarification from the supervisor. It's crucial to advocate for yourself while maintaining composure. Most reputable poker rooms have a set of rules and regulations that cover various scenarios and situations, including disputes like the one you encountered. You can typically request
  27. Bencoast1138, bizinkis, delved, digitalmonkey, faketree420, gooch, KONGOS, Lainey, m_sioda, Rens van Dreumel, riverking422, spikeithard, UKPokerTeam, wakeforest22 Jack Nicholson and Vladimir Lenin
  28. Carlos Boozler, PhatAces, TopDollar, Whiskey16 Tony Romo and Iggy Pop
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