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A New Fcp Chat Room For The Transition And Beyond!

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For those of you that have used IRC before - this will be easy and a no-brainer. For those of you that have not, I would be glad to help you set it up. What I basically propose is that we have a chat room setup for us to all "play" in. It is clear we are all transitioning away from the old software and waiting for the new software. Rumor also has it there will not be a chat feature immediately available upon joining our new home. So I propose we make our own.For the people who know what IRC is and how to use it, here is all you need.Server: IRC.Holonet.ORGPort: 6667 (default)Channel: #FCPPlease feel free to register and come hang out. For those of you interested but pretty clueless what IRC is and how to use it, read on!IRC Stands for Internet Relay Chat. Their are programs out there that let you connect to IRC servers, join chat rooms (called Channels and donated by a name with # in front of it), and chat.I can go deeply into commands and details and stuff that won't interest most of you. But in it's simplest form, it is just a chat room. All you have to do to get to the chat room is the following. OPTION 1 - Download program - get full features1) Go here and download PIRCH98. http://www.pirch.com/software.html 2) After installing and running the program, hit the Login button on the top left corner.3) Under 'IRC Network' type in a name for the network, it's real name is Holonet but you can name it FCP Chat or whatever. Under 'server' type in irc.holonet.org - Change your Name if you feel like it, or put anonymous, whatever. Next to 'Nickname', put what you want your name to show up as, ie your forum or poker client name.4) Check off Auto-connect and hit the connect button. That window will close and u should be connecting to the server now. If it looks like nothing happened you can hit the connect button again on the left. 5) type /join fcpThat is it, you should be in the chatroom - and it will probably be mostly empty to start. But hang out if you can and lets make this a fun place to hang out with the FCP community.OPTION 2 - The easy no feature wayGoto the website irc.holonet.org - You can click on Looking to chat. Enter in a nickname and FCP as the channel, and boom. You can join our room.This is WAY easier then the other way, but remember you are going to be on a very plain java chat with no features. Still good for people that don't want to be bothered with the download though!Questions/Comments/Criticisms?P.S. Unless nobody wants a chat room or there is a reason why we shouldn't want this - I think this should be stickied.

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P.S. If you want to claim your nickname you have to register it. There is an automated bot that handles these requests called NickServ. If you type /msg Nickserv help register - It will give you the commands to register your nickname with a password. Once registered, if someone else takes your nickname you can boot them off the server using a command to NickServ. Whenever you start a sentence with a / that is a command and will not be seen in chat. /msg <nickname> is to send a private message to someone. /query will open up a private chat window with someone. You can also right click on peoples names to select these commands.There are tons of tutorials on IRC chat if you are interested in the finer points. But i'm more interested in just getting people there :club:

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heh, i still keep mIRC running 24/7. i'll scope it out. but... holonet? how did we choose something this obscure?
I chose it because the big servers like Efnet and Undernet seem to be very unreliable. Constant netsplits, different servers that come and go with varying lag times. And holonet has the old school standard chanserv and nickserv which is easier to use. All the good IRC clients allow multiple server joins so it's only one extra window for u :club:
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IRC OWNSdid anyone else on these forums use to play counterstrike all the time and spend a ton of time on irc? CUZ I DID!
I use to from Doom and Quake but never CS. I discovered poker around the time that came out...
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do i need to put anything in the username box? It always says invalid username when i try to connect.
You can leave it at whatever the default is, but i think the username has to be structured like an email address. Put your real one or make something up. I just put Leo@yahoo.com
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The server it is on REALLY doesn't matter. We have 7-10 people of volume so far this afternoon, but I'd like way more people in and out and hanging out :club: Keep it aliiiive! Oooh, and you can curse, type ooooooooooooooh, use quotes, and all the other crap that FCP chat wouldn't let you do.

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whoah, a mirc scripter. if you've ever been to an incomplete chan where cl187 or bootp preside... they run on my scripts.
haha yeah. focused about 2 or 3 years of my life to studying the language and learning every part of it so I could script and pretty much code any type of addon that was needed. Very fun language to learn for any programmers out there.
can some send me a link to dled it? i went to that link, but it won't let me dled it. :D:club: send me it a pm plz :D
Go here and click Download Now.
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I can't connect and don't know what else to try. I click on "connect", get to another page, and it says not connected.It says unable to connect to server no matter what I try.
Anyone who has had this problem has corrected it in one of two ways. Add :6667 to the server address - so that it reads irc.holonet.org:6667 - and make sure you have the other settings right. Don't use any weird characters like / ! ? * etc in the Network name, nickname etc.We had well over 25 unique people in and out of the chatroom today. I expect and hope for that to continue as we bid adieu to FCP as we currently know it and await the new client.
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