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Dereeekho is looking good, he just took down a big pot KK vs QQ. GL man! Hes got 109K(edit) Now at 154K 14th out of 65
thanks for keeping an eye over me. i turned observer's chat off.
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6th out of 56 now at 240Kish.My chats banned so I'm railing silently. You're 2 other railers it looks like are doublemeup and rocketpocker they are announcing SHIP after the pots lol.

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He is out in 27th. He took a bad hit against a full house, I never saw his hand, but his opponent had QQ with a QAA on the board. Last hand he had 77 vs A3 and A on the river.Regardless, nice cash, and from what I saw you were playing pretty awesome GG

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He is out in 27th. He took a bad hit against a full house, I never saw his hand, but his opponent had QQ with a QAA on the board. Last hand he had 77 vs A3 and A on the river.Regardless, nice cash, and from what I saw you were playing pretty awesome GG
made a dumb call down where i could only beat a bluff, which i put him on. i had KQ.the 77 vs. A3 hand sucked obviously. felt if i held i'd be able to come back easily.
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GG dude. Not easy to get that deep in these events.What did it pay out?
$1992?i was freerolling. won 2 $8 sats
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