Jeepster80125 0 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 No ads, nothing for sale, no links, just a giant brain fart.Now and then, a prime minister finds subtle faults with the warranty. A blood clot is resplendent. Furthermore, a carpet tack starts reminiscing about lost glory, and a tripod often throws a wedding dress toward a grain of sand at a blithe spirit.A chain saw Most people believe that the cheese wheel satiates an abstraction living with a senator, but they need to remember how carelessly the fat scythe returns home. If the carpet tack living with an earring negotiates a prenuptial agreement with the bowling ball, then a tripod for a tape recorder ceases to exist. A parking lot avoids contact with a flabby girl scout. When a submarine for the fighter pilot is knowingly Alaskan, a vacuum cleaner pees on a football team for some mating ritual. If a statesmanlike briar patch underhandedly avoids contact with the dolphin, then the proverbial dolphin reads a magazine.An unstable nationFurthermore, a short order cook beyond the bartender wakes up, and a college-educated blithe spirit secretly admires a traffic light. For example, the treacherous dolphin indicates that a mating ritual can be kind to a linguistic mating ritual. Indeed, the federal crank case makes a truce with a girl scout. Most people believe that a skinny polar bear dances with another wheelbarrow beyond a short order cook, but they need to remember how almost a twisted submarine gets stinking drunk. A CEO from the ball bearing avoids contact with a skyscraper from a jersey cow. Link to post Share on other sites
JSHamm 9 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 William Burroughs back from the dead? Link to post Share on other sites
Wandigo 1 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 Maybe there's some type of political subliminal message hidden within? Link to post Share on other sites
missIdaho 1 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 No ads, nothing for sale, no links, just a giant brain fart.Now and then, a prime minister finds subtle faults with the warranty. A blood clot is resplendent. Furthermore, a carpet tack starts reminiscing about lost glory, and a tripod often throws a wedding dress toward a grain of sand at a blithe spirit.A chain saw Most people believe that the cheese wheel satiates an abstraction living with a senator, but they need to remember how carelessly the fat scythe returns home. If the carpet tack living with an earring negotiates a prenuptial agreement with the bowling ball, then a tripod for a tape recorder ceases to exist. A parking lot avoids contact with a flabby girl scout. When a submarine for the fighter pilot is knowingly Alaskan, a vacuum cleaner pees on a football team for some mating ritual. If a statesmanlike briar patch underhandedly avoids contact with the dolphin, then the proverbial dolphin reads a magazine.An unstable nationFurthermore, a short order cook beyond the bartender wakes up, and a college-educated blithe spirit secretly admires a traffic light. For example, the treacherous dolphin indicates that a mating ritual can be kind to a linguistic mating ritual. Indeed, the federal crank case makes a truce with a girl scout. Most people believe that a skinny polar bear dances with another wheelbarrow beyond a short order cook, but they need to remember how almost a twisted submarine gets stinking drunk. A CEO from the ball bearing avoids contact with a skyscraper from a jersey's a coded message from the CIA. you're being recruited. Link to post Share on other sites
solderz 0 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 No ads, nothing for sale, no links, just a giant brain fart.Now and then, a prime minister finds subtle faults with the warranty. A blood clot is resplendent. Furthermore, a carpet tack starts reminiscing about lost glory, and a tripod often throws a wedding dress toward a grain of sand at a blithe spirit.A chain saw Most people believe that the cheese wheel satiates an abstraction living with a senator, but they need to remember how carelessly the fat scythe returns home. If the carpet tack living with an earring negotiates a prenuptial agreement with the bowling ball, then a tripod for a tape recorder ceases to exist. A parking lot avoids contact with a flabby girl scout. When a submarine for the fighter pilot is knowingly Alaskan, a vacuum cleaner pees on a football team for some mating ritual. If a statesmanlike briar patch underhandedly avoids contact with the dolphin, then the proverbial dolphin reads a magazine.An unstable nationFurthermore, a short order cook beyond the bartender wakes up, and a college-educated blithe spirit secretly admires a traffic light. For example, the treacherous dolphin indicates that a mating ritual can be kind to a linguistic mating ritual. Indeed, the federal crank case makes a truce with a girl scout. Most people believe that a skinny polar bear dances with another wheelbarrow beyond a short order cook, but they need to remember how almost a twisted submarine gets stinking drunk. A CEO from the ball bearing avoids contact with a skyscraper from a jersey They forgot to send the actual spam. Spam uses nonsense like the above to fool heuristic spam filters into thinking it is a legitimate message. Usually they turn the font to white so you don't see it and include the actual spam message at the top. This was an attempt at spam by someone who forgot the most important part. By the way, I know this because I have designed spam filters in the past. Link to post Share on other sites
SBriand 4 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 "For example, the treacherous dolphin indicates that a mating ritual can be kind to a linguistic mating ritual."Poetry Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 My girlfriend just got a very important looking letter in the mail (real mail). It's pink and has that blotchy stuff so you can't see inside. On the front it also says Important Delivery, Official Notice, and Do Not Fold. The return address is printed in very realistic fake-handwriting, and it's simply a person's name and her company address. Inside the envelope:1-800-blah-blahDear XXXXX,We are trying to reach you regarding your $2,100,000.00Sweepstakes ID# XXXXXXXXXX.Please call us at the above number. This is a free call.The best part is how they write, we are trying to reach you regarding your $2.1M, and then on the next line it says Sweepstakes ID# XXXXX. It's all caps and they make it look like 2 separate sentences, like they're trying to give you $2.1M, but really they're giving you a $2.1M sweepstakes ID#. Link to post Share on other sites
SilentSnow 1 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 Ive gotten those a few times also. I think some of them are actually pretty cool. Sadly enough the random word generator seems to write better than many of the people you find on the internet.I was actually looking for one of the random spam generators on the internet but havent found one yet. I thought the last line was especially insightful.Furthermore, for vacuum cleaner beams with joy, and defined by dahlia give secret financial aid to football team around grain of sand.beyond power drill is fashionable.over mirror feels nagging remorse, and living with omphalos dies; however, tuba player related to secretly admire..Karen, although somewhat soothed by grizzly bear toward and dolphin for tabloid.around anomaly trembles, and polar bear living with reads a magazine; however, of stovepipe try to seduce..Still graduate from her from squid inside, require assistance from her squid living with espadrille with graduated cylinder related to driver of asteroid caricature grain of sand for warranty, and bottle of beer inside salad dressing seek behind onlooker.Sometimes bodice ripper over dust bunny ceases to exist, but freight train over wheel always take a peek at roller coaster defined by clock! Link to post Share on other sites
Jeepster80125 0 Posted October 25, 2006 Author Share Posted October 25, 2006 lol. They forgot to send the actual spam. Spam uses nonsense like the above to fool heuristic spam filters into thinking it is a legitimate message. Usually they turn the font to white so you don't see it and include the actual spam message at the top. This was an attempt at spam by someone who forgot the most important part. By the way, I know this because I have designed spam filters in the past.I see. On a related note, can I eff your av? Link to post Share on other sites
socalpoker_j 1 Posted October 25, 2006 Share Posted October 25, 2006 This the thread to post spam e-mails? Get em all day... De eerste illegale versie was ondanks de DRM binnen een dag te downloaden, zonder afspeelproblemen en zonder betaalproblemen. DRM leidt dus tot omzetverlies en maakt het leven van de consument nodeloos lastig, terwijl de 'bad guys' er geen noemenswaardige hinder van ondervinden.Het gaat om de muziek!Handig, snel en betaalbaar.As well as geothermal products, Geologic also specializes is radiant floor heating, ductless HVAC systems and hybrid systems, which can incorporate . En ook in de downloadmarkt is DRM een utopie.Tot en met de Commissie Schrijnende Zaken vinden IND-ambtenaren dat het gezin in Nederland mag blijven.Andere argumenten zijn er niet. Ikzelf ben vader van twee mooie dochters en kan me voorstellen dat je bepaalde keuzes maakt waar je later spijt van krijgt.DRM systemen zijn totaal overbodig voor het legaal online aanbieden van auteursrechtelijk beschermde werken. Wat doe je hier dan nog? Its solutions allow a building's lighting, entry access, telephony, HVAC and CCTV systems to be connected over a single IP network.You should also be sure to use a correct unit, i. En DRM systemen maken het de consument helemaal niet mogelijk om te kiezen - ze maken het de consument juist onmogelijk de content af te spelen op het apparaat van hun keuze.The NexPress press environmental control system provides conditioned air and water for humidity control so the press is kept in a ready to print state. Meer na de break; soms opklikbaar tot breedbandformaat. As well as geothermal products, Geologic also specializes is radiant floor heating, ductless HVAC systems and hybrid systems, which can incorporate com, Hungary -Just one.Zolang geluid hoorbaar wordt gemaakt, kun je het reproduceren en distribueren. De kamer is helaas nog niet echt toonbaar, aangezien vanmiddag opeens het afvalwater van de vaatwasser over het laminaat stroomde. Talloze consumenten hadden problemen met het afspelen, en de koppeling tussen het betaalsysteem en de afgifte van licenties aan de spelers verliep verre van vlekkeloos.O nee, hoe was dat ook al weer? Zolang geluid hoorbaar wordt gemaakt, kun je het reproduceren en distribueren. Volgens mij had iedereen die de film graag wilde zien er met plezier twee euro voor over gehad om de film op de premiereavond te bekijken.Zijn dochter is vierdejaars tandheelkunde, zijn zoon tweedejaars elektrotechniek.Tot en met de Commissie Schrijnende Zaken vinden IND-ambtenaren dat het gezin in Nederland mag blijven.Had ik die muziek kunnen downloaden, dan had ik dat gedaan. Its solutions allow a building's lighting, entry access, telephony, HVAC and CCTV systems to be connected over a single IP network. En had de consument echt gewacht tot de film illegaal te downloaden was geweest? The NEXPRESS press environmental control system provides conditioned air and water for humidity control so the press is kept in a ready to print state. Dezelfde avond is de CD geript en op m'n iPod gezet, de drager waarop ik de muziek kocht ligt nu ergens stof te happen in of achter of onder de CD-kast.Add in photovoltaic cells, ground source heat pumps, and solid fuel boilers, and you have a number of ways of making your home less reliant on the National Grid .DRM en kopieerbeveiliging afschaffen voor CD's is je publiek blijmaken met een dooie mus. Geen enkele DRM heeft ooit voorkomen dat muziek in het illegale circuit opdook, en geen enkele DRM zal dat ooit kunnen voorkomen. De consument is niet meer geinteresseerd in het medium waarop muziek wordt verkocht. Link to post Share on other sites
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