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Trips With 3-flush On Flop

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Shootout Tourney, so I have to get past my table to advance to the next round, where the money starts. 6-min blinds. BB has been very loose preflop, and fairly loose on most flops, but tends to play a bit more tight on the turn and river. Poker StarsNo Limit Holdem TournamentBlinds: t50/t1003 playersSeat 2: SB (2975 in chips) Seat 4: BB (2130 in chips) Seat 5: Hero (2395 in chips) Pre-flop: (3 players) Hero is Button with T♥ T♦Hero raises to t400, SB folds, BB calls t300 (pot was t550).Flop: Q♠ 6♠ T♠ (t850, 2 players)BB checks, Hero bets t500, BB calls t500 (pot was t1350).Turn: 9♣ (t1850, 2 players)BB checks, Hero ??

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Flop - bet 800 or even more than that. I would overbet most of the time just in the event I hope he has QJ and thinks I am full of shyt. It's most likely our villian has a naked As-x as he just called your raise and was defending. Turn - Alot of people say push the turn.......if you are going to do that, then why not push the flop then (especially if he is a chaser and will call anyways)? When the 9s comes on the turn, I think you have to shut down and check in position and hope the board pairs. Take the free card. If a blank hits the river, and he makes a big bet, you're put at a decision but at least if you make a good paydown your still in the tourney with 1100 in chips. If you boat up on the river, and he has the flush, you'll get all of his chips. And in the event he bluffs the river, if you have enough conviction to call, you can maximize profit (albeit it in a tricky, aggressive way) as supposed to him check-folding to your turn jam. I hate this situation, btw.

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Thanks for the replies. I did end up pushing on the turn, and he called with As 5s. I pretty much figured it was unlikely for him to have a completed flush in that situation and just wanted to get him out of the pot at that point. I guess the question I really wanted to ask in this situation is if its possible to get out of this hand left with some chips? Not pushing at that point is playing too passively imo, but a couple of you mentioned just raising the pot 800... would you call an all in raise then?I would never do this, but say I checked the turn, and then he proceeded to go all-in on the river? Would you still call?Edit: Sorry btw, I guess if your font size is small by default, its hard to distinguish between clubs and spades. I'll replace them with the board emoticons next time.

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