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so called all star players and their limits...

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hey speed freak, how can you say that nobody is makin smash to be a great player? Thats what i read the most on this site! You guys make these threads about him all the time. Jus look at this thread and read what is being written. My point is that he probably isn't as good as you think he is. I doubt he has any substantial face to face poker experience. And thats why i made the challenge. To expose your idol for what he is. (It's what we poker players like to do)You would have to assume that he's still coming to this site and checkin on whats being said. So i say, Quit hiding in the corner and get over it! Stop acting like a baby!

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Actually, didn't Smash beat the guy who originally challenged him? Yes, he did. However, you have to have 4 people to play a heads up tournament, so him and another guy were playing at the final table. Both admitted to getting tired and what-not, and it seemed like a friendly game, where the other game was not. It's the other guy who probably won't post here again.Smash admitted that he would probably lose in a NL game. Not that I care either way what happens at this point, just thought I'd help everyone get the facts straight so they could go on arguing. Have at it!

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yea miles your right he did say that he wasn't good at no'limit. Actually i like no-limit live action but i don't like it online so i don't blame him for that since he's mostly an online player. If you watched them play, then you would have seen that he was ahead in the beginning. Saying that they were tired though is a lame excuse. poker is a game you play for hours and they didn't play long at all. And because he lost says very little about his skills compared to his opponent. One match isn't goin to give enough information as to who is better. Thats why i say we can't make a big deal out of that match. I feel that smash is making it a big deal because he lost and just got super sensitive.(not a quality of a true poker player) That's why i said he should get over it and get back in the game amd play the guy again as well as other challengers

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Whats up guys,Well, I have been long time reader of DN's journal as well as this forum, but never have posted here before. For what it is worth, I wanted to share my thoughts on this whole "Smash" issue. I have been poker for about 5 years or so, only about 1 1/2 years online, and I believe I play pretty solid game. This does not however mean I think I am the best and the way I play my hand is the only correct way to play it. I have read plenty of Smash's posts on his p'stars experiment and I admit I find them interesting. I enjoy reading through hand histories and getting different oppinions on how the hand was played. Often times while reading through the hands I find situations where I find a particular play interesting I want to comment on it. This is when the problem with Smash comes into play. I realize it is useless for me to even bring up a different approach to a hand because I know I will get no useful feedback from Smash. The way he played was right, and thats final. My question to Smash would be, Why are you posting hundreds of hands if you have no interest in listening to peoples comments on them? I honestly think you are a good player but I think you could definitely learn if you opened up a little to what people have to say. It seems to me most of the negative feelings towards have to do with your harsh comments to the people commenting to your posts. Are you simply looking for people to say "Hey Smash youre pretty darn good!!!", if you are cut the hand histories please. Anyway, Smash - I do think you contribute some good posts to this forum and I hope you really arent considering leaving. I am simply suggesting maybe lighten up a bit. This post is in no way meant to ridicule you or tell you how to act. Hopefully this forum can start to cut all this nonsense out and get back to talking about some good poker. If it does I will be more than willing to begin to share my game with everyone. God knows my game could use some help right now, and I would love to hear suggestions from everyone, including Smash. So, enough of that, I appologize about my little rant, but thought I would share my thoughts as someone on the outside looking in. Quick intro I guess while Im at it. Again, playing for about 5 years. Favorite game to play probably has to be Omaha. Love the action. Im a gambler at heart. I still play tons of hold em, but the cash games have really begun to bore me lately. Ive been playing mostly tournaments to satisfy my hold em fix. Hopefully Ill have the chance to share more later. Good Luck at the tables, and I look forward to sharing more in the future!!!Im out...... :twisted:

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I feel that smash is making it a big deal because he lost and just got super sensitive.(not a quality of a true poker player) That's why i said he should get over it and get back in the game amd play the guy again as well as other challengers
Believe me, Smash didn't leave because of his $5 heads up loss. He beat the guy that challenged him, bottom line. Yes I know, one win does not a true poker player make... Come back just to play challengers? Are you nuts? He gives up enough of his own time posting micro limit hands here for the sole benefit of others. Look, you can't argue with his limit knowledge. You can read a couple lines of his advice, (albeit when he's not in one of his moods) and you can tell instantly that he knows what he's talking about. People respect his advice, and seek it. He's never professed to be a master, but enough people heed his advice that he continues to offer it.Anyways, I'm not going to lose any sleep if he never comes back, but I think the information on this forum will be a lot less entertaining.Uma's hot.
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i liked your post jfinn. And if you need advise, i would be willing to give some input. Has anyone ever heard of San Soo? It's a form a martial Arts in the Kung Fu group. I feel that if you isolated all martial arts, Kung Fu San Soo is, by far, the best if you look at each one individually. Mixed fighting is another story. But anyway, in this particular art, it takes many years to become a black belt. Once you become a green belt, you are encouraged to help the younger belts and are frowned upon if you do not. The reason being, you learn by teaching. When someone asks you a question on technique, it forces you to think about the right moves and that makes you a better fighter. By helping you, I help myself. To become a black belt, you have to be one in the eyes of all the black belts in your studio. You don't jus get one cause you've been goin to the studio for 4 years or whatever. And once you are a black belt, you have to help someone outside of your family become a blackbelt, as well as one family member. This lesson from my studio taught me that it applies to other areas of life as well. When you help someone, it makes you better and smarter than what you were before. If you help a novice poker player, you will become even better cause your causing brain development and you'll recall your mistakes before you make them and thus, save money or win more money. Horriding what you know only hinders your success. Let's help one another. I can learn from everybody

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and the soap opera continues :D:):):club::) i was jus here yesterday at this time and your savior was playin in a heads up match.............and lost. So whats the problem? If he gets mad that he lost then i say,.................................go cry in the corner like a little girl. I mean really. We all lose sometimes. And one match up doesn't mean anything. I know some of you will say that he "left" :roll: cause of other reasons, but come on! Look at the big picture. (like a poker player would) looks to me like his ego was hit and now he leaves cause of blah blah blah who cares!!!!! I know alot of you are young and you don't have alot of poker experience, but this guy smash couldn't be as good as you all bring him out to be. I've challenged him and i haven't heard one reply. There are others here who have good advice to give and nobody here is so good that you have to cry everytime he threatens to leave. Please!!I'll say it again. ..............Mr. Smash. I will gladly play you on your turf, online @ pokerstars, if you agree that we play multiple times, and that we go play at the Bike or Commerce when you come to my home turf in Los Angeles. It would be fun taking you apart and it would be a learning experience for both of us. I don't think you are as good as everyone thinks you are and i'll be willing to prove it. As i have stated eailer this month, i don't know you, but i'm seeing that you like drama and your probably enjoying every bit of the attention your getting. To be the man, You've got to beat the man..................and to beat the man,....you've got to be the man. So get out of the corner and wipe the snott from your upper lip and lets move on to the next challenge
Thank you Ric Flair. :D I cannot believe people are still talking about Smash. Hes here all you see are Smash flame posts. He leaves all you see is everybody flaming each other about: you made him leave...he sucks...Survivor is the greatest show ever...etc. For the love of all that is good....let it go!
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Let me start this comment by saying this... I like Smash's posts. I've found him to a very smart, credible source of information on small-stakes limit games. He's clearly much more advanced in his theoretical understanding of the game and depth of thinking than I am. I am very sorry to see him go.Also, I find most of the people who complain about Smash to be pretty whiny, generally immature, and probably bad players (since I just can't be convinced that someone who can't form coherent sentences and use their mother tongue well could possibly be strong enough thinkers to play consistently good poker -- I'm sure that's a steorotype, but there it is).With that said, it shouldn't suprise any of us that it came to this. Like I said, I like the guy and certainly never felt threatened by or jealous of him. So, without any personal animus involved, I have to say that he was, at times, abrasive and rude. People have tried to excuse this behavior by just saying he was being honest or "telling it like it is." That's fine, but if you're going to be that brusque in the service of the truth (at least as you see it), then you have got to expect to be a target for the people you are insulting.I heard a quote once that I've always remembered and try to live by as best I can -- "The genius of good communication is the ability to be totally honest and yet totally kind at the same time." That's not always possible, of course. There are rude, ignorant people who must be dealt with at a less than civil level sometimes. But, honestly, can we all say that this is the only time Smash was rude or abrupt with people?Smash picked fights a lot. So people wanted to fight him. It's certainly his right to get tired of fighting and retire from the battlefield. But let's not turn him into a martyr. He who lives by the sword...I hope he decides to post again. Like I said, I found him funny and informative a lot of the time. But, as Daniel himself said in his past a week or so ago, he needs to tone it down. Way too much time on this forum is centered around him as a figure of controversy and division. He doesn't have to be gentle as a lamb, but you can't go into someone's home (even when they invite you in), pee on their dining room table, and then shrug (or, even more ridiculously, become indignant) when they get angry.
Surprise has 2 R's
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the limits you play does not have any true bearing on your skills as a poker player. I play 2-4 no lomit, 5-10 no limit, and 10-25 no limit and to be honest woth you I see people making terrible plays at all levels. And that includes everybody. s
THAT is the absolute truth. I've played as small as .10/.25 online and as big as $150/$300 live and I swear, it SEEMS there are times when the dime/quarter game plays better than the big one. But, the key word here is "seems". No matter what limit you're playing, mistakes are made and people are jerks and others are great people who can be trusted with anything. But it takes awhile to get into a groove against the other key players, so while at first glance it seems insane that a guy just called down with K hi and caught a card at the river in a 300/600 game, but one never knows the history between those two players.The orginal post is right, though this is true of all limits - there are always people who believe they're better than they are, at that applies to anything. I thought that George Karl (I think that's who it was) said something telling and hilarious at the same time when Master P was trying out for the NBA. He said "He's exactly at the same level as 90% of the rest of the league - they all think they're far better than they really are." That sounds about right.
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Good lord, this thread is a whole lot of blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda...I have a question: If I think I played a hand poorly and want some advice, what is the online address of 2+2? www.fullcontactpoker.com?I mean, not that I don't like this forum, but (and no ONE person is at fault here) if you played a hand poorly and post it, a handful of people will explain to you what is wrong. Twice that number will make fun of you. I think I can name just a couple or 3 people off the top of my head who I think would give me sound advice that I respect, and one is the moderator who rarely has time to actually get involved. He is too busy deleting and moving posts.I think the above reasons are why there are not a whole lot of 'poker' posts here. The people who would post their hands for help are 'stupid micro-limit players' and aren't really looking forward to getting flamed.blah.
I'm glad somebody besides me sees what is happening here. It's just sad really. This forum used to be a nice place, but now it's just one flame war after another.
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