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tunica trip and the jerk

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I played at the Glod Strike in Tunica this past weekend and had a great time. They give poker player rates that are about one fourth the regular rate. All my meals were free and it a great place to play. As for me I did good, played 3 6 holdem and 4 8 omaha8, and ended up about 250 in a day and a half. The only downer on the trip was this wanna be pro who sat at my table early Sunday morning. He came from the 10 20 holdem table where he had lost quite a bit of money. So he sits down and begins to complain about how the fish are playing. "They just don't know how to play poker, I can't believe you called with that" and on and on it went.Now I don't know about you guys but I like it that way. The less they know the better. But his complaining killed the mood at the table. Up until he sat down we were telling jokes, needling, and having a great time. The fish didn't mind losing money because they were having such a great time. As soon as he started the mood got serious, nobody is laughing, and the fish soon started leaving. The last hand the jerk payed was against a guy who has been drinking all day long. the jerk raised pre flop and the drunk guy called. I don' t know all the exact cards but the drunk guy cracked his aces with 3 8 off. The jerk loses it and starts just letting this guy have it. The jerk finally after a five minute bitch session leaves the table saying as he left " I can't play poker like this, F'in' fish. Anyway, all the fish had left and we were left with about five good players left. I grinded out about 3 more hours winning 20 more doolars. I am by no means a pro, I have a regular job, but at least I know how to treat the weaker players at the table.

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You should've stood up... walked over to him, wipe your hands on your pants, as not to have any sweat or anything on them.... then smacked the shit out of him. That's allowed right?

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You should've stood up... walked over to him, wipe your hands on your pants, as not to have any sweat or anything on them.... then smacked the shit out of him. That's allowed right?
Wouldnt wiping your hands waste valuable time ? Just smack the sucker!!!!!!!! lol
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He kept throwing chips to the dealer everytime she told him to calm down.
Dealer's are only employee's of the casino shouldnt matter if he tossed her 1000$ not her decision. IMO
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You should've stood up... walked over to him, wipe your hands on your pants, as not to have any sweat or anything on them.... then smacked the shit out of him. That's allowed right?
Wouldnt wiping your hands waste valuable time ? Just smack the sucker!!!!!!!! lol
Just do it as youre walking I guess.
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You should've stood up... walked over to him, wipe your hands on your pants, as not to have any sweat or anything on them.... then smacked the shit out of him. That's allowed right?
Wouldnt wiping your hands waste valuable time ? Just smack the sucker!!!!!!!! lol
Just do it as youre walking I guess.
Now were getting somewhere :-)
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I do believe he left the casino after this, because I didn't see him in the poker room when I went to my room.
Or better yet, someone took him out back, so he was in the alley bleeding profusely.Wait, do they have alleys in tunica? Eh, prolly not. But nice thought.
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its pretty easy to deal with ppl like this, just put them on tilt even more. You can use several methods, my personal favorite is to become the maniac in pots involving players like this. They love to pride themselves on great laydowns and the right plays. Sometimes I'll wait for a hand where I can get headsup with him and have a junk hand and just outplay him and show it to him afterwards. This will put him even more on tilt getting upset at you for playing at him with junk. Then, he will usually be concentrated on getting you back and start making marginal calls on you while you holds the nuts.

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He kept throwing chips to the dealer everytime she told him to calm down.
Hahaha. That had to be like every 30 seconds right? He must've lost half his stack (exaggeration, I know) tossing the dealer chips and then been wondering later on what the hell happened to all his money. Even wannabe pros are usually smarter than this guy.
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Yea, it's one of the downfalls of playing in a casino. Rude, obnoxious, annoying, drunk Aholes, sometimes. That and the high rakes. But sometimes it is a pleasant experience. I'd love to tell you some stories about some opponents but I don't want to bore anyone.

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Weww! Got a little concerned when I saw the subject of this post. I play in Tunica at the Gold Strike often and have built up a name for myself, but sometimes I am the jerk at the table when the table needs a laugh. I thought this was going to be a post about me. THank goodness I was wrong.If you are ever in Tunica at the Strike and play 1/2 NL or PLO, look for someone wearing all black and all adidas and being a jerk. It's probably me.

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honestly there should be a bad beat button at every table, where after pressing it [enter boxer of choice here: antonio tarver] comes out and the "pro" gets his teeth knocked down his throat. It would be a good experience for him and everybody.

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honestly there should be a bad beat button at every table, where after pressing it [enter boxer of choice here: antonio tarver] comes out and the "pro" gets his teeth knocked down his throat. It would be a good experience for him and everybody.
Yea awesome idea. Better yet like one of those emergency gas shut off buttons at gas stations except the button shoots down like 300 tons of foam onto the guys chair so he looks like the St Puff Marshmellow Man when its done.
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