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Playing at the casino in a cash game today. Had a terrible beat thats still got me steaming. In 4th position I get dealt AhAd.Under the gun raises to 12x the big blind, I double his bet. The entire table calls.Flop comes AsKhKd. I think I'm golden. Some risk to quad Kings but still for me worth calling. If I lose to quad Kings I'll live.SB bets pot size. (on queens)BB doubles. (on set of Kings)Under the gun all in. (on set of Kings)I call all in.9 callers (8 all in, the dealer just about had a stroke figuring out side pots)Heres the hands:KsQhKcJdQQJsJcTsTc7h7d9s9c6s6hTurn comes 7River 7.I've lost on quad queens to kings before but this full house loss was the most painful beat I've ever experienced. Just what are some people thinking? I guess its a big pot everyone wants a shot.

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In a somewhat related story, Angelina Jolie was coming to my house last night for a date. She was actually parked in her car in my driveway, ready to get out of the car and come in (I made an awesome chicken stir fry) when Brad Pitt happened to drive by. She backed out and followed him, standing me up for what should've been an awesome evening of stir fry and barely legal sex. I mean, what're the odds of Brad Pitt driving by at that exact moment?

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In a somewhat related story, Angelina Jolie was coming to my house last night for a date. She was actually parked in her car in my driveway, ready to get out of the car and come in (I made an awesome chicken stir fry) when Brad Pitt happened to drive by. She backed out and followed him, standing me up for what should've been an awesome evening of stir fry and barely legal sex. I mean, what're the odds of Brad Pitt driving by at that exact moment?
About the same as Angelina parking her car in your driveway.On a side note I would have loved to lose this hand at the casino I play at. I would have gotten the bad beat jackpot.....
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In a somewhat related story, Angelina Jolie was coming to my house last night for a date. She was actually parked in her car in my driveway, ready to get out of the car and come in (I made an awesome chicken stir fry) when Brad Pitt happened to drive by. She backed out and followed him, standing me up for what should've been an awesome evening of stir fry and barely legal sex. I mean, what're the odds of Brad Pitt driving by at that exact moment?
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