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The Power Of Prayer (i Need Some Help)

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hardkorbeatz: you have added nothing to the forums as a whole, and now you've decided to go a step further and completely detract for the forums. you are a worthless dungfeaster, who i hope gets banned. take your commie "the weak should be killed off, so only the strong can remain" BS back to mother russia, so that we can be spared the temptation of beating your head in with a lead pipe.OP: i will be praying (looks hypocritical after my response to douchebag borscht up there, but oh well)
the only thing u can beat up is your wienerand dont call me a commie u fkin gook
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the only thing u can beat up is your wienerand dont call me a commie u fkin gook
ha. you're ignorant and will probably die alone and miserable.ha ha.
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so funny- all i do is say something against your religion and all u dumb sheep start hating. not 1 "dude, whatever u dont believe in god thats fine hopefully one day u will" response. all 100% die rot in hell responses. so funny. did the bible teach u guys to act like that. u people suck as christians

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so funny- all i do is say something against your religion and all u dumb sheep start hating. not 1 "dude, whatever u dont believe in god thats fine hopefully one day u will" response. all 100% die rot in hell responses. so funny. did the bible teach u guys to act like that. u people suck as christians
I never said die, rot in hell- just that you should be banned, and you should. You want love? You want me to hope you believe in God one day? Strange way of going about it- that's like me walking up to a potential girlfriend and punching her in the face and then saying, " Now, how about a date? " Got to 2+2, they speak retard there.( and by retard I mean they can do anything.)
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so funny- all i do is say something against your religion and all u dumb sheep start hating. not 1 "dude, whatever u dont believe in god thats fine hopefully one day u will" response. all 100% die rot in hell responses. so funny. did the bible teach u guys to act like that. u people suck as christians
actually, you personally insulted several people on this forum, including myself by using racial slurs in a completely derogatory and offensive manner. i dont post often (ok, ever) in here, but i was referred to it by another poster. i know my response wasn't all that christian, but like i said, i don't post here ever, and i was pretty offended.but hey dude, whatever, you're a racist thats fine hopefully one day you wont be.
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so funny- all i do is say something against your religion and all u dumb sheep start hating. not 1 "dude, whatever u dont believe in god thats fine hopefully one day u will" response. all 100% die rot in hell responses. so funny. did the bible teach u guys to act like that. u people suck as christians
so you pretty much admit that you are an attention whore?ok, i retract all previous statements.there IS someone worse than FWP.
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Ryan update: Ryan is doing very well and the Dr. said that the Pet scan looked good – he has two more chemo treatments and should be done with his treatment the end of July. If it weren’t for the hair loss you wouldn’t even know that he was sick. The Dr had said that he can no longer feel the tumors in his neck. But the Doc didn’t go into much detail about what the Pet scan showed except that it looked good. I am taking that as the tumors have either shrunk or they are gone – he will have another Pet scan once the chemo is done – but the Dr. said only a couple more and that will be it. I’m sure he will have to have blood work done every so often to make sure nothing is coming back. Well he will still miss playing baseball on the varsity team but at least he can get back to playing drums in his punk band.Thanks to all who have helped with prayers, kind thoughts & hats it is very much appreciated and I wish you all the best of luck.Good Luck & God Bless

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Well he will still miss playing baseball on the varsity team but at least he can get back to playing drums in his punk band.Thanks to all who have helped with prayers, kind thoughts & hats it is very much appreciated and I wish you all the best of luck.Good Luck & God Bless
now that's certainly good news.keep us updated. let us know what the final scans look like.
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