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smalltimer1038 (Observer): lost 16million to ivey heads upRokNukem (Observer): maybe chips but not cashdirt_mcgirt9 (Observer): blinds were like 100k/200khbrand (Observer): no poker player plays for those stakeshbrand (Observer): a banker can't out of nowhere pull 50 mil.. RokNukem (Observer): if he lost 16 mil he would have shot himselfsrblan (Observer): he can if he's a billionaireMikeJordan12 (Observer): professor, banker, suicide kinghbrand (Observer): exactlyMikeJordan12 (Observer): read itshystyind (Observer): hes a billionareslim152 (Observer): he isMikeJordan12 (Observer): billionairesrblan (Observer): i knowhbrand (Observer): he was a banker.. nopt even a professional gamblerslim152 (Observer): they play oftenRokNukem (Observer): your full of shiiiithbrand (Observer): hahaslim152 (Observer): it is a group of pros that pool their money together to play against himcmedazlu (Observer): he owns the bank lolRokNukem (Observer): so whathbrand (Observer): his bank couldn;t be worth more than 20 milRokNukem (Observer): what bank does he own?slim152 (Observer): go read about himslim152 (Observer): it is easy enoughRokNukem (Observer): you people know nothing about banks thenTman7373 (Observer): hbrand are you being serious?robbyj34 (Observer): beal lost 16 million the final day of the last sessionslim152 (Observer): rok, just go look him upseriously, if you're an avid poker player and read mags like bluff, cardplayer or all in, how do you not know about any of this?

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I know of small town banks that have over $20 million in assets...

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I like pancakes.
definately the most intersting of all your alteregos, pill.better than the underage girl, thats for sure
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hbrand (Observer): his bank couldn;t be worth more than 20 millol...What bank isn't worth at least 20 mil. Even some shithole backwater bank in Crapistan is worth 20 mil. Surely, a Texas based bank is going to worth somewhat more than that.

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is he really redpill or is it jstu a rumor?
well he's got a link to the redpill's blog in his sig, and I can't imagine anyone else doing thatit ain't zeejustin, thats for sure
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