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I know this has been said but king of vegas is the dumbest thing ive ever seen especially the holdem at the end i love how the announcers are making it seem like the rules for their stupid *** holdem game where once you double up your sitting pretty or whatever are the standard rules for holdem. And can i just say that alan boreman is retarted David williams is gonna win this thing unless he gets sucked out on because he should never lose the death match.

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King of Vegas was a total joke for me. With that being said, I watched every episode. The way the games and players were portrayed made it seem 100% staged.

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the episode formula:trash talk, trash talk, trash talk, extremely lucky catch for someone, trash talk, trash talk, unfounded ridonkulous trash talk, humility, trash talk.pppppbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtttttttttttttttttt :club: I quit watching when Evelyn and the other hot chick got busted out...gawking at the hotness was the only thing that made that nonsense tolerable...

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the episode formula:trash talk, trash talk, trash talk, extremely lucky catch for someone, trash talk, trash talk, unfounded ridonkulous trash talk, humility, trash talk.
The show in a nutshell :club: You missed a few more lucky breaks and stupid hands, and ended with a beat that never realistically happens in Hold 'Em.And yea, the only reason I watched was for Evelyn and Katie.
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Saw a hand in their deathmatch, where I must have missed somethng, Ken vs Katie allin, Ken is short, so she have to call.Ken shows J :club: ,4 :) Katie shows 10 :D ,5 :D Board 5 :) K :) Q :D 9 :) J :) and Ken wins the hand?What did I miss??

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