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March 18 12:00 Et--pstars $10+1 Deep Stack..

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Well..these threads seem to be pretty consistent...so here's another one.I'm in. Who else??? SN = KowboyKoop
good luck, you ready for 1/2 yet, it is a real gold mine.
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good luck, you ready for 1/2 yet, it is a real gold mine.
I'm probably gonna build some more at .50/1 before going up to 1/2. I'm on the conservative side when it comes to bankroll management....but yeah, I know the play there really isn't too much better than .50/1.
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PokerQween really should have seen that flush and not called that all-in bet.. It was so obvious
Good to see you are watching then..lol. And yes....I've seen a ton of donk play already...very first hand someone went broke holding 2-8 offsuit in middle position. All in with middle pair against KK on the flop.
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At 1st break. 8510 in chips. Playing well. I think my tournament game has really come around....for some reason I now always expect to go deep and understand what mistakes I was making before.....plus these deep stack tourneys really suit my style.

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i thought we all agreed to not make tourney posts until we were in the mobney?
So....you'll say this tomorrow when there is a thread for the PStars Million and all the othe big Sunday Guaranteed tournaments?? Didn't think so. It is pretty sh*tty that I'm the only FCP'er on it though....usually there are a few.
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only excepetions were major tourneys i think, ilke the sunday guarantees, 100+ buyins etcgl though im just grumpy and i think still drunk from lsat nigt

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only excepetions were major tourneys i think, ilke the sunday guarantees, 100+ buyins etcgl though im just grumpy and i think still drunk from lsat nigt
I don't recall reading any "agreement" or whatever....but anyways..this is a big tourney for me. So.............it stays.
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Stay sharp Koop, don't give in to bad play.I placed 11th last night on $36 rebuy at Doyle's room and still regret two dumb plays. Folding is always an option.

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Stay sharp Koop, don't give in to bad play.I placed 11th last night on $36 rebuy at Doyle's room and still regret two dumb plays. Folding is always an option.
I've been pretty good the past few weeks at staying focused....so yeah...that's important in these long tourneys.
do they have these during the weeK? or just weekend?
They have a 10 dollar one on Saturday and Sunday. I don't know for sure about the others..but I think there are 30 dollar deep stacks for both NL and Limit during the week..and a 20 dollar deep stack as well at some time. The weekend ones are the only ones I play though.had KK run into AA allin preflop.Not too big of a hit though..still have 6400. Sucks though.
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Going to next level. Have 6145. No cards right now...sitting next to a mega-fish though who is getting extremely lucky...hopefully I can double up through him at some point.

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Going to next level. Have 6145. No cards right now...sitting next to a mega-fish though who is getting extremely lucky...hopefully I can double up through him at some point.
nothing like the 1/24 times when you get kings and he has aces..nothing you can do. continue doing well and get some chips from donkey mcfish
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nothing like the 1/24 times when you get kings and he has aces..nothing you can do. continue doing well and get some chips from donkey mcfish
Doing my best...but I've been extremely card dead for a bit. Sitting on 5400. I have no problem being patient though.
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I was out shopping today and didn't make it back in time. Good luck Koop. I will check back in 8 or 9 hours if you are at the final table. Since I am going fishing tomorrow, I will probably miss that one too.

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alright cool....I have superfish on my right....killer....hopefully I can double up through him soon.
Yeah, you weren't kidding when you said he has been getting lucky. The cards love him.
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Yeah, you weren't kidding when you said he has been getting lucky. The cards love him.
Yeah..he raised twice early on with 7-4 and 7-2..both offsuit..and made fullhouses both times. That's where a lot of his chips are from...heading into 100/200 level. Finally got some hands and built a little bit. Have 11,763..still a little below average...but plenty of room to work with.Some guy just min-bet and let me catch a gutshot. Thanks guy.
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