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when the river pairs the board

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Reads:Button is the ultimate calling station. Essentially every time I raise, he calls.MP1 hasn't done anything out of line and strikes me as a tight player. Not quite sure how aggressive he is yet, as he hasn't played many hands. I have him marked as solid right now, but we don't know if it's rocky solid or TAG solid.PartyPoker 5/10 limit holdem (9 handed)Hero is CO with A :club: Q :D2 folds, MP1 calls, 3 folds, Hero raises, Button calls, 2 folds, MP1 callsFlop (7.5 SB): A - 7 - 3 rainbowMP1 checks, Hero bets, button folds, MP1 callsTurn (4.25 BB): T rMP1 checks, Hero bets, MP1 callsRiver (6.25 BB): 7MP1 bets...How many bet? How many call? How many are ashamed to admit they're folding?

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:lol:I was discussing a similar hand with someone else who thought it was a coinflip between raising and calling. Thought there could be an argument there.I prefer calling, btw.

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I raise here.Assuming he's tight, there really aren't many hands I can see him limping pf with. 87s is it, and even that's a bit of a stretch.Axs can certainly make up a bit of his range, where x is less than or equal to 10.Another thing to consider is that a 7 usually goes for a c/r here.

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this wa/wb folds to a raise on the river, right?
Yes, it was a bit 'tongue in cheek'If he was a TAG it's hard to put him on a hand beyond Axs.Given the OP's read that might suggest he is more of a rock than a TAG, making the river a call
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Call. He could have AK....like said above, what will call you that you have beat at this point?
AK usually would have fought back earlier. The river bet often signifies that an ace with a weak kicker has improved to two pair with a kicker on the board. That hand is going to call a raise.It may be close. Aggressive though I am, however, I think I just call here.
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