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UTG+2 is 17/6/1.77 over 368 handsParty Poker 0.50/1 Hold'em (10 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is UTG+1 with J:diamond:, A:diamond:. Hero raises, Hero calls.Flop: (10.50 SB) 4:spade:, J:club:, T:club: (4 players)Hero bets, CO calls, Hero calls.Turn: (8.25 BB) 5:club: (4 players)Hero checks, UTG+2 bets, CO calls, Hero folds?1) Is my flop bet ok?2) after the raise and call, do I have good enough odds peel one? (should I consider 3 betting...?)3) turn fold is ok, right?Sorry to clog this forum with dumb questions, but I just deposited my roll started playing, and I'm on a downswing; and it feels pretty pathetic not to be able to beat .50/1. So I just want to make sure that the downswing isn't just a huge leak!

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Guest Zach6668
I check-raise the flop and if three bet, call and fold the river unimproved.With his stats, more than likely we are in bad shape if he three bets the flop.
Sounds good to me, I'm a sucker for a showdown though, and I probably make a crying (probably incorrect) call on the river, unless it comes another club. But I definitely check/raise this flop.
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I like leading the flop.I'd like CO to fold a gutshot, a K/Q, etc...c/r flop just buils a bigger pot on a draw heavy board.I think I bet/fold the turn if CO calls two cold again, and call raise if we are HU.I'm not folding TPTK yet...I'm runnig bad too... :club:

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I would be very worried about CO. He is calling 3 cold preflop, and another two bets on the flop..what is your read on him?Further, i like the idea of c/ring the flop. If he 3-bets, call and fold the turn UI. You have to beat two players, and some of your outs might be in their hands.Im not betting out because a raise by him on the flop tells me alot less then a 3-bet.Actuary, what drawing hands is CO calling 3 cold with preflop, assuming an average player?

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I play the same, except I bet/fold the turn against typical opponents. Not so much against opponents who like to bluff-raise on two streets with AK or AQ unimproved, but those players are rare. You probably saved one more bet than I would with your tainted TP. :club:

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Actuary, if 3-bet this usually means an overpair..if he just calls, they are usually still drawing....does this make sense or am i talking censored?Any two clubs for calling three cold? Thats quite loose imo. Ill give him KQo,KQs and AK, JJ, TT, 99,88 if he is an OK player. Pocketpairs down to 22 if he is worse, but they have to be really bad to call with any two clubs..does that really happen?A read would really help.

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3-bet means overpair ???well, sure sometimesmaybe I need to give my opponetes more credit, get more aggressive on flop and fold if their aggression continues.... hmmmVerdimme: put CO on a hand? exactly. he could be calling preflop with a lot of stuff. I don't see him as strong necessarily and certainly not a strong player

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