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turn set, draw heavy

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Been running pretty hot since I started playing on Party again. Forgot to write down reads, but the table was loose and had a lot of new people sitting fairly regularly.. Gametime had the VP$IP of the table at 35-40 all night. Anyway this is hopefully pretty standard but I wanted to check with so many draws. Or if I coulda played for value better that'd be nice to know too. Party Poker 0.50/1 Hold'em (9 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is BB with 9:diamond:, 9:spade:. UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, 3 folds, UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, CO calls, Button calls, SB calls.Raise is standard here right? Flop: (12 SB) 5:heart:, T:spade:, 7:heart: (6 players)SB checks, Hero bets, UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, CO calls, Button calls, SB folds.Not a bad flop for me.. I gotta lead here with no other aggression right?Turn: (8 BB) 9:heart: (4 players)Hero bets, UTG+1 calls, CO calls, Button calls.Don't like the heart, but I have 10 outs to fill up... Calling down to any sudden agression. What if it's three bet back to me? Just take my lumps and hope for help? Should I not be betting this?River: (12 BB) 6:club: (4 players)Hero bets[/colorAgain same thoughts, puts some straights on the board.. should I just check call despite the lack of aggression? I'm thinking of puking and folding if it's two back to me, and a crying call for just one?Thanks for any input.

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Without reading replies:I'm firing until I encounter aggression. I probably do the same as you would on the river--crying call one raise (Though I mentioned elsewhere that people seem to be bluffing me on the river alot for some reason. Maybe selective memory on my part), folding reluctantlyif it's two more back to me.

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I don't fold the turn for two back. (you have redraws galore)I c/c river, probably just 1 bet back... tough... maybe lead out, so I can call one back anbd make sure it's not checked thru..I just don't see us being good enough to put two bets in.

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I don't do it often, but this is probably a good place to bet/fold. You have to value bet the river. Getting it checked through sucks. But if you get raised, you're pretty much done. Unless you think your opponent is so bad, he raises 7 6 or T9.
Really bet/fold when if it gets back to you you're getting 11:1. You dont win 9% of the time here?
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Really bet/fold when if it gets back to you you're getting 11:1. You dont win 9% of the time here?
Against a raise on the end? I don't think so, unless he's a pretty bad player. He'll pay off on the end a lot, but what raises you that you beat? Every hand you beat is afraid of the same draws you are, they won't raise.
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Preflop is good, you have an equity edge.Flop, fine.Turn, good aswell. Call if its two bets two bets back, implied odds are huge if you hit your boat. You get roughly 7:1 on your money, while you only need 4.1:1.River, im check calling. Board is very scary, i think more then 50% of the time you end up calling a raise. So no value in a bet. Check calling might pick off an occasional bluff or worse hand.

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River, im check calling. Board is very scary, i think more then 50% of the time you end up calling a raise. So no value in a bet. Check calling might pick off an occasional bluff or worse hand.
I'm open minded about being wrong bet/folding, but no value in a bet, I disagree. AT/JT calls, T9 calls, 76 calls, possibly even 65 if it's in the hand.A bluff raise possibility probably puts this from bet/fold to bet/call, but the OP didn't give any indication these guys might do it.
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